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MacKenzie strikes again

Edward Campbell

Army.ca Myth
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I know the mods have moved the new story about Tory defence critic (and retired BGen) Gordon O'Connor's reported remarks unexploded grenades equaling (prohibited) anti-personnel landmines but O'Connor is still in the news - in the Commentary section of today's Globe and Mail anyway.

Why I wore my uniform once again


In 1993, when I took my release from the Canadian Forces, I promised myself that, in retirement, I would never don my uniform when there was a chance I might criticize government policy while wearing it. Loyalty to the principle of civilian control of the military is an essential characteristic of democracy. I had not worn my uniform for 12 years -- until this past week in Afghanistan.

Canada has more than 1,500 soldiers serving in Afghanistan and surrounding locations. The work they do is tough, dirty and, yes, dangerous. They are in the process of redeploying from the Kabul area to a more volatile region in and around Kandahar, and their numbers will grow to more than 2,000 in early 2006.

Appreciating that Canadians are less than well informed about our military's largest overseas commitment, Defence Minister Bill Graham and the Chief of the Defence Staff, Rick Hillier, invited a number of them to spend a week in Afghanistan with the men and women of the Canadian Forces.

Since Mr. Graham and Gen. Hillier would be meeting the Afghan leadership during our Team Canada visit, details of the trip (including the schedule and participants) were tightly controlled. Of course, enough was leaked to the media before our departure on Oct. 10 to draw the inevitable condemnation of our trip from some quarters as a waste of time and money.

The critics cited costs, presumably without checking that the military flights to and from Afghanistan were moving cargo and soldiers in and out of the theatre, with Team Canada in the rear of the aircraft. Eight hours to Zagreb, five hours to an "undisclosed location," three hours sleep followed by five hours to Kandahar -- that's not the definition of a luxury boondoggle.

Team Canada included Mary Ann Burdett and Tom Irvine of the Royal Canadian Legion; Rudyard Griffiths of the Dominion Institute; Bob Sweet, the mayor of Petawawa, Ont.; Tim Page of the Canadian Defence Industries Association; John Eaton of the Canadian Force's Liaison Council; Raf Souccar, assistant commissioner of the RCMP; sports superstars Catriona Le May Doan, Daniel Igali and Guy Lafleur; and entertainer Rick Mercer.

Our aim was to see as many soldiers as possible. We ate with them, patrolled with them, played with them, slept beside them and, most important, talked to them.

At first light and late at night, ball hockey games broke out, and Guy Lafleur took to the "ice." Ms. Le May Doan and Mr. Igali were inundated with requests for pictures and autographs, and Mr. Mercer never failed to bring smiles to hundreds of dusty faces.

Toward the end of our visit, Gen. Hillier invited us to attend a number of dusty parades, where he informally addressed his soldiers. When he called on Mr. Igali, the Olympic wrestling gold medalist, to say a few words, he spoke for all of Canada when he reminded the soldiers that, when they patrolled the dark alleys of some of the most dangerous places on Earth, every Canadian walked with them. I truly wish that were true.

Here's my message to some opposition MPs: Don't play politics with our soldiers. One defence critic who should know better questioned the wisdom of the Afghan visit even before our departure from Canada. The unit he commanded as a lieutenant-colonel in the 1970s is now serving in Kandahar. A number of the unit's solders indicated they would have him drawn and quartered if he showed his face in Afghanistan. Not exactly the type of endorsement he would appreciate, but one he should have expected.

As someone who has served in and commanded numerous overseas missions starting with the Gaza Strip in 1963, I can guarantee every Canadian that I have never encountered a deployed soldier who didn't appreciate the time, effort and risk volunteered by Team Canada participants in the past. So, before the critics offer commentary on such matters, perhaps they should contact the only people who really matter in this debate -- the soldiers doing the dirty work for the rest of us -- and ask them what they think.

Retired major-general Lewis MacKenzie was the first commander of United Nations peacekeeping forces in Sarajevo.

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Reproduced under the Fair Dealings provisions of the Copyright Act.

Gordon O'Connor has been an active and vocal critic of the actions of the government, especially of the Department of National Defence.   It looks like MacKenzie has concluded that O'Connor has crossed the line; this is the second retired colleague with whom MacKenzie has taken issue: he chastised Romeo Dallaire for taking a Liberal senate seat and then using his former rank to add credibility to the government's Africa/Darfur policy.
It's one thing to be a critic, but its quite another to prostitute yourself and O'Connor seems to be doing the latter.
As someone mentioned in the "other" thread, [ hopefully it will be back] he is turning large "C" 's like myself away from them with his constant condamnation. Hey, sometimes even the devil is right....
On this one, as with his critique of Romeo Dallaire, I side with MacKenzie.

It is the duty of Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition to oppose; it is an even greater duty to offer alternatives â “ to offer itself and its policies as a credible alternative to the government-of-the-day.  I'm not sure that Gordon O'Connor is helping the Conservative to do that.  His Goose Bay proposals looked, to me, just like the pork-barreling for which so many (me included) berate the Liberals.  I can only hope he was misquoted on the grenades issue but that may a good example of the triumph of hope over experience.

This echoes a theme I've been bringing up on this board for several years.  Just admit when the other guy is doing something good once in awhile.  I understand that the job of the Oppositiion critics is to subject government policy to scrutiny.  That doesn't mean you always condemn everything they do.  It's no wonder nothing gets accomplished.  Kudos to the government for bringing our mission in Afghanistan into the public spotlight.

The Conservative defence critic should step down as he is clearly out of his depth.  No great shame, even a military luminary like General Andy McNaughton made a lousy politician.
I think that the government have been moving in the right direction on defence of late. O'Connor appears to be attacking everything they do on defence "from the left", so to speak (note also his opposition to doing away with the very political and endless procurement process). It makes one wonder just what kind of defence policy the Conservatives would have if they ever formed a government.
Michael Dorosh said:
This echoes a theme I've been bringing up on this board for several years.   Just admit when the other guy is doing something good once in awhile.   I understand that the job of the Oppositiion critics is to subject government policy to scrutiny.   That doesn't mean you always condemn everything they do.   It's no wonder nothing gets accomplished.   Kudos to the government for bringing our mission in Afghanistan into the public spotlight.

The Conservative defence critic should step down as he is clearly out of his depth.   No great shame, even a military luminary like General Andy McNaughton made a lousy politician.

Agree 100% with your post, Michael.
The Branch RSM sent out this arcticle here today for us to pass on to the troops. Actually it was the "unabridged version."  Apparently the Globe and Mail had to edit out a couple of things for length. I'll compare tomorrow at work and post the 'lost' parts.