I have an email in to the PATA clerk to seek the real answer, but it's Saturday, so here I am
Question: what would cause the pay system to issue a 0.00 current payment at end-month, leaving a positive closing balance, for a member on parental leave?
Commenced parental leave on 22 Oct, so the end-Oct pay was already in the system as full pay.
Mid-Nov, my October pay was adjusted for the LWOP period, but PATA allowance hadn't yet been inputted. With the adjustment for October,
current pay and allowances was negative, but a
current payment was issued, so closing balance was a larger negative. All good, I knew everything would square up once PATA allowance was applied.
End-Nov, PATA allowance is applied, so the negative opening balance is resolved, but now
current payment is zero and
closing balance is positive in the amount I'd have expected my current payment to be. Why would there be a positive closing balance at end month?
Thanks in advance to any pay gurus with insight.