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Merit boards for D.E.O.

windsorftw said:
Well, to be honest...I'm not sure if I will graduate in December or not.  I have finished all my courses for my degree, but my GPA was slightly lower than it should have been (young kids + work full time sux for studying).  Anyhow, I am upgrading a class this semester and hopefully that will be enough to grad.  Going CEOTP will at least allow me to get a degree if this class isn't enough.  If I do grad in december I can switch to DEO I was told so, i'm just covering my bases at this point.

Pretty sound plan. I have nothing but respect for you lot who managed to pull off university with families of your own!
I know what you mean, windsorftw.  I have always felt profoundly bored unless my plate was full, and now I will be trying to pull of Officer training on the other side of the country with a young family to support back home.
It is not certain that I will pass Officer Basic, but I am certain that I must.  That works well for me.  Put your mind to it, and no matter how busy you are, you can graduate in December.
Thanks for the encouragement exsemjingo, you and I are in the same boat....being away and supporting a family will be tough but worth it in the end.  I just hope they can join me after Phase 1 if it's going to take 2 to 3 years to finish Phase 4! 

From what I've gathered from diff posts, there is a board meeting either the 12th or the 15th....I'm keeping my fingers crossed and hoping my file is processed in time!  Though the recruiter was quite optimistic about my chances of getting in under the CEOTP plan but I'll wait and see.
Windsorftw, does it bother you that a nutcase like Tolstoyevsky already has his offer while two charming, polite, sane young men like us are still sweatin' out the wait? 'Cause it's drivin' me nuts!  ;)
Keep in mind, getting in the door doesn't mean you'll be welcomed to stay for the party... He'll either conform to expectations or be shown the door.
xmarcx said:
Windsorftw, does it bother you that a nutcase like Tolstoyevsky already has his offer while two charming, polite, sane young men like us are still sweatin' out the wait? 'Cause it's drivin' me nuts!  ;)

I wouldn't sweat it too much. This is the internet and people can talk a good story.  Remember, this is a guy that wouldn't even complete his profile.  I would bet money on the fact that he is nothing more than another wannabe.

Be patient.  Good things come to those who wait and in my humble opinion it is worth waiting for.  Best of luck and keep us informed of your progress.
xmarcx said:
Windsorftw, does it bother you that a nutcase like Tolstoyevsky already has his offer while two charming, polite, sane young men like us are still sweatin' out the wait? 'Cause it's drivin' me nuts!  ;)

lol xmarcx.  I heard it could take up to a month after the board meeting to get an offer.  Unfortunately for me, I was the victim of an error made by the recruiting staff.  It seems they input incorrect information into their computers.  They had me living at two different places at the same time, needless to say they couldn't process my file.  Yesterday I had to straighten it out  :(  The good news is though, the selection board will be at it again October 12th for Infantry so that's good news for me.  Hang in there xmarcx and I'm sure an offer will come your way!
Where do you find out when the selection board will sit? I'm specifically looking for Pilot / Air Nav DEO selection boards..
Yeah, I was told the same thing from the recruiting center here in Edmonton this week that the offers can take anywhere from weeks to a month to come through. Oh well, I've waited this long, whats another month eh? :D
Magravan said:
Where do you find out when the selection board will sit? I'm specifically looking for Pilot / Air Nav DEO selection boards..

I asked the recruiting staff at my detachment :)  Give them a call and ask Magravan.
windsorftw said:
lol xmarcx.  I heard it could take up to a month after the board meeting to get an offer.  Unfortunately for me, I was the victim of an error made by the recruiting staff.  It seems they input incorrect information into their computers.  They had me living at two different places at the same time, needless to say they couldn't process my file.  Yesterday I had to straighten it out  :(  The good news is though, the selection board will be at it again October 12th for Infantry so that's good news for me.  Hang in there xmarcx and I'm sure an offer will come your way!

That's a travesty. That's a travesty of a mockery of a sham of a mockery of a travesty of two mockeries of a sham!
I'm sure you'll wow the October 12th board though - they'll be starting to feel the chill of the Ottawa fall, feeling nostalgic for the sunny days of summer as the leaves fall from the trees and lamenting that snow is only weeks away, then they'll crack open your file, and their hearts will be filled with warmth when they see what a fine, dedicated candidate they have before them. Failing that...ahh...ask your CFRC if you can slip some studly photos in your file so the boards will have to pick you if only for future PR use  ;D
Well, so much for a month! I got a call today from the recruiting center to inform me that I've been selected. So hopefully most of you will have received or will get that same call. Job offers I guess should be coming out in the next week or so according to the recruiting center here in Edmonton. :)
derael said:
Well, so much for a month! I got a call today from the recruiting center to inform me that I've been selected. So hopefully most of you will have received or will get that same call. Job offers I guess should be coming out in the next week or so according to the recruiting center here in Edmonton. :)


Well I hate reviving old threads but as this pertains to my insterests in the army here goes.

xmarcx, any phone call yet saying you've been selected?  I'm thinking one will come through soon for you, considering your qualifications etc..
Don't forget, the board sits again on the 12th of this month, I'm just hoping the January classes aren't filled up by the time we get selected!  GRR
My file as of last friday was still going through a security clearance, it better be ready to go for this board!

Here's to living the dream marc!    :threat:
windsorftw said:
Well I hate reviving old threads but as this pertains to my insterests in the army here goes.

xmarcx, any phone call yet saying you've been selected?  I'm thinking one will come through soon for you, considering your qualifications etc..
Don't forget, the board sits again on the 12th of this month, I'm just hoping the January classes aren't filled up by the time we get selected!  GRR
My file as of last friday was still going through a security clearance, it better be ready to go for this board!

Here's to living the dream marc!    :threat:


So... I didn't get the call, but...I called them!

First, my file manager...well...they had no idea what was going on. They couldn't find any evidence that my file had been seen by a board or anything, and I was referred up to my career councillor. He shuffled through many papers, looked at my file, said he couldn't see anything. Then all of a sudden he goes, oh, your name is on this list...let me check....ahh....oh...congratulations, you've got a job.


1st Choice, Infantry Officer, January!

Congrats marc!
My buddy is on his IAP right now, INF too... you may end up on CAP together (if you have your language profile). In any event, IM JEALOUS!  Wish I could apply!
Well hopefully we'll all see each other in January. :D I've been selected but still no job offer, but maybe it's just coming down the line. When did you receive your offer xmarcx?
derael said:
Well hopefully we'll all see each other in January. :D I've been selected but still no job offer, but maybe it's just coming down the line. When did you receive your offer xmarcx?

No official offer either - what do you think, are they planning a pre-Thanksgiving surprise or a belated Thanksgiving present?

Either way, I shall return to my SOP of hugging my file manager voodoo doll that has gotten me through these most trying times  ;D