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Meet and Greet in Gagetown?


Army.ca Legend
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Has anyone thought of one of these?  I mean, due to all the courses going on here and all those posting about coming here for CAP, etc, why not?  (Not that I could attend, but even so, kinda feel left out)  :crybaby:
I would definitely be interested in a Meet -n- Greet in Gagetown this summer schedule permitting, of course. 

That being said, I am more interested in a FreddieBeach meet-n-greet, than Gagetown literally!!!  :D
We have had a successful meeting once or twice at Griffiths at the Canex in the last couple of years.  If done on a reasonable night most Staff or Augmentees to the Schools and Base Pers can make it.  Students on Crse have a bit more of a problem.  This summer should be a reasonably good year for Army.ca turn out at the Schools.
Do we all have to dress the same ?

Are non-issued civilian clothes  allowed ?

I'll have to see Armyvern about getting some issued then.  I am sure that she will be able to bring a Triwall to the bar so the rest of us can be issued some civie clothes too. 
In all seriousness, we *could* make this a Frency's night.  Did that on my Phase III grad party.  I went as a generic member of the Rolling Stones.  I had a wig, the clothes, EVERYTHING.  Heck, the barmaid thought my hair was mine :D

For those that don't know, Frenchy's is a used clothing outlet.  You go there (maximum spending amount: 20 bucks) and outfit yourself.  The more plaid, the better.  It's a hoot!  Then we go to Griffin's and get tanked :D
Now we are talking, Von Garvin!!!

... and the funky clothes don't preclude a trip to Fredericton, it just makes it that much more interesting! 8)
scoutfinch said:
Now we are talking, Von Garvin!!!

... and the funky clothes don't preclude a trip to Fredericton, it just makes it that much more interesting! 8)
And, you must know, by Gagetown, I certainly don't mean "village of" or "Combat Training Centre".  Oromocto (or Freddy) would do fine.

Then there's St John.

The Three Mile!!! I almost remember that place... it was a VERY good night.
You guys time things right in July and I'll be able to make what with Pre Dep leave.... keep me posted guys I would love to swing on by, I'll be in NS for 2 weeks anyway and it's only 4 hours from where I saty to Freddy and I would make the drive.
HitorMiss said:
You guys time thins right in July and I'll be able to make what with Pre Dep leave.... keep me posted guys I would love to swing on by, I'll be in NS for 2 weeks anyway and it's only 4 hours from where I saty to Freddy and I would make the drive.

When are you in NS because we are tentatively planning a Halifax RV?
Not sure dates as they havent given us any more info other then we leave in August and take Pre Dep leave in July, I figure well get 30+ days with 14 Dre Dep and the rest Annual...I will keep all posted as I would like to see a few of you people before I take off (not that Von Garvin fellow though I hear bad things about him....Mortar guy's they aren't right)
sounds like a plan!  F'ton would be good or Oromocto (now that they have a good motel).  A base tour would be a good idea for those of us who haven't been there in a while!
HitorMiss said:
(not that Von Garvin fellow though I hear bad things about him....Mortar guy's they aren't right)

What?  I can't hear you!?!?!  Your heels weren't together and the wind rushing through deafened me


(Ain't nothing wrong with mortar guys!)  :D

Well, maybe NOW there is, now that Herbies have them  :crybaby:
vonGarvin said:
What?  I can't hear you!?!?!  Your heels weren't together and the wind rushing through deafened me

YES Sir....Sorry Sir...Wont Happen Again Sir...

Can I fetch your water Sir???...Make your Bed Sir???

HitorMiss said:
YES Sir....Sorry Sir...Wont Happen Again Sir...
Can I fetch your water Sir???...Make your Bed Sir???
ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rofl:
VonGarvin, you would actually let HoM near your bed?  ;D
hmmmm... pea.... good question.  Let's await an answer, shall we?
