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Marine electrician


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I was wondering if anyone here is a marine electrician. I am waiting on a call for that position and woulod like to know a little of what is involved.
Just interested in hearing what that and navy life is like. Not for influence sake as i want to do this. Just to hear what people have to say about thier
own involvement is like. Also navy life in general. All input is welcome.

Thank Frank      :cdn:
I'm not sure how much there is around here about ETs, but if you search and read through the navy boards, you will find out lots about navy life both at sea and ashore.  Good luck!
My father was a Marine electrician before he took his commission, apparently you learn a lot that would help you get a good electrical job in the civi world if you choose to get out later. My dad really liked the trade. I can't tell you much more than that, but good luck with your application.
I'm already working as an electrical appretice in the civic world. Thats why i applied as a Mar El.
Just looking for input such as what goes on and is this a tech trade?
What is the pay like?  Just curious. Will find out when it happens. Its not a factor since i am joining to
get involved with serving my country. Looking forward to a great adventure.

Thanks Frank      :cdn:
Frank67 said:
What is the pay like? 

maybe this page will ring a bell....... http://www.forces.gc.ca/dgcb/dppd/pay/engraph/2006NCMRegFPay_e.asp?sidesection=3&sidecat=28

Frank67 said:
and is this a tech trade?

If you're already an apprentice, you may want to inquire with the recruiting centre as to whether you qualify for any incentives such as time credit toward promotion, or even possibly a waiver of your apprentice training course.

Mar El is a spec 1 trade once you've completed journeyman training, at which point you become known as an Electrical Technician.  You can find pay rates at http://www.forces.gc.ca/dgcb/dppd/engraph/download_e.asp?docid=2&sidesection=3.

They primarily work on the electrical generation and distribution systems on ships, including the diesel generators, electrical switchboards, instrumentation, and wiring systems.  Some electricians will get training on integrated machinery control systems, which is a specialty of sorts.  Most of the guys I know in the trade are pretty happy with their career, and it's not a huge leap to any of the electrical trades in civvie life.
Thats ok...getting ahead of the process anyway. I will be happy in the position.I will want to progress past that anyway. Always like to learn and improve.
I am going to really enjoy myself with all the challenges.

Frank    :cdn:

Well if you want to know anything about the trade all you have to do is ask.  I just finished my QL5 and I am now posted to MOG5 awaiting Submarine Training.  I have 4 years on ship and I really enjoyed my time as a Skimmer.  PM if you want to know anything else.  :salute:


Navy_Blue said:
I have 4 years on ship and I really enjoyed my time as a Skimmer.

Considering you're not Dolphins qualified yet, don't you think it might be wise to hold off on using terms like "skimmer"?  ::)
I'm now holding a msg with a COS date of 22 June 07 to the underwater training cell at MOG5.  If you don't like "Skimmer" how about "Skimmer Puke Under Training"  ;D

That better???

Navy_Blue said:
I'm now holding a msg with a COS date of 22 June 07 to the underwater training cell at MOG5.  If you don't like "Skimmer" how about "Skimmer Puke Under Training"  ;D

That better???

Not really.  Considering "skimmer" is a derisive term used by submariners to refer to those who serve in surface ships, do you not think it might be a little premature for derision - give your lack of dolphins and all?  ;)
Your a difficult individual aren't ya?  You sound as bad as the bunch I've been thrown in the middle of.  I've been told to dump the skimmer mentality and that I'm not a Submariner yet.  So being in a state of limbo and looking back at my time in the surface fleet with found memories I feel its safe to refer to the past as "my time as a skimmer"  :P

Being the switched on cocky individual that I am.  Dolfins are flipping and clicking at the chance to jump on my chest.  8)

I might add that I was more than happy to stay a "Skimmer Puke" and that the only reason I'm in this situation is because the rest of my class failed the medical.  Like the rest of my military career I have gone where the ride takes me.  DIVE DIVE DIVE!!!!

You can put a skimmer on a submarine and make him a submariner... but you can't put a submariner on a ship and make him a skimmer.

My young apprentice you are now complete in your general course but you will require more training as you are aware and time at sea to get the dolphins on your chest, so yes keep the skimmer to yourself for now. As I did see you just yesterday and only found this board today I am behind the 8 ball. Two years... remember that. It takes two years to train you to do your job. This may be reduced in the future when there is more than one submarine sailing but currently two years.

Remember one day all of this could be yours.

Done my QL3 and am posted to the athabaskan...really enjoying this new career

Frank    :cdn:  :salute:
Well done Frank67.

Off to the East Coast (my old stomping grounds).  I hope you enjoyed Esquimalt (my old stomping grounds also).  Halifax has lots to offer and you will be kept busy on the Athabaskan. 


Sailor B
The Lutz said:
Half done QL3, looking forward to my posting message tommorow!!

No update to the site in while.  Where did you get posted to Lutz?  I'm heading to the Protecteur (West Coast Gas Scow) on the 25th of Nov.
got the athabaskan. just passed work-ups, its been awesome so far :threat: :skull:trained killer now, gotta love force protection, lol