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Merit boards for D.E.O.

Well folks, looks like I'll be joining you all in January!  Just got my offer today!  Exactly 27 days after my file was sent to the board!

IAP/BOTP  Jan 8th 2007 to March 9th 2007

Swearing in Dec. 7th
spqr said:
Holy crap, so much to do and get organized.

I hear ya man, I gotta put my house up on the market now, sell one of my cars....
The Forces won't buy cars or help pay for mortgages will they?!?  lol  j/k  I already know the anser to that!

You were Infantry right?  Fun times ahead, I watched the bmq video on google and the Basic Up video and laughed my ass off at the inspection clips.  It seems the only time people get hollered at.  I am sure its not but the videos are good for it.
Yeah I'm going infantry, and don't worry about 'keeping up' with the youngins, I'm just a couple years younger than you are.  Us older guys will show 'em how it's done!

And don't worry about the 5:00 am thing...ya get used to it.  I'm running on 5 hours of sleep a night right now so it'll be nothing for me lol!
windsorftw said:
Yeah I'm going infantry, and don't worry about 'keeping up' with the youngins, I'm just a couple years younger than you are.  Us older guys will show 'em how it's done!

And don't worry about the 5:00 am thing...ya get used to it.  I'm running on 5 hours of sleep a night right now so it'll be nothing for me lol!

Hahaha why does it have to be such a competition!

It looks like it'll be me and Ax holding down the youngin' title for the course, we'll be the ones getting everything done while you line up for the phone every night to call the wife and kids  >:D
xmarcx said:
we'll be the ones getting everything done while you line up for the phone every night to call the wife and kids  >:D

lol your point being?
Whew!  I was really worried you wouldn't be understanding about that.  Glad to see you are. :D

If you need a character witness for your release from the drunk tank on the weekend I'll be there for you.
Haha this is going to be far too much fun, in between all the stress and the getting jacked up and looking like fools, of course.

And really, you all seem like great guys, so why don't we forgot about our age differences and concentrate on what really matters; feeling superior to and/or mocking the other services!  ;D
I just hope the barracks don't start smelling like hospital...I mean old people...arg nevermind. =/ Congrats, see you all there. :D
derael said:
I just hope the barracks don't start smelling like hospital...I mean old people...arg nevermind. =/ Congrats, see you all there. :D

As opposed to diapers?  :)

*Milnet.ca staff edit for site policy*
Experience: 1, Youth: 0

In all honesty I'm pretty happy that the average age looks like it will be 28-30. Coming straight out of the university environment and having mostly worked with/managed 20 year olds for the last few years, I look forward to my peers being mature, responsible, and experienced.
Also, I'm glad you'll all be around to yell at us youngin's when we're moping around missing the random girls we hooked up with before we left and now are utterly convinced we're in love with, and otherwise remind us that that we're generally idiots.  ;)
xmarcx said:
I look forward to my peers being mature, responsible, and experienced.

I guess you can count me out of that category!  Just so you guys know, I was the class clown in grade/high school  ;D

IAP is going to be a lot of fun, I can assure you that!
xmarcx said:
And really, you all seem like great guys, so why don't we forgot about our age differences and concentrate on what really matters; feeling superior to and/or mocking the other services!  ;D

Of course, age is only a number anyhow.  You're only as old as you feel, and frankly, I feel like a 5 year old who just sucked back a pixie stick!  Booo to the air force and navy!  BOO I say!  j/k  ;D
Congratulations widsorftw.  It won't be long now until we really learn the definition of busy.
Congrats to the ones who got in for January!  Hopefully I'll get the call and be joining you.

My recruiter is going on maternity leave so I've had trouble getting info...
I was wondering when the next board is being held.  My file was cleared a month ago (fit to fly/passed trenton), so I want to know if there are still spots open for the January training and when is the next session will be if it's full. 

Apparently there are a few spots left. I've recently had my old file dug up in order to update it and resubmit it. I was told that if I get my *** in gear, submit my new paperwork and everything goes well, I have a chance at getting on the January course myself. If you're paperwork is in already, you should be able to get on.
Before I got my Jan offer I was told that if I missed that one I would have to wait a "couple of months".  I guess that means March?
spqr said:
Before I got my Jan offer I was told that if I missed that one I would have to wait a "couple of months".   I guess that means March?

The next one is in April.

edit. I meant the next officer basic course is in April 07.
ChristopherRobin said:
The next one is in April.

Selection boards are running monthly.  There are 4 IAP crs in Jan (1 French) and nothing else scheduled in the FY (ends March 31st): in the past, there has normally been a summer serial (for ROTPs) and DEO crs in the fall and winter.  We have not seen the FY2007 schedule as yet.