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May 5th BMOQ

18, going on 19? Whole years?


I was starting to feel like one of the young ones at 32 (DEO) based on past posts. . . . Congratulations though on ROTP. I am glad to see it won't be just a bunch of us old farts in May.

i like to think of us as "experienced" Smiley
The problem is that 'experienced' doesn't amount to a hill of beans when them there young whipper-snappers are whipping our geriatric butts in PT.  With a little luck, we will be graded on our behavior on pub-nights.. we could regain a competitive edge over them that way.
From what I have heard, a lot of us young whipper snappers will be given a run for our money by the older applicants haha. I for one am not about to start making wagers about being better than anyone. You guys might find yourselves dragging me to the finish line some days!
If I pass aircrew selection next week:

surname: Clark
age: 22
Trade: Pilot

again, IF I pass aircrew...
Congrats to everyone who is going on this BMOQ. Just thought I would let those who are hoping to get into it know that the person who interviewed me (although I have to do another interview) told me that the may 5th course was already full. So unless someone who is scheduled to go may 5th can't make it for some reason, it doesn't look like anyone else will be able to get in. I mean, never say never, thats just what I was told.
hmmm. i do my interview on wednesday and my RC told me i might still get in. maybe it filled it up and im s.o.l.
So what happens to all the people doing aircrew selection or NOAB, do they have to wait as well?
As bbell and I have been told, it appears that the additional 2 courses for this BMOQ have been canceled, leaving only the primary 54 recruits that have likely already got messages.  Does anyone have confirmation of this? 

I mean, well, the recruiters did tell us this, so it is quite obviously gospel.  I'm more wondering if anyone has any insight if this is permanent or if they might re-add them later or maybe the reason?  It's not a big deal, but I'm of course eager to get going if I can  :D
As of today the decision has not been made to cancel either the second and/or third English serial of BMOQ. There were staff check on impact of cutting the courses but no firm decision has been made.

Hurry up and wait. Get used to it. 
CFR FCS said:
Hurry up and wait. Get used to it. 

Absolutely.  Never under any other impression, just wanted to see if I could get some insight is all.  Thanks for the reply though, makes me feel better about the wait  ;D
yeah for sure, we were never under any expectations. just relaying what we've been told by our RC's. i was told may was full. that's all i know, so I'm waiting till Sept. If i have to wait longer so be it, i applied to join the CF and if it takes a year then i will wait to get what i want.  :salute:

thanks for the info though. I'm curious why the discrepancies between recruiting centers?
If may is closed the next BMOQ won't be until september? wow, i thought it would be july or something but i guess never assume. All well, wait wait wait, its what ill do.
I had an opportunity to talk with a couple of staff members at my CFRC this morning, and I was told that there are no cancellations that THEY know of, and that cancelling BMOQs would be highly unlikely with so many officer candidates waiting to do the courses. They said that if the courses could not be conducted at St. Jean for any reason, they would likely be moved to another location like Esquimalt or Gagetown. So it sounds like there is still hope for the May BMOQ. Once again, however, it does appear that we are getting some mixed messages from the different centres. In any case, I think that we shouldn't count out the possibility of getting into one of the May courses just yet. :)
BMOQ in Esquimalt would be exciting. All I'd have to do is hop on the ferry, drive for 20 minutes, and poof, I'd practically be there! :D I'm still kind of excited for going back east, even if it gets really hot there in the summer compared to what us BCers are used to...
Sur Name: Clendenning
Age: 29
Trade: DEO Infantry

Flying out of Fredericton, NB on May 4th for St. Jean.
Got my call on Feb 27.
Intelligent Design said:
I'm still kind of excited for going back east, even if it gets really hot there in the summer compared to what us BCers are used to...

I find it funny that BCers think of Quebec and Ontario as being "back east". Here on the east coast, we consider them to be Upper Canadians, don't ya know? ;)