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Fallen Comrade
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what is biq life for reg in inf  meadford ...would do a search but im in basic now not enogh time lol
Benoit said:
what is biq life for reg in inf   meadford ...would do a search but im in basic now not enogh time lol

If you are spening the winter there hope you have a warm coat. lol

And lots to do the base gets snowed in a lot.  ;D
As mentioned before, watch for the tank ruts, they are EVERYWHERE in the training area. I personally rolled my ankle more than enough times over the course of this past summer, and it takes a while for your ankle to fully recuperate since there isn't much time for you to rest.

So just be careful. As for life in and around Meaford, if you get leave, go to Owen Sound, and not the town of Meaford, there is far more stuff to do in Owen Sound.. the town of Meaford is relatively small and boring from what I experienced. Smuggler's is a good place to checkout in Owen Sound ;)
Watch out for your buddies in Owen Sound. The civvie guys are pretty territorial, and not usually too fond of army dinks walking around like we own the place. Avoid trouble, but if it comes down to a choice of being charged or watching another candidate get knocked out... well.. ask yourself what you think your Warrant would do. And contrary to what MikeM said, I'd stay away from Smugglers. The girls arn't that good looking and the house rules are pretty tight, especially compared to Erotica or other places in Quebec that you've probably been to.

Compared to BMQ, its more cock but you'll get used to it. There's more field time, but you'll get used to that too. Pay no attention to the horror stories the senior classes tell you. Any field ex they got through you can too. I'm sure you heard horror stories about Farnham, but after BIQ you'll look back and see how much of a joke it was.

Here's a few pics from my BIQ.

Well of course you can't compare anything in Quebec to Smuggler's... thats just unfair! However, Smuggler's isn't all that bad, although I didn't spend a whole bunch of time there.. went to Wasaga once and the rest I just went home and hit the bar scene back home.
hahaha I didnt know $80  could go so far in quebec lol...but we wont get into that lol.....anyways boys weapons test andall that good stuff comming up this week. How much harder is sq then bmq...because this placeis a joke...thanks once again
ahh... you didnt just say spend your time off in owen sound did you?

coming from someone who lives very close to owen sound, i can tell you smugglers is a nasty pit.......

and yes owen sound bar goer's are very stupid, and will usually go grade 5 on your ass... for looking better than them, or just being better in general.

you have to remember the majority of owen sound is regarded as a bunch of low-life welfare folk.

CFL said:
Watch out for the tank ruts.

Tank ruts....arg...I tore a ligament in my knee and one in my ankle during my SQ in the field on the 4th night during a recce patrol. Radio's didn't work so after calling the no duff, with no response humped it back with the c9 good fun ill tell ya that much. None the less i did get to walk around with a cane for the next week.
I can only imagine what the walk back must have been like, good on ya for humpin it back though!
Tank ruts....arg...I tore a ligament in my knee and one in my ankle during my SQ in the field on the 4th night during a recce patrol. Radio's didn't work so after calling the no duff, with no response humped it back with the c9 good fun ill tell ya that much. None the less i did get to walk around with a cane for the next week.

While we're on the subject...

Another good way to hurt yourself is on those bloody huge snowbanks. Meaford gets alot of snow, and believe it or not, you'll actually come to appreciate snowshoes. Just be carefull going up and down those snowbanks when you're trying to cross a road. The length of the snowshoes makes it tricky, at the best of times. My buddy broke his wrist after taking a little tumble during a recce patrol, and gut out the rest of the ex in some pretty rough pain.
what a jont that always is
but as for staff (I think I'm the last guy to go through that's on this board)
the staff are all very smart. I've made some good friends with the staff there. don't let them razz you because they're just having fun.
as for the place itself; as said, tank ruts, they're horrible. owen sound is horrible; watch out for the asain crew, they will mess your day up big time. never go anywhere without at least an,other buddy in owen sound. when I remember the name of the pub I always drank at, I'll pass it along. more of for the older crowd, but I'm not into going to the clubs that often. I did two battle schools there (reserve and reg force) and just pray that you get summer, winter there is a freak of nature. one day there was probably the WORST blizzard I ever seen and the next day, perfectly clear.
the enemy force they got there is somewhat good, they get the job done.
DO NOT WALK ON THE GRASS! DO NOT WALK ON THE GRASS! well that grass in the garrison area.
the rule "pack light, freeze at night" is so horribly true in meaford. if they issue you goretex boots and it's the winter, you're feet will thank you.
and be prepared to take ALL night to dig in, it is the worst clay I've ever seen.
All night? we dug for 2 days straight and got just over waist deep. We had some terrible spots out in the training area for digging, was fun though!
For those of you like me who roll their ankles when they step in ruts, heres a tip I use when I played football, go out and buy some athletic tape ask at Sportmart or where ever about ankle taping tape and before you go out tape your ankles to strengthen your ankle support. Belive me this works wonders and doesn't cost as much as real ankle braces, Tip if you don't want to rip all the hair off your ankles shave them. :salute: :cdn:
With a fairly fast pace in the morning and not much time for extra things such as that, taping your ankles may not be the most practical thing to do. It's quite time consuming and I can't really think of a time where you would have enough time to get your ankles taped, while making sure all your kit is packed, etc.
3 summers in meaford, and alot of time in owen sound doing stuff at the OS armories, i can say this, watch your *** in Owen Sound. Alot of people don not like the people from meaford, and will cause alot of crap just because, i have seen fights because someone from meaford was dancing with a girl in a OS bar, a few guys didnt like that the army was "stealing" their girls, so the jumped him. So like i said, take it easy in town.

The base, you can have some fun with your buddies on base at the sherman club, but it is limited, though only a short walk from the shacks. the training area is crapy, like said a billion times before, tonnes of tank ruts. AND DONT WALK ON THE GRASS!!!
I'll let you boys in on a little secret. I've spent MUCH time in that shit hole we call Meaford. If you're looking for an awesome time, and don't wanna fight over some ugly bitch. Drive the extra 10km and go to Blue Mountain.... awesome place for bars, and it's booming in the winter.

Check it out.

Good luck