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MacKay vs O'Connor as MND (merged)

stegner said:
Does anyone know in what units O'Connor served in?  Was he ever deployed abroad? 

Yes, O'Connor and the positions that he has held in the CF have been discussed many times on this site .  Yes, he has been deployed abroad.   Many on this site have actually served under him.  It has also been stated, several times, that he was once General Hillier's Commanding Officer.  Many of us on this site have had both as our Commanding Officers while serving in the Royal Canadian Dragoons.
Mr.  Wallace I apologize your for my  ignorance but could you direct me to the links where it talks more about in what units and where Mr. O'Connor served?  Thank you kindly
(go to the top of this web page, press the search button and once the search engine's page comes up, put in the name O'Connor)

You'll be amaazed by how well the search feature runs, now that Mke has his new server.

stegner said:
Mr.  Wallace I apologize your for my  ignorance but could you direct me to the links where it talks more about in what units and where Mr. O'Connor served?   Thank you kindly

I used SEARCH and found 15 pages on "O'Connor".  Feel free to parouse them at your leisure.
Whats the saying - Hope for the best; prepare for the worst?

Hope for Mckay, prepare for Rae.
I perceive that Olivia Chow's only qualifications/abilities as a MP is too keep Jack's shidt eating grin on his mug.
I never thought of Olivia Chow.  That would be ummm. ahhh. hrmmmm  interesting... I guess :rofl:
PPCLI Guy said:
Olivia Chow

Well, if she was it, we could expect our counselling services to take it up an notch, and perhaps some youth advocacy for the cadets?

Other then that, I think she may have watched a war movie once... That would qualify her as much as many of our past ministers of defence (including McKay).

Ahh well. Whoever gets in, so long as they have an open mind, and will actually listen to their predecessors, NDHQ staff, and the CDS, we will survive, and all will be good. I do not fore-see any truly radical changes for us or the country as a whole regardless of platform being riden on (reality has a nasty way of smashing the hopes and dreams of political platforms).
Luckily, there is no change this morning...and it is still Prime Minister Harper..

Not Prime Minister Layton!!!!!
Both the Peter MacKay and Steven Harper's Conservatives were elected, with 16 additional members. The cabinet has not been sworn in yet, so there could still be a change in seats.
Possible that we will retain who we have (McKay) ... pending probable cabinet shuffle - to cover off cabinet ministers who did not get in or those who are now in the dog house....
With Emerson gone, I'd be more concerned about who's going to get Foreign Affairs....

Granted the wrong MND could play havoc with the CF and it's programs of catching up, but that's going to happen anyway until the economy straightens up.....but the FM "NEEDS" to be someone competent, not some political lightweight looking for awareness....
However, I do think that McKay will be looking for something else this time around in order to broaden his experience and influence in the party. He may still feel that he needs to be rewarded for his 'sacrifice' in uniting the party a few years ago.

Actually, was dating Stronach a perk or part of the 'sacrifice' - did he draw the short straw?
PanaEng said:
Actually, was dating Stronach a perk or part of the 'sacrifice' - did he draw the short straw?

Only his dog knows..... ;D
Two prominent faces in Conservative Leader Stephen Harper's previous caucus will be missing in Ottawa as a result of Tuesday's election.

Voters rejected former cabinet minister Michael Fortier's bid in Quebec and booted Rahim Jaffer from his Alberta riding.
With the notable exception of Fortier, all of Harper's cabinet ministers were re-elected.  Jaffer, 36, a high profile MP who is engaged to Ontario's Simcoe-Grey representative Helena Guergis, had represented the riding since 1997