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Memories of Pain and Smiles


Army.ca Veteran
Reaction score
03 September 2006 Panjawi early morning C-Coy engaged a superior number of entrenched Taliban insurgents just across the Arghandab river. We fought hard did some impressive fighting that day, but I have moved past that day when I was hurt or I thought I had anyway. Today I started my process to get back to my Company, The Company the fighting men Charles. I finished my l sick leave and went to work to get my kit which had returned from theater.

I went through it barrack Box by barrack box till I came to the box which contained the kit I had on me that day. My ID card stained with my blood, my 404's were the same. I smiled at it all remembering the guys that had patched me up. Then I found my helmet, on the side was the marking which actually caused my eyes to well up... M 0922.... for those not in the know that means Morphine given at 0922hrs, I remember the medic giving it to me I remember the American PA who was joking with me about the pain and my 600m run with him previous to my getting hit as my buddy auto injected the Morphine into my hip. My eyes welled up not because of that but because it put a time to the death of my friends. I remember watching one fad as the medics worked, it haunts him still we have talked about it. My watch which was on the arm its beside me rubber/plastic band torn and cut from the shrapnel. But like the Timex commercial says "Takes a licking, Keeps on ticking" the mechanism itself is still keeping perfect time...I should show Timex I think.

Now I sit on my couch typing this thinking back and knowing that I am OK with that day and the things I did to and for people. I'm ready mentally to get back in the game, physically too as I see the base surgeon on Monday I could be out the door well let's just say soon. And I really am ready now I just the need the green light and the JM to give the word.

Now to the ARMY.ca community I thank you all deeply. From Mike Bobbit who was in Ottawa when I got off the plane with contraband "pop" to Sig Des who was by my bedside the second I was in town till I was moved to Petawawa, Tess who 's number was given and I was told to call no matter what time (though I never called Tess trust me I almost did 100 times)All the Pm's of thanks to many to list each one read and if not replied to it was simply because of being overwhelmed by emotion at all your support. Had it not been for the people on this site I'm not sure I would have healed mentally or physically you all were there for me at the worst times even when most of you didn't even know how bad I got from time to time. I am still guilty about somethings though that is normal and I am ok with it. But The membership of this site has given me more then I could ever hope to give back.

Thank you all so very much

I am SO GLAD that you are healing, both physically and otherwise.  Now, get back in there, soldier! :D


Keep safe.

Say hello to some of them ol'guys for me kid when you get back.Good to see you heeled up and are gettin back in the saddle. Have fun and don't  play nice....
HoM, thank you for your service and your tenacity to return from injury and serve again. An inspiration to future recruits.  :salute: :cdn:
I hope you get back there soon, buddy.  I wish I could go with you. 
Take care of our boys.


Stick on the ice HoM...

Don't forget to send me your mukluks... ;D

I heard your wife say she's pushing you down a flight
of stairs before you get a chance to return....

Heads up pal....  ;)
glad to hear you are making such good progress.  Thank you for your service to this great country of ours.  God bless............

well heck if you're still in the area boss, don't be afraid to have come a beer and tell me how good ol charles is doing. I haven't heard from any of those boys in weeks now!
you have done what needs to be done,glad you are so welling to go back and finish what you started,stay hard and alive :salute: :cdn: :cdn: