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Merit boards for D.E.O.

xmarcx said:
I hope everything works out for bringing your families up guys. Like I've said before, that you're all embarking on this despite the wives and kids is impressive, that's dedication all right. And though it may be painful for your children at first, they will appreciate it when
a: you show up in to school in cadpat to pick up them up one day and they tell all their friends you're a ninja, and
b: when your dental plan allows them to get quality, uncrooked teeth.

They'll thank you later, really.

I'm definently in for the full 33 week SLT course...oh boy.

Thanks Marc, appreciate the sympathy!  I wish I'd have thought of this BEFORE having children, but alas what can ya do.  Better late than never eh!

On a side note, what's everyone's batallion of choice after all of our training is done?
Personally, I was thinking about 1 or 3 PPCLI or 1 RCR, as my 3 choices, but my wife shocked me when she said she wouldn't mind living in Quebec, so perhaps R22eR is our destination!

xmarcx said:
1 or 3 PPCLI, hopefully!
Right on bro, I don't want to get stuck in Shilo!  ;D
Then again, after the storm that just hit Edmonton.......Petawawa is looking a little more appealing for this southern Ontario boy.
I have family in northern Alberta so Edmonton (PPCLI 1 or 3) would be nice but I don't really care for my first placement.  Shilo and Pet are next to parks and wilderness.  Those would be high on my list. 

My brother in law joined the RCMP this year and he wound up in a place he had never thouight of.  Absolutely didn't register on his choices of provinces and then on his choices in that province.  I am ready to go anywhere.  I am looking forward to Gagetown to see what that place is like.

I just think it's cruel to make a single guy move to Shilo, especially once he's been to university and seen the never ending variety of women he could be sleeping with, is all! ;)
I met a married couple that were in the artillery in Shilo and they hated it because it was far from a town and the winters were isolating.  They didn't care that there was a park next to the base and were more interested in a larger centre where they could do things at night and on the weekends.

My wife and I just moved off a 1100 acre ranch in the Rockies - naturally we wouldn't mind those kinds of places.

I also heard the stuff about young singles that want access to a larger 'market'.  Whatever, I bet most of them wind up marrying other members anyway...
spqr said:
I met a married couple that were in the artillary in Shilo and they hated it because it was far from a town and the winters were isolating.  They didn't care that there was a park next to the base and were more interested in a larger centre where they could do things at night and on the weekends.

And that's exactly why I'm leaning towards Edmonton or Gagetown...at least the bases are pretty close to major cities and would provide weekend entertainment for the family.
I want the Dragoons! It's local, and it means visiting my family on weekends ( they can't move up with me yet )... If I go to Edmonton, I'll have a few members of my extended family (and maybe my wife's family), but I wont get home nearly as often to see my kids... So, if my say has any effect on where I get stationed, I'll be in Pet.
3 PPCLI....if not 1 will do.  ;D If not 3 22eR.

What can I say...the RCR has no appeal to me! Now watch me get posted there haha
If you have enough wine, any posting can be enjoyable.
So... how is the Petawawa valley for grape growing? 
It is rivaled only by the Alabama Polo club. I hear that on Sundays they have an excellent fava bean and chianti tasting.

exsemjingo said:
So... how is the Petawawa valley for grape growing? 

Brewers Edge on Boundary Road (Pembroke) has a very fine collection of 'grapes' and 'Hops'.  ;D
37 days and a haircut boys!

Hope everyone has their lives together. I'm finding it surprisingly difficult to get rid of furniture. Oh, why oh why did I ever buy a couch? Is that what being married is like? Having to move and having no idea what to do with heavy immobile things?  ;D

xmarcx said:
37 days and a haircut boys!

Hope everyone has their lives together. I'm finding it surprisingly difficult to get rid of furniture. Oh, why oh why did I ever buy a couch? Is that what being married is like? Having to move and having no idea what to do with heavy immobile things?  ;D

Why are you getting rid of your furniture?
hopeful_officer_girl said:
Why get rid of it when can put it in storage?

Yes, that is what I was wondering. Especially when the CF was kind enough to do it for me/flick the bill (I declined seeing as I have no real furniture). Oh well, maybe he had ugly furniture and was looking for an excuse to get rid of it. :P
old man neri said:
Oh well, maybe he had ugly furniture and was looking for an excuse to get rid of it. :P

LOL it's run of the mill cheapest available at IKEA student furniture, and I've moved too many times as it is, you can only take that junk apart so many times before its all over. Besides, by the time the CF says I can settle down somewhere for a few years, I hope to have enough money to buy something that doesn't scream, "This guy here, he is poor!"
*lol* Away you foul couch of poorness! I will suffer you no longer!

And no, being married is entirely different... Your couch wont cry  >:D

(and, you wont want to trade them in when you have more money... Well, I wont at least ;))
Magravan said:
(and, you wont want to trade them in when you have more money... Well, I wont at least ;))

My dad did that twice! Don't knock on my family's traditions! ;)
I knew someone would have a witty comment to it, so I thought it would be best to add the caveat beforehand ;D