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So, I was in the gym reading a pamphlet on "Meth". Hitler used it, SS used it, and others used it to varying degrees in WW2. Judging from surviving veterans comments, and the lives they lived post war, most led healthy lives with nice families.

Meth now seems to be a big problem as Crack Cocaine was in the 1980's till now. I've seen both drugs in action, Meth gets my vote for being worse. Is all this hype present day about "6%" only stop using Meth really true, or beneficial media casts?

Why is Meth so widespread now, other than cost, and why did German soldiers drop it post war?

I put this topic in this forum solely because of the first hand daily knowledge of RCMP etc.

Please leave comments because T.V won't specify. ???
Try Google. 

Searching Methamphetamines German Soldiers War works wonders.
Interestingly enough, I practice containing my jealousy and envy with girls at bars. Observe, containment, or act.
Playing on peoples emotions is easier said than done, you can manipulate people without them even knowing what your doing. Psychology class in high school helped expose me to things I didn't think too much about, such as body language. Acting insecure on purpose or acting confident on purpose can reek havoc on peoples conceived perception of ones true personality. You may use is it constructively or destructively depending on what your objective is.

Matt Damon on "Good Will Hunting" was a pro at this type of thing. If you haven't seen it, check it out.
Why is it that I have a feeling you have been here before?

Dunno, maybe the posting style, Choi m'boyo


I was wondering the same.
