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Mail and care packages sent to BMQ / BMOQ

  • Thread starter Thread starter LMackenzie
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I'm sure there are a number of service-men/women that may not have family to send them care-packages .... how can someone send a care package to someone they dont know ?
Della, that is a wonderful question, especially at this time of year!
Della said:
I'm sure there are a number of service-men/women that may not have family to send them care-packages .... how can someone send a care package to someone they dont know ?


You will note that care packages to "any canadian soldier" are not accepted.  A very ingenous way around this rule is to look at the CF Deployment map


Click on an operation and you will not on the left hand side bar, a link to biographies.  Send a package to the Task Force Commander and ask him to distribute it to a deserving soldier.  We received some on OP ATHENA ROTO 2 filled with cheap electronic games (poker, backgammon, etc) and other stuff and we distributed it on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day to soldiers deployed in OPs, etc.  Even if the soldiers don't use it all, some local children will be running around with it afterwards.

Having said all this, if you want to do some thing really worthwhile, I suggest you make a donation to a reputable charity and send a card to "any canadian soldier" and tell him/her that a donation has been made in honour of there service overseas.  My 2 cents.
Canned meat(tuna, salmon, Vienna sausages, etc.) Iced Tea crystals and travel Scrabble.

These were my favorite acquisitions on Op Apollo.
I know that we send dvd's, tons of food-drink crystals, snacks and such...my husband was sent a ton of baby wipes when he was overseas in 2002 as they did not have showers. Bush-ups are great for when your in the field...most everything is appreciated

You should know that November 16 is the last day to send Christmas parcels overseas if you'd like him to recieve it for the 25th.

I send parcels out at least every 4 weeks, although it's been much more with the rest of the packages I've sent him.   Tons of magazines, and other silly gadgets such as a crib board and cards (even though I don't think he plays).   I've sent cereal bars, and granola bars, halls, gum, beef jerky, pepperoni sticks (that don't need to be refrigerated), and even chocolate (my husband hasn't had a problem with any of his melting as he just shares anyway).

There have been times when he only gets a couple things at once, and others where he'll get a wheet barrell full.   It depends on the planes sometimes, and I'm sure there's other factors as well.

And porn is allowed, they just aren't allowed to display it.
nicotine and nekkid chicks.
If unable to send nekkid chicks, send pictures of nekkid chicks.
Baby-wipes. Crayons, pencils, pens, and paper for the kiddies. Any food you send will be sitting around for up to 3 weeks, take that into account. AA batteries. Keep in mind that any permanent items you send him will have to be either mailed back by him before he departs, or he will have to try and pack it in his already over-stuffed kit.
A civie buddy of mine sent me an inflatable pool - so I will be having a pool party at Xmas in Kandahar...
Those packets of Tim Horton's coffee adds a nice touch to the packages.

While on tour, I received a box from the MFRC Cold Lake.  They included
several practical odds and ends, the Tim Horton's coffee, and a signed
Canada Day card from my unit.  Freaking excellent box.  It was surprisingly
cool to discover my unit was thinking about me and I thank the MFRC
for setting it up.

PPCLI Guy said:
A civie buddy of mine sent me an inflatable pool - so I will be having a pool party at Xmas in Kandahar...

LOL That's insanely hilarious!! One of those small portable DVD players would be great. I love movies and I can't get enough of them.
Hey everyone. My boyfriend recently started basic training in St Jean Quebec. And I was wondering what I can send him. and what I shouldnt, cuz I know that there are a lot of things you can't have in Basic. So any ideas or advice would be so great. Thanks!
he doesn't need anything just yet. What he needs most of all from you right now is support in the form of written letters. He won't (or at least shouldn't) have time for anything else now. Anything he needs he can get at St. Jean.
Dee, theres nothing wrong with photos. As Paracowboy said, he would greatly enjoy letters (the handwritten kind). When my wife and I were dating I went away to the field for a 6 week period - she sent me 125 letters and cards.  A bit excessive, I admit, but I tell you I was the envy of all the others.  You can also  ask him if there is anything you can send. Keep in mind, however, he has limited personal space, and not much of that is actually "his" as the rest is filled with military kit.  If you live close, and he eventually gets permission to leave base, you might get together with him.
Yes I have written him a couple times, and I tried to ask him what he's allowed to have, but I've only spoken to him on the phone once and I haven't received any reply's from the letters yet. I know he is very busy, I just wanted to send him something from home to remember me by. Thanks you both for the advice. I was also thinking maybe a card signed by friends? Will that be acceptable in basic training?
absolutely. even better if you can get his friends to throw in a few lines of their own.
Dee the card sounds great. Letters are the best. I didn't get any letters for a few weeks soI called all my family and friends and whined about how unloved I felt every time someone else got a letter! OMG I suddenly got a lot of mail and it was great! Depending on his instructors you can send cookies and candies too, but make sure you ask him first if it's allowed and if it is, send enough for him to share with the platoon.
Make the letter smell PRETTY too.....There's nothing like being in the field and smelling something that doesnt smell like ass.
I hate to say it, but porn too. Care packages with porn will make him popular with his buddies.

Seriously though, little notes or cards, that smell of you will be the best thing for his morale.

Good luck to you both.

Thanks everyone. Also, does anyone know if the army gets some time off after basic training? Like It always sounds like everythings a maybe, nothings ever for sure. But if theres anyone here thats done basic training, did you get time off after? If it helps, he's going for combat engineer. Thanks
Dee said:
Thanks everyone. Also, does anyone know if the army gets some time off after basic training?
I know you don't want to hear it, but: maybe. It's going to depend on when he completes his Basic, and when his next course starts, if there's enough Staff available for it, if there's a Stat holiday in there, how far he has to travel, etc.

Like It always sounds like everythings a maybe, nothings ever for sure.
and that is going to become his life for the next 3 years. And, should you stick with him, yours also, I'm afraid. 11 years of "maybe" so far.
Hey Dee,

I would send Pictures too and Porn is always a favorite for everyone. I would like to say Welcome to Military life where nothing is for sure and you always have a MAYBE. Hopefully you get to see your Boy Friend between course but like Para says it all depends and nothing is for sure until he is actually there giving you a HUG and a KISS.