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mediocre1 Re: Int Op course

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The_Dictat said:
The main problem is that the school lacks space to run multiple courses.  Because it deals with classified material, they can't use a regular class room.

The QL5A backlog is not that significant.

Is intel op considered a trainee to become a full-pledged Military intelligence officer?

According to a book I read, Military intellligence is also dictated by his profession to unmask moles in the Ministry of National Defence and Canadian Army. Am I right?

Are intel ops and Military intelligence officer privileged to  issue Miranda rights warnings to any person committing impropriety like sellling secrets to a foreign government?
mediocre1 said:
Is intel op considered a trainee to become a full-pledged Military intelligence officer?

According to a book I read, Military intellligence is also dictated by his profession to unmask moles in the Ministry of National Defence and Canadian Army. Am I right?

Are intel ops and Military intelligence officer privileged to  issue Miranda rights warnings to any person committing impropriety like sellling secrets to a foreign government?
Oh man, they just keep coming  ;D  Short-bus answer: no, no, and no.

1. Int Op and IntO are two different, complementary vocations; there is no NCM "farm team" trade in the CF in which the troops are considered "trainees" to be become officers.  (And I just assumed you meant 'full-fledged' as opposed to a "full-pledged," or well-dusted, IntO  ;) )

2. Your book was crap. Counter-intelligence is a police security function, not intelligence; think CSIS/Military Police. (Oh and those pesky, treasonous moles are subverting our government from within a Department of National Defence, not a Ministry).

3. Notwithstanding Mr Miranda never having lived in Canada, "sellling secrets to a foreign government" is police jurisdiction, not an Intelligence problem.

Nice obsessions you've got going in these threads though.  :nod:

15 posts and -4,000 MilPoints....Mods deleting your posts....dismissive mocking....hang on....one might think there was some sort of.....conspiracy to silence your warnings!!  :o 
Journeyman said:
Oh man, they just keep coming  ;D  Short-bus answer: no, no, and no.

1. Int Op and IntO are two different, complementary vocations; there is no NCM "farm team" trade in the CF in which the troops are considered "trainees" to be become officers.  (And I just assumed you meant 'full-fledged' as opposed to a "full-pledged," or well-dusted, IntO  ;) )

2. Your book was crap. Counter-intelligence is a police security function, not intelligence; think CSIS/Military Police. (Oh and those pesky, treasonous moles are subverting our government from within a Department of National Defence, not a Ministry).

3. Notwithstanding Mr Miranda never having lived in Canada, "sellling secrets to a foreign government" is police jurisdiction, not an Intelligence problem.

Nice obsessions you've got going in these threads though.  :nod:

15 posts and -4,000 MilPoints....Mods deleting your posts....dismissive mocking....hang on....one might think there was some sort of.....conspiracy to silence your warnings!!  :o

Browse the web, go to US Defense Forces Forum and you will see a post that confirms that US Military intelligence are privileged to issue Miranda rights warning to anyone committing impropriety.

Read a book by Marcus Wolfe on German intelliigence, German military intelligence is dictated  by their profession to unmask moles. Actually the story tells of a mole who had to cut the chains of a vault connected to a pole. Military intelligence took jurisdiction.
Browse the web.

Look up above the US, and to the left, across that big blue wavy thing, from Germany.

That would be Canada you see.

It's a different country from your otherwise wonderful sources. But thanks for playing along.
Journeyman said:
Browse the web.

Look up above the US, and to the left, across that big blue wavy thing, from Germany.

That would be Canada you see.

It's a different country from your otherwise wonderful sources. But thanks for playing along.

;D I have so many plans for CF Military intelligence, my friend journeyman. I would like to vest powers in them to spy on Arab terrorists and subversive Lefties in campuses. The Left are eating the cake and having them too. In East Germany, the whole military establishment are allowed to spy on dissidents. We should too.
Ahh, nothing like a cup of tea and the readings of a moron to start my day......
And no the Evil Left never coerced me to bump you up to C&P. You did it all on your own. Next step will be a Ban. Your choice mediocre.....
mediocre1 said:
;D I have so many plans for CF Military intelligence, my friend journeyman. I would like to vest powers in them to spy on Arab terrorists and subversive Lefties in campuses. The Left are eating the cake and having them too. In East Germany, the whole military establishment are allowed to spy on dissidents. We should too.

If any of your CF plans or dreams reflect the quality of your posts here I suggest having a plan B close by.
mediocre1 said:
and subversive Lefties in campuses. The Left are eating the cake and having them too.

Yes, I'm sure that the hippies on campus that spend their time protesting corporate sponsorship of universities and growing their own organic vegetables are a huge threat to national security.  ::)
mediocre1 said:
;D I have so many plans for CF Military intelligence, my friend journeyman. I would like to vest powers in them to spy on Arab terrorists and subversive Lefties in campuses. The Left are eating the cake and having them too. In East Germany, the whole military establishment are allowed to spy on dissidents. We should too.

Ummm, not to question your obvious genius like grasp of international affairs, but you are aware that there hasn't been an East Germany for damn near 20 years now, aren't you?
Kat Stevens said:
Ummm, not to question your obvious genius like grasp of international affairs, but you are aware that there hasn't been an East Germany for damn near 20 years now, aren't you?

So, that whole end-of-the-cold-war collapse-of-the-ironcurtain charade fooled you too, huh?

How do you know the black, invisible, silent helicopters aren't built by Kamov or Mil?
Those insidious godless heathen commie pinkos have fooled the entire world into believing they collapsed under their own weight!  Is there no end to their evil genius?  The horror...the...horror...

I needed a good laugh today.

Wow.....very, very......ummmm.....wow!


Actually, it is more like......

:pop:  :cheers:
mediocre1 said:
Is intel op considered a trainee to become a full-pledged Military intelligence officer?

According to a book I read, Military intellligence is also dictated by his profession to unmask moles in the Ministry of National Defence and Canadian Army. Am I right?

Are intel ops and Military intelligence officer privileged to  issue Miranda rights warnings to any person committing impropriety like sellling secrets to a foreign government?


I believe we missed the point that Mediocre is trying to make. He is talking about the Ministry of National Defense not the Department of National Defence.

Yes Mediocre, Intel Ops Operatives are issued Miranda rights, as the Ministry felt that the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, sounded too corporationy as they sat in their corporation buildings....

We're guards arrr, ya guarrrds rrrr....



LOL nothing perks up a bad day like the incessant ramblings of a fool.

mediocre1 please read my signature....
OK, he's on C&P. Effectively, listening silence and can't respond to the 'jabs'. So in the interest of fairness.............


Milnet.ca Staff
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