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Major Site Upgrade

That's a true statement, Army.ca via HTTPS is randomly no longer working. For now, use any other site (Milnet.ca, Navy.ca, Air-Force.ca) or use Amy.ca via HTTP (no security).

Sadly, this clinches it: the server build we are on is irrevocably broken. I'm going to have to rebuild from scratch once more, which means a fair time investment and lots of downtime while everything is pulled together.

Not sure when I will have the time to attempt this, so for now we live with at the mercy of the gremlins.  :-\
Told ya not to expose the mogwai to bright lights or sunlight which will kill it, do not let it get wet, and never feed it after midnight

My sympathies, Mike.

Navy.ca works, Army.ca does not, again.
I am not getting anything but Canada in winter (white screen) for army.ca https:// or http. So I wandered over to Milnet.ca which is working fine but in shades of grey. I prefer the green.
I have been forced to revert to Senior Service mode - but it appears to work first time, every time (jinx, inx, jinx)!
I was doing the same as Chris, now back to army.ca as I was having no luck on the other.

It's a game!
Neither army.ca nor milnet.ca are working for me, and I am getting "not secure" for an https connection to navy.ca
Everything should be back, for now. What really confuses me is that all the sites (Army.ca, Navy.ca, Air-Force.ca, Milnet.ca etc.) are just aliases. They run the same content off the same server, so it's not like one can goes down while the others are still up. Either the service as a whole is available or it's not, for all domains. Our server's inability to conform to reality is why it will be destroyed and rebuilt. Looking at late April for that. Apologies that it is so far out, but I am planning to merge in a network restructure and possibly platform upgrade at the same time, so it's a pretty big task.

Right now, only Army.ca has a secure version... in short it costs to get security certificates for each domain so there is only one for Army.ca at the moment. Plans are to address this come Sept.
Right now I can only get on with Navy.ca. Milnet.ca and Army.ca are not working for me, have not tried Air-Force.ca.
dangerboy said:
Right now I can only get on with Navy.ca. Milnet.ca and Army.ca are not working for me, have not tried Air-Force.ca.


I feel... Dirty. (Sorry Brad)
Right now, army.ca is working, while navy.ca does not.  HTTPS connection.
Well that's a new one. Same over-arching problem though. In future, the general solution to the "white screen" is to try all of the following, until you get one that works:

  • http://army.ca
  • https://army.ca
  • http://navy.ca
  • https://navy.ca
  • http://air-force.ca
  • https://air-force.ca
  • http://milnet.ca
  • https://milnet.ca
  • http://cdnarmy.ca
  • https://cdnarmy.ca
  • http://armee.ca
  • https://armee.ca

The secure versions (https) will generate warnings/errors/be unusable for sites other than Army.ca. If you can accept/ignore these warnings it doubles your chances.

This is ridiculous advice frankly, and I will keep working on a solution, but I am convinced we simply need a clean slate.
Hmmm, progress. Please report when the issue happens again, and for which host(s). I have a tentative fix. :)
I just tried every one of those links, and they all worked. So whatever weird ass yoga position you're doing while holding the antenna, Mike, you'll need to keep holding it. We'll bring you water at some point this evening.
Brihard said:
I just tried every one of those links, and they all worked. So whatever weird ass yoga position you're doing while holding the antenna, Mike, you'll need to keep holding it. We'll bring you water at some point this evening.

Hey Hey....he's got lots of snow now.....let him melt some, but don't put down the antenna!!

I'll even spring for a beer...

What's that?  Something for Mike, too?