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LFCA TC is the postage stamp-sized parcel of land that sanity, reason, and civilization forgot. They may send the bastard children of Battalion there, but I imagine they also use it as a punishment posting as well. The biggest joke in Meaford is the big "Pass No Fault" signs just past the gate and on the mess hall. Whichever tight-ass sargeant major put those there (and I'd guess it was Leclair or a stoolie of his) overlooked the fact that the whole damn base is one big fault. And yes, Owen Sound is as shitty and backwater as it sounds. Ask any former Gay and SF guy who escaped and they will tell you no lies. If the information vaccuum and isolation of staring at the shack walls starts to get to you and you just have to go into town to hit the Harb or Beach Boys, roll with no less than a section for mutual fire support, and play nice with Billy Bob and Cletus and the rest of the mullets who managed to dodge the coat hanger for nine months( and I say that as a guy who himself comes from a town of under 1000).

Porticullisguy, tell Wilson his #2 from Blanding says "Whassuuuuup" and passes on his condolences on the petty shit (hell, tell Day I said hi too...). Hope Pet comes diddy mow for you lads.

I must say you always bring me back to earth. The "Never Pass a Fault" thing? I have never in my life heard such an overused, archaic, and hypocritical phrase. It doesn't apply to them, only those they wish to impose it on. I was in Meaford when the signs first went up. They had them everywhere. You couldn't swing a dead cat without hitting one. This was before the rooms had doors, etc. They stripped the Amoured stuff from the messes and put up all their stuff, turned it into a RCR Battle School, ran roughshod over anything that wasn't Blue and Gold. Imposed their status on anyone. The LDSH (RC) were there taking the first Coyote course and a sign dissappeared. Just a small one from the shack. They were gone by the time it was noticed. A Base lockdown occured and everything and everywhere was searched for the little sign.  Anyway, there's a big fault (geographical) up near Wawa, Ont (I think). They should take the whole Regt up there and not let them "pass" until they fill it in ;D
They do tend to push, don't they.

I couldn't believe the Meaford of my youth had turned into , into...into what it has. Very depressing to remember all the fun I had there in the late '80's and then to compare it with the present day. (shakes head)

If the RCR battleschool had moved onto a normal base they wouldn't be able to run roughshod over the whole place...But since (in there eyes) its only the CTC, they don't really care who they offend, do they?

For RESERVE folks going through Summer or any other timeframe BMQ, do they send you to Borden or Meaford if your from the Niagara Region/GTA??? Or either or depending on what room/facilities avail? Just trying to figure out where I'm headed!!! I believe the folks from Linc's+Winks (my future unit) went to Meaford this year, can anyone confirm?

  You will likely go to Meaford.. Borden forget it. If you're Lic & Wel you may be decentralized this summer, which means you will not go to Meaford, but instead you will go to London. That is unlikely though.

Marauder... your comments.... are a perfect analysis of Meaford.
Marauder said:
And yes, Owen Sound is as shitty and backwater as it sounds. Ask any former Gay and SF guy who escaped and they will tell you no lies. If the information vaccuum and isolation of staring at the shack walls starts to get to you and you just have to go into town to hit the Harb or Beach Boys, roll with no less than a section for mutual fire support, and play nice with Billy Bob and Cletus and the rest of the mullets who managed to dodge the coat hanger for nine months( and I say that as a guy who himself comes from a town of under 1000).

All i can say is that this "Gay and SF" guy tells you to watch it. I know for dam sure that i dont F***** appreciate it how the whole dammed area thinks that because we dont live in the mighty GTA we are hicks who "dodged the coat hanger for nine months". I happen to have alot of friends from OS, oh and again with the perpetuating things.
roll with no less than a section for mutual fire support
Guys, you need to not beat the crap outa the population, I tend to be there alot more than most of you, and i dont like going out because the civis there say that some army guys beat up his buddy so they see us as a group of "army" guys so they must exact revenge. Its a pain in the ass, and I ask all of you to not go out expecting a fight, you do that, and chances are you will take anythign as a provocation, and get in a fight.
I swear to God the "Gay" was a typo. Honest. LMAO I've worked with enough G&SF guys to trust most to have my back. (Besides a certain WO who runs like a robot...) But c'mon, there are some real telephone-pole family tree types there, you can't deny it. Like I said, I'm the type who learned to drive behind the wheel of a tractor, but there's a difference between a country boy and a 'neck, and you can appreciate it Owen Sound. Just my personal observation.
Oh, and I detest the GTA waaay more than anyplace in Gray County, FWIW.
Never had the pleasure of a night off to grow for a brew during my limited time at Mudford. However the locals situation kind of sounds similar to what one finds (or at least I did at one time) outside the main gate at Gagetown, Aldershot, Wainwright, Baden Soelingen, and come to think of it certain bars in Halifax.(â Å“for the last time lady I'm not off any %(*&^^% ship ladyâ ?)

Nice of the governemt to situate military bases in economically depressed rural areas eh, so that a few locals can get jobs.

Of course then dump a battalion or so of testostrone filled young guys with wallets full of money into the area on a Saturday night to compete with the locals who are often at a financial disadvantage with the limited amount of available ladies, who in turn of course have to go back to Johnny Mullet the next day or week when Cpl Gustaf finishes his course and goes home, toss in some booze and watch the fun and games eh. :o
Danjanou said:
Never had the pleasure of a night off to grow for a brew during my limited time at Mudford. However the locals situation kind of sounds similar to what one finds (or at least I did at one time) outside the main gate at Gagetown, Aldershot, Wainwright, Baden Soelingen, and come to think of it certain bars in Halifax.(â Å“for the last time lady I'm not off any %(*&^^% ship ladyâ ?)

Nice of the governemt to situate military bases in economically depressed rural areas eh, so that a few locals can get jobs.

Of course then dump a battalion or so of testostrone filled young guys with wallets full of money into the area on a Saturday night to compete with the locals who are often at a financial disadvantage with the limited amount of available ladies, who in turn of course have to go back to Johnny Mullet the next day or week when Cpl Gustaf finishes his course and goes home, toss in some booze and watch the fun and games eh. :o

Don't forget Petawawa in your list of non-economical towns. Sounds like Pembroke on a thursday when all the single moms are looking for the fresh meat. Surprisingly enough, a Pte's salary can buy a good amount of formula and diapers.

And remember guys: Never Pass A Fault
i liked fishin around meaford,owin sound,when i was there.there wasn't many bars or woman,there was a small peeler bar,in 88.speakin of PET any body remember SASSY'S... >:D
What WAS the name of the ripper bar in Owen Sound anyways??? Man that place was rotten...
You can't go from London peelers to Owen Sound, it's just not right at all. :crybaby:
Anybody remember Meaford in the 1970's? Now...THAT was desolation. Nothing but iron-hard clay, weird trees, abandoned WWII shacks..oh, and tank ruts...lots and lots of tank ruts. It's a whole hell of a lot more civilized now. Cheers.
What WAS the name of the ripper bar in Owen Sound anyways??? Man that place was rotten...

Its called Smugglers, above The Harb.

And WAY more anal, not to mention "living in a fairy tail world"

Man, its the Battleschool. The whole idea is to cock the troops in every way possible. The "fairy tale world" is designed to be harsher then reality, so troops and commanders know they can take anything the Battalion can throw at them farther down the road. Thats the army's way of instilling discipline, professionalism, and the ability to work under stress.
The whole idea is to **** the troops in every way possible.

    True, but they F@#K the staff just as hard. No offence, but you wear the eight pointed star, and that really goes along way there. I may be speaking out of context, as you may have been a reservist at some point, but believe me ARC is a nightmare.
I can't believe some of the trash talking about Owen Sound. Owen Sound is  21,000 pers, lots of great outdoor activities, small town'ish, where everybody knows everybody. The typical small town. If you expect or think you're going to leave Meaford in a taxi for a night at Smug's or Beach Brothers and get a snoot full of booze and not act properly in pubic as a CF member, then you're very mistaken.

I've been on course at Meaford, and had the pleasure of working with the senior NCO's and Officers, both as DO and staff.  As DO, typically on weekends, I would always check with the OS police as to how many members they had in drunk tank  I've personally sorted out some members in Smug's who spilled their beers all over â Å“perverts rowâ ?, soaked their smokes (all bars and restaurants are now smoke free in Grey â “ Bruce) with the same beer and kept stealing the ball cap off the mentally handicapped guy. Sound familiar? Great fun eh? Give us all a break from your arrested development.

We don't mind everyone having a great time. We have a great times too. If you behave yourself and act like an adult, after Smug's closes you can usually met the ladies from upstairs, downstairs after work at the Harb â “ if that's that you into. If you want to risk your perfect dental record across the street at Beach Bros, go right ahead. Keep in mind some of the patrons go there for one thing and one thing only â “ to watch the dustups or start the dustups. One night of foolish boozing isn't worth a lifetime of dentures, crowns and caps. There's always a very heavy police presence outside both establishments, with a paddy wagon ready to roll. Some folks think it's absolutely hysterical to climb on top of a police cruiser and urinate all over it. Great fun eh?

In short, if you behave yourself you'll have a great time, if you behave like a citidiot, you can expect to be treated like one. Great fun eh?

PS: To us townies, that area is know as â Å“Damnation Cornersâ ? verses three blocks away, â Å“Salvation Cornersâ ? and the four churches on each side of the intersection.
I've been on course at Meaford, and had the pleasure of working with the senior NCO's and Officers, both as DO and staff.  As DO, typically on weekends, I would always check with the OS police as to how many members they had in drunk tank  I've personally sorted out some members in Smug's who spilled their beers all over â Å“perverts rowâ ?, soaked their smokes (all bars and restaurants are now smoke free in Grey â “ Bruce) with the same beer and kept stealing the ball cap off the mentally handicapped guy. Sound familiar? Great fun eh? Give us all a break from your arrested development.

What are you talking about man? What the hell is DO? And why would you check with the OS police on weekends, and why would you care who is in the drunk tank? And what does working with SnNCO's and Officers have to with ones conduct in OS? That was the most confusing thing I've read on this site.
What are you talking about man? What the heck is DO? .

"Duty Officer"  What Army did you say you were in again?

And why would you check with the OS police on weekends, and why would you care who is in the drunk tank?

Because this is what DOs do, and because we have a responsibility to our soldiers who get arrested by the civil police. Get out much?

And what does working with SnNCO's and Officers have to with ones conduct in OS? That was the most confusing thing I've read on this site

Perhaps if you went back and read his post again you'd get his points more clearly. You have mixed up two unrelated issues, thereby confusing things. Cheers.