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Merged Child Custody in CF thread (joint custody, etc.)

JBoyd said:
I am aware of how child support is calculated, which raises another concern: Is the paying parent's income figured out through income tax and NOA's? If so then this character has not filed taxes in at least 5 years (he is somewhat of a hardcore conspiracy theory nut)

T4s are one way to calculate the person's income but its not the only one that the court can use. In the end, the court can order that his wages be garnished if he refuses to pay or rpovide the required employment information.
Thank you all for your advice.

Newt, when my girlfriend and I reconciled the first thing I told her was that I would accept that child and raise it as my own. Despite being from another father it shares blood relation with my own children and that is enough for me (I was raised to think that being a father was a lot more than just blood, also I am not sure what BZ means). We are not responding to any of his correspondence, and in by doing so is letting him dig his own grave.

As soon as we can we are going to apply for Legal Aid and get a lawyer, we are also in the process of moving in case he takes a dive into the deep end so to speak.

I think all in all my biggest worry is not that he will get sole custody or that the child would be taken away, it is that my understanding is that sole custody is not easy to achieve and if custody is joint it leaves my career in his hands. Perhaps not my career specifically but he would control whether or not my family could or could not move out of the province to be with me wherever I was posted.

I will apply for guardianship and custody of this child along with my girlfriend if it is permitted, as well as will be signing the birth certificate as co-parent. Is there any chance that being in the application process for the CF will be looked favourably upon by the courts? or perhaps will be looked upon favourably if there ever comes a time when we must petition the court for permission to move the child outside of the province?
BZ = Bravo Zulu = Kudos, congratulations, that kinda stuff.

#1 if you are married, the 1st two kids are yours & this one comes along.... I would imagine that the courts will consider that the relationship is relatively solid (xcept for dalliance with boy blunder).
Ahh ok, was not aware of what BZ meant but thanks :)

Geo, that is what I am hoping for too, we were planning to get married anyways so this doesn't change that or have us in a marriage where resentment could build. In all honesty our separation in a ways strengthened our relationship (sounds weird but it would be a very long explanation).

For those that wish to stay aware of this situation I will post regular updates, Our first step is to contact a lawyer and get married. We also have a move ahead of us and a large amount of purging, which will most likely result in a couple of garage sales.

Once again I would like to thank everyone for their advice, there are many things mentioned that I would have never thought to request or do.
Skip joining the army.  Write all this stuff down, then pitch it to the networks. It's pure HBO gold, I tell ya.
First off you have my support for doing this.

For the phone:
- yes, get rogers to get that info if posible.
- But first, take pictures of the phone showing the model and serial if posible (serial number is behid the battery so do it last), the phone's number displayed, the date it shows. Then take pictures of the mailbox (text messg.) shoing the list of messages then the message itself including the time/date and source. Better if you take them with a film camera. If you have a digital camera, get a small memory card for the phone and use it only for these pictures. If you transfer them to a computer, don't use any program to download them. You can open the phone as attached storage and copy them using explorer. Don't use any program to touch them up. The programs that edit the file will change the headder information and that is not good.

- as for moving, and someone with more knowledge correct me if I'm wrong, since the baby is not borne yet I think you two are free to move to wherever you like.

Anyway, keep it up and be proactive - but don't do anything to hasty.
good luck with that and with joining up.

An update for those who are following this and have provided me with advice:

While we have been talking to lawyers and getting everything into order for when the time comes, my gf (soon to be wife) was diagnosed with gestational diabetes today. I am not entirely educated on it so I cannot inform you specifically what it is, only that it can be very serious and that she now must see doctors much more often as well as be on a specialized diet. I have been told that there is a chance that if it doesn't get into check that she can lose the baby or worse.
Just make sure your gf follows the doctors orders WRT diet/ activity levels.  Gestational diabetes can also cause higher birthweight.  Good luck to you both and I hope your journey isn't a long drawn out one. 

Lil_T said:
Just make sure your gf follows the doctors orders WRT diet/ activity levels.  Gestational diabetes can also cause higher birthweight.  Good luck to you both and I hope your journey isn't a long drawn out one.

WRT birthweight, my gf was told that at its current size if it continues on the same path it will be 11 pounds at birth and will most likely require a c-section. she isn't to happy about that so we plan on doing what we can to get it into check
Going good so far, and it looks like my application process is somewhat on hold for now, waiting for my medical and interview to be scheduled. Due to the hot trades getting priority I am at the lower end of the list, and the Kelowna remote is usually always booked full so I might be waiting a few months for my booking, as well it looks like it will be 1-4 months (if not more) for my medical to be looked over by AUMB and for me to be assigned an Air Factor. I will probably have a good amount of time to get things sorted out here at home before I am merit listed. Although I know by saying that I am probably going to jinx myself
Just an update, My GF and I got married earlier today :)
Good gawd JB - so much for temporary insanity :)

Thanks everyone, just waiting on the baby to be born now, should be any day now (she is scheduled to have it induced on the 20th due to the GDM)
well double congratulations! May's quite the busy month :)
Well her doctors seemed to be pretty confident in her control of her blood-glucose levels so they decided not to induce. She gave birth naturally (read no drugs other then N2O, although I am sure she would have liked to have had an epidural if the anaesthesiologist wasn't so busy) at 0242 this morning to a healthy, quite loud, baby boy. Have not decided on a name as of yet as both baby and mother were quite tired afterwards. I just got home myself from the hospital so I plan on getting some sleep as well.

I plan on updating with the more pertinent legal information as it develops.