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Major Cdn attack looms near Kandahar


For God's sake, take care!  Do your country proud!
It's started.  It's called Operation Medusa.  Woke up to this on the news (CTV NewsNet, sorry no article that I can find anywhere yet).  My guy is there.  I'm more worried about them staying safe then giving hell at this point.
Newest stories up top....


''The looming battle in a volatile area west of here promises to be one part D-Day and one part Marshall Plan as coalition soldiers are followed by a second wave of reconstruction money to fix fields shredded by armoured vehicles and mud-walled buildings battered by bullets and bombs.  The timing of the battle remains uncertain but coalition forces on Thursday warned civilians in the Panjwaii region to flee the area because NATO forces were gearing up to take on Taliban insurgents who had overrun their shops and homes.  They added $500,000 US had been earmarked for humanitarian relief and to repair infrastructure, including wells and irrigation pipes damaged by the fighting . . . .'' (Canwest/Global)

Also, word of a plane crash....

''An aircraft supporting Nato-led operations against the Taleban has crashed in the southern Afghan province of Kandahar, a Nato spokesman has said.  It was not immediately clear whether there were any casualties. There was no indication of an enemy attack on the plane, which was not a fighter jet, Maj Scott Lundy said.  The crash came as Afghan and Nato troops began a major anti-Taleban drive in the Panjwayi district of Kandahar which has seen months of fighting . . . .'' (BBC Online)

Give 'er, and stay as safe as you can.... :cdn:
Not sure about this giving them warning business - certainly didn't seem to have any effect in Lebanon with the IDF leaflet drops and as previous noted surrenders any available surprise.
yeah, but you have to try, and it covers your ass with the traitors in the media.
Sounds like the bad boys have some "media issues", too..... ;D

Taliban slams reports
The Hindu (India), 5 Sept 06

The top Taliban military commander on Monday said NATO's claims to have killed more than 200 insurgents over the weekend were propaganda and warned that his men would target journalists who reported ``wrong information'' given by the U.S.-led coalition or NATO. ``They are saying that they have killed 200 Taliban but they did not kill even 10 Taliban,'' said Mullah Dadullah, military commander for south and southeastern Afghanistan.  ``They are just destroying civilian homes and agricultural land. They are using the media to do propaganda against the Taliban.''  Mullah Dadullah spoke to AP from an undisclosed location. The reporter has spoken to him in the past and recognised his voice.  ``From today, I want to tell journalists that if in future they use wrong information from coalition forces or NATO we will target those journalists and media,'' he said.

milnewstbay said:
Sounds like the bad boys have some "media issues", too..... ;D

Taliban slams reports
The Hindu (India), 5 Sept 06

The top Taliban military commander on Monday said NATO's claims to have killed more than 200 insurgents over the weekend were propaganda and warned that his men would target journalists who reported ``wrong information'' given by the U.S.-led coalition or NATO. ``They are saying that they have killed 200 Taliban but they did not kill even 10 Taliban,'' said Mullah Dadullah, military commander for south and southeastern Afghanistan.  ``They are just destroying civilian homes and agricultural land. They are using the media to do propaganda against the Taliban.''  Mullah Dadullah spoke to AP from an undisclosed location. The reporter has spoken to him in the past and recognised his voice.  ``From today, I want to tell journalists that if in future they use wrong information from coalition forces or NATO we will target those journalists and media,'' he said.

So to get this right the taliban will be targeting one of the biggest thorns in the troops side that i can see in Afghanistan, now don't get me wrong a Canadian life is just that a Canadian but can it really be that bad scaring the media out of Afghanistan or at least make fewer reporters wanting to go over.  :salute:to those who served and are serving  :cdn:
good luck Mckibbion in January
Cheez.... this mullah sounds like the Iraqi (dis)information minister at the onset of Op Iraqi Freedom..... saying that there were no US tanks in Baghdad on the day the city fell.

Do ya think this guy has been taking correspondence courses?