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Major Michelle Mendes found dead in KAF - 23 Apr 09

Rest in peace, Major Mendes.

Condolences to family, friends, Brothers- and Sisters-in-arms.

You served Canada with a smile and we won't forget you.  :cdn:

RIP Maj. Mendes.

Condolences to her family, friends and comrades.
I met Maj. Mendes on course.  She proof-read my final paper and was always bringing fresh pomegranates in. . . I hadn't had pomegranates in ages.  Was looking forward to working with her again.

RIP ma'am.  You'll be missed.
Message from Her Excellency the Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean, Governor General and Commander-in-Chief of Canada, on the death of Major Michelle Mendes

April 24, 2009

"While in Ukraine on a State Visit, my husband Jean-Daniel Lafond and I learned of the tragic death of Major Michelle Mendes, based in Ottawa, Ontario, yesterday in Afghanistan.

Every day, our soldiers serving there are put to the test, both physically and psychologically. The extraordinary dedication and contribution are immeasurable. We are grateful to the women and men of our Canadian Forces who give so much of themselves.

Canadians everywhere join us in extending our sincerest condolences and sympathies to the family, friends and comrades in arms of Major Mendes. Though we may be an ocean apart, know that our thoughts are with you."

Also, according to local media, "A plane carrying the body of Maj. Mendes, 30, will arrive at CFB Trenton at 2 p.m. (Sunday 26 Apr 09) where a repatriation ceremony will be held and the journey along the Highway of Heroes will begin."
milnews.ca said:
"A plane carrying the body of Maj. Mendes, 30, will arrive at CFB Trenton at 2 p.m. (Sunday 26 Apr 09) where a repatriation ceremony will be held and the journey along the Highway of Heroes will begin."

From Toronto EMS:
"The cortege is anticipated to repatriate the remains of Major Mendes arriving at the Toronto boundary at approximately 16h15 - 17h00.
Toronto Paramedics will join members of the Canadian Forces, Toronto Police and Toronto Fire Services at the Coroner's Office, to join the ranks of those forming an honour guard as the repatriation terminates."

For those travelling from out-of-town like me and further to mariomike's post: Please read with a grain of salt; this is not an official itinerary but I've found this source to be accurate in the past:


Sunday April 26, 2009: Repatriation of Major Mendes

Approximate timings for the Highway of Heroes procession:

The repatriation ceremony begins at 2 pm

The procession leaves Trenton at approx. 2:45

Reaches Colburne Approx. 3:05

Graffton Approx 3:15

Cobourg at approx 3:30

Port Hope at approx 3:40

Oshawa Approx 4:15

Toronto approx 4:45

26 Grenville St. 5:00
(coroners office)

Exit 401

South on DVP [Don Valley Parkway]

Exit at Bayview ramp

West on Bloor St

South on Jarvis St

West on Wellesley St

South on Bay St

East on Grenville St.

arrives at coroners office
26 Grenville St :yellow:

**Just remember, the timings can go anywhere to a half hour before to a few hours after the approximate timings. There are a lot of different factors that can change the timings even when the plane arrives in Trenton at the correct time**

Source: Written by Department of National Defence, Highway of Heroes :cdn:

The DVP is closed for construction, but I just talked to Toronto Metro Police and they will be making an exception for Maj Mendes procession and it will be travelling the same route as always.

And I find it interesting that this newpaper has said: "Source: Written by Department of National Defence, Highway of Heroes " when in fact it is from the Facebook group Highway of Heroes and I wrote it.  ::)
The DVP is closed for construction, but I just talked to Toronto Metro Police and they will be making an exception for Maj Mendes procession and it will be travelling the same route as always.

And I find it interesting that this newpaper has said: "Source: Written by Department of National Defence, Highway of Heroes " when in fact it is from the Facebook group Highway of Heroes and I wrote it.  ::)

I wondered about that myself. You are a gem for posting it up @ Facebook! :nod: I know of people who want to attend tomorrow but don't want to go into Toronto; I've had people inquire about the bridges along the route; that's why I posted it.

RIP Major Mendes. :cdn:

Leroi, I am not sure of exactly how many bridges there on the Highway of Heroes.  Are you needing help finding a bridge to go to?


No bridge needed. I'll be going into Toronto tomorrow since my daughter lives there.
The procession will go by near her hometown of Wicklow, hopefully the community will have been informed of this too, I don't doubt many there would like to pay their respects to this remarkable young woman.

I knew Michelle from having been one of her instructors during Arty Phase 3 and 4, she struck me as being very confident and capable, she had all the potential to being a fine officer in the Combat arms. Yet besides being very driven and thoughtful, she was also very self aware and sensitive; she appreciated her strengths and weaknesses. Following some difficulty during phase 4, she reclassified to Intelligence, rare for this to be granted while someone is still in the last part of  phase training, but it says a lot about her ability that this was supported fully by the chain of command. I thought that it was definitely going to be the int world's gain, and the Artillery's loss back then, little did I know how soon the loss would be permanent for us all.

Farewell Michelle, hope to see you on the other side, down the trail.
RIP, Major. 

I was involved in preparations for her Ramp Ceremony.  My first on this tour and I hope my last.  I remember seeing her during the workup phase, beautiful smile and aura.  She had a large turnout amongst the nations here.  Safe trip home...
Body of Maj. Mendes returns to Canada


CFB TRENTON, Ont. - The body of a Canadian soldier found dead at Kandahar Airfield last week arrived home Sunday to the same adulation given to those who have died in combat.

An aircraft carrying the casket of Maj. Michelle Mendes touched down at this eastern Ontario military base at 2 p.m., with Canadian-flag waving military supporters watching outside.

Mendes was found dead in her accommodation room Thursday. The Canadian Forces are investigating the death, but have ruled out enemy action.

As is usually the case whenever a fallen soldier returns home, hundreds of people lined a fence outside the base to pay their respects.

"It's still a soldier," said Mark Allen, who travelled from Prescott, Ont., to watch the repatriation ceremony with his daughter Dakota, 5, son Travis, 3, and his parents.

"She (was) still doing her job in Afghanistan for all of us." 

Allen said the family made the trip on the advice of his daughter.

"Dakota said, 'This is someone's mommy, someone's wife, someone's daughter,"' he said.

Ray Hellam and his wife Debbie, made the trip from Port Hope, Ont., about an hour west of Trenton.

They said they normally pay their respects to fallen soldiers along a highway overpass near their home, but felt compelled to watch this repatriation ceremony in Trenton, because Mendes has roots in the area.

The fact that Mendes did not die in combat did not take away the pain of losing another soldier, the Hellams said.

"She was over there and we appreciate her position," Ray Hellam said. "We try and treat them with the same respect, if it's combat or not combat. She's still over there, away from her family."

"It doesn't matter how many times you go (to pay respects to a fallen soldier), a feeling passes under you," Debbie Hellam added.

"You never get it over it."

Moments later, the brigade of vehicles left the air force base and received salutes from military supporters and members of the Canadian Army Veterans motorcycle club, who lined the streets.

The procession then proceeded up to Highway 401, the "Highway of Heroes," and toward Toronto, where Mendes' body will be subject to a post-mortem examination.

My condolences go out to Maj. Michelle Mendez's family and friends. 

RIP Major Mendez :cdn: