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Marks / Grades: School / GED or PLAR [MERGED]

  • Thread starter Thread starter SteelMag
  • Start date Start date


Hey, i just found these boards and i can say i am getting quite a bit more info than at the official CAF page (they dont ever email anyone back do they?).

But, i have a few questions for you.

One, i quit High School in Grade 12. I however have all the necessary credits to be considered above the grade 10 minimum that the army requires. I am wondering how likely it is to be accepted without a High School Diploma?

BTW, i am interested in Infantry. And i was looking into being an MP but im not sure what i need to go into that area of the military.

Also, how would i best let the army know that i want to join. Do i just phone them and say "hey, id like to sign up", or what. What kind of questions do they ask you on the phone in the initial call?.

Sorry for sounding like a Noob. I just need to know how to go about joining up. I dont want to screw up anything.

Thanks in advance
You could get some answers to questions by sending a feedback message to the recruiting site, and the recruiter nearest to you will respond as quick as they can.

Or you can call them to set up an appointment, where they can give you more info as well as answering specific questions/concerns you may have.

Then they will give you the paperwork you need to fill out for the first step.
Many of your questions may have been covered in previous threads, You can search the Recruiting Forum or all the forums by starting with the "search" link in the upper right of the page.

For the particular issues you have raised, you may find these threads helpful:

For Regular Force MP educational requirements:

Joining the infantry:

Try searching the various forums or all the open forums for the keywords you have interests in, you‘ll find a wealth of information to help you better understand the career you are choosing.

Good luck.
Thanks for the quick reply. Sorry for asking questions that have already been asked before.

I have Applyed at the sight.....hopefully i get some mail soon!
Instead of doing all that seeing as you only just live in Orillia. If at all possible go down to 4900 Younge Street and go and apply right there and then. They will give you a package to fill out and then give it to them. If you go there then you can watch the movies about Basic and Battle school. The number is 416-635-4490 Just call and set up an appointment to go down there. It will make everything more clear to you.
well i am 16 and i hate school so much but i got a passion for the army..i will have my grade 10 this next summer ...thats all i need to join the army right?and i wanna be and infantry soldier so help me out..
Um.. Do you want to join reserve or reg force? I‘m gonna assume you wanna drop out of high school and go reg force.

Don‘t drop out of school, your regret it later.

Also, to join the reg force, you have to be 17 with grade 10. To join the reserve you can be 16 with grade 10.

Also, you need parental/legal guardian consent if you want to join the CF if your under 18, for both reserve and reg force.
well next year willl be my third year doing grade 10 i am sick of it so after i get my grade 10 i wanna join reguler forc and i will be 17 by this time
Do you want to join the army because you don‘t want to do school/class work anymore? Even in the infantry you do classroom stuff and write tests.
nah i wanna join cause it‘s what i wanna do and i dunno school jus i wanna join the reg forces bad,,they will accpet if i have grade 10 right?
Can you please start posting with some better grammar and spelling please.

Yes, you can enlist if you are 17 and have grade 10 into the Infantry as far as I know. Aslong as you score the combat arms standards on your tests.

As for what the tests are like, do a search in the recruiting forum.
albert is in almost the EXACT same situation I‘m in. School blows, I‘m stuck trying to finish grade 10 so I can get in.

However I do know that highschool diploma is an important thing to get and my army career could end as soon as it begins so I‘m still gonna try to finish highschool through nightschool or something like that.

Has anyone here finished their last bit of highschool while in the regular force?
I'll go on the assumption that this thread is serious. DON'T QUIT SCHOOL. You will regret it later in life. What if you join the army, and a year in, you break your leg. Ummm, they may stick you on a desk until you get better. You gonna think that blows? Get serious and listen to a few people here when they say, don't quit school. Also, it shows allot on your ability to become a Canadian Forces Soldier when a situation sucks, you just want to quit. You gonna quit when you have not slept in 3 days or had a warm meal, and a change of undies and you are soaked to the bone?

Stay in school and get you grade 12, if you want a taste of Army life, join the Reserves for now, and then join Reg Force when school is done. Thats my 2 cents.
Harrier 101 makes some good points, but consider this.  If you decide to quit school after grade 10 and then your career is somehow ended prematurely (injury etc.) you could always finish highschool then.  If you truly cant stand school (just like me) and the army is what you want I say go for it.  I know I will be. :mg:
Guys believe me quiting school is not the way to go. Especially if you are considering joing the CF. For instance there are a few things you should think about before making this decision. 1) You get hurt and cannot continue with training.  2) You go in for your interview and the captain says to you"if you cannot handle highschool there is no way you will last in the army" ( I know for a fact this will be said to you) 3) what if you dont like what your doing?.....please guys make a rational decision, try the Pres first  and try to finish high school  before you do anything you will regret. Theres my 2 cents
Just to add on to what everyone else has said already, don't quit school no matter how much you hate it. It's easier getting it over with now than five to ten years down the road. Also even though the requirements for the Canadian Armed Forces ask for a grade 10 education, it's only a minimum requirement. Most people who apply for the military have a grade 12 education and the military takes the best that they can. So if you and another person are applying for the last open position and the other person has a grade 12 education then they will 9 times out of ten take the other person. I know this may sound a bit harsh, but its only another 2 years. Apply with the reserves and see if you even like military life and if you do when you nearing the end of your grade 12 year but in for a transfer to the regular forces. It may seem like a long time but it's worth the wait.
It says you need to have completed grade 10 or grade 10 III in Quebec or somthing. I have graduated from highschool last friday, but when I was living Alberta I failed Science 10 and Math 10... When I moved to British Columbia I never completed science 10 or math 10 just went on to math and science 11. I'm kind of wondering will I need to re-do these courses or what? Anyone know?
I believe that as long as you have graduated High School and got a diploma, you shouldn't worry about it.  However, if you are going into a trade with a strong emphasis on math and science, and you missed important concepts, then you should look into some sort of program (ie night school) to compensate. 

A basic grasp of either will get you through basic training, trust me.  ;)