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Looking to join the CF

Canadian Mind

Jr. Member
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Hi, My name is Matthew, and I have been looking into the process of joining the Canadian Forces. I have been a member of Air Cadets for approximately 6 years now (turning 18 in November)

While it is not a firm decision yet, I have been playing with the idea for awhile now. Just this weekend, at the Boomer's Legacy Fundraising dinner, I met General Hillier :salute:, and he told me "to make up my mind before I end up 45 doing nothing." As such I've decided to take the mans advice. I took the opportunity this first week at cadets to begin discussing with the officers how the process would work, what I would need to get done, etc. They have already been very helpful in answering many of my questions, and have directed me to Forces.ca and here, Army.ca to begin investigating the process into far more detail.

I already had an general idea of what I wanted to get into; Armoured, more specifically the tank. However, upon looking at the job description, and looking at other opportunities, I also wouldn't mind the Recce Segment of the Armoured trade, as well as potentially getting into the Air Defence trade, specifically the ADATS (something about tracked vehicles... ;) ).

Anyways, I've been cruising this site for the better part of two days, and have decided to sign up to ask some of my own questions that weren't answered in other threads.

While talking to the officers at cadets, they gave me the impression that the next time recruiters were in Comox, I could be in and out within a day, with everything completed except for my singing the dotted line, which would have to be saved for after cadets and after I am 18 (mother will refuse to sign for it). After looking at dozens of threads and hundreds of posts on this site, it seems to me that the general consensus is that the recruitment process, filling out all the forms, interviews, etc. occurs over many days, and it all can't be done in just one day when the recruiters arrive. (They come up from Victoria) What is the case? Can I have my aptitude test, interview, and all the initial paperwork completed within one day?

Another question revolves around the actual process. Much of the focus on the site seems to be on only the aptitude test and interview. The former I think I will do fairly well in considering my practice scores of 85 and 90% (some of the test links don't work), and a link to an IQ test I found earlier that gave me a score of 148 when most other people said they scored between 110 and 130. Yes the IQ score is trivial, but I still feel it is a good indicator. As for the interview, I know to go well dressed, but I am wondering more about the process. Will the questions be straightforward yes/no answers, open ended questions where I am free to express myself, or both? And more important than either of these, what else is involved during the recruitment day and/or overall process.

Alas, the biggest question is; What can I do to ensure I get into the trade I want? A long time employer and somewhat mentor said that I should only list what I want at the top of the list, and nothing else. Is this recommended, or should I add filler beyond the Armoured trade (and possibly Anti-Air) to my list of trade requests... If there even is a request list?

One more thing... for the sake of clairity; is this form something to be filled out and taken with me to the recruiting centre: 5th post down.
I ask because there seemed to be a whole lot of confusion around some paperwork in a thread dated for 2004 that wasn't clarified.

Thanks for your guy's help. If I missed the answers to some of these questions, please take the time to simply link me to the appropriate thread.

M. Bailey

PS. As a side-note, the family doesn't have a functioning phone, which I am rather ashamed to admit.  :-[ As such I don't have the easy convenience of the local recruiting agency being only a phone call away. To make a call would be a rather laborious venture to town to make the call from a friend or officers house, which is about 45 minutes from here. Doesn't mean I can't E-mail, but I have found that E-mail and government agencies usually get me nowhere.
The interview questions will all be open ended.  I believe there is a page at the forces.gc.ca website that includes some of the questions that will be asked.  Couldn't find it quickly, but found another website that had the same form:  http://canadaonline.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsite.htm?zi=1/XJ&sdn=canadaonline&cdn=newsissues&tm=11&gps=123_763_1020_552&f=20&tt=2&bt=1&bts=1&zu=http%3A//  The process is a long one.  You might be able to get all the paperwork, interview, medical and aptitude testing out of the way in one day, but be prepared for a long wait after that.  It is different in my case having former service, but just as a rough estimate, I applied back in March (I think).  I was scheduled for the interview and medical but I was away from home at the time and unable to make it due to work, so asked to be rescheduled.  Just waiting for the next remote recruitment date.
Thanks for the quick info and the link.

Would I be able to start the process while still in cadets then? Or do I have to be officially out before I can even start the process?
I am not sure how it would work for Regular Force.  For Reserves, I did it while still in cadets, but that was back in 1996.  You could probably start it while still in cadets.
Canadian Mind,

Yes, you can start the CF recruiting process while still in Cadets.

Don't put much stock in the "everything done in a day" suggestion, it's seldom that clean.  You may want to start reading through some of the threads linked in the FAQ to get an idea of what the process may include for you, and the length of time it might take.

Recruiting Forum Introduction and FAQ

Take a while to familiarize yourself with how much information is available here, and you may find yourself avoiding asking questions that have been covered in detail.

Welcome to army.ca.
Canadian Mind

      Put your application in, with the required source documents.  You are able to do this on line through the the recruiting website. Nothing will be done on your file until you turn 18, or your parents sign for you.

      The one-day process is the standard for Comox.  It can only be done if there are no issues that come up, and will only be scheduled once your application is received with the necesary source documents - birth certificate, transcripts, etc. 

      Once the aptitude test, interview and medical are done, the staff will take the file back to Victoria, and depending on the results, the ERS and occupations you are interested in joining, make a decision on enrolling.  This can be done very quickly if there are no issues, and takes longer if there is missing documents or issues, such as medical concerns.

    Put down only those occupations you want for employment.  It does no-one any good to put in a filler occupation, as it may be the only one open.  As it is, we have plenty of openings for Crewman (the NCM Armoured occupation) and for Armour (the officer occupation).  The Artillery Air Defence occupation normally has room for more recruits. 

        If you wish to be in a specific occupation, indicate that by putting only those occupations on your application form.  The Recruiter may discuss other occupations, depending on your background and education, but it is up to you to decide which ones you wish to pursue.  Same when the enrolment offer comes in - it will be for one of the occupations you indicated on your application form, and were interviewed for.  Sometimes if you qualify for more occupations you may be encouraged to look at another occupation, which would lead to an interview, and possibly a job offer.  The job offer is just that - an offer.  If you don't like the offer, don't accept.  We don't take it personally (normally), and will not close your file unless the job offer is for your first choice.  And don't forget, you can always discuss your options with a Recruiter or Military Career Counsellor.

    We are re-doing the application package, and should have some additional clarity about some of the forms as the new package is developed this winter.  There has been a lot of change since 2004.  In the meantime, talk to the CFRC.  If you send in an e-mail through the "contact us" on the recruiting website, there are staff dedicated to responding to e-mail questions.  I would be interested in your experience with that system, as this is something that has been started recently.

      Hope this answers most of your questions.  I haven't addressed all of them, as others have posted good answers as well.
"Hi, My name is Matthew, and I have been looking into the process of joining the Canadian Forces. I have been a member of Air Cadets for approximately 6 years now (turning 18 in November)."

And the thought of an Air Force trade never came up ? Being around aircraft, fixing aircraft..flying in one ?  :)
Baden  Guy said:
"Hi, My name is Matthew, and I have been looking into the process of joining the Canadian Forces. I have been a member of Air Cadets for approximately 6 years now (turning 18 in November)."

And the thought of an Air Force trade never came up ? Being around aircraft, fixing aircraft..flying in one ?  :)

If I were to join the air force, I'd want to be one of the pilots... problem being my highschool marks are to shitty to get me into RMC.  :crybaby: I'm actually not a fan of fixing the birds.

Actually, speaking of schooling, are there programs within the military that will subsidies post-secondary education later on? Say I sign my first contract for three years, then either choose to go to school or sign for another 5, then go to school, will I recieve grants or additional funds?

I ask this because I don't plan on being in the military forever, and at some point before I am Thirty I would like to head to school and study architecture.

Also, while I am in school, and during the summer months between semesters, would I be allowed to return to my old unit in the reg forces for the four month period (and periodically throughout the year) or sign with a local reserve battalion?

BC Old Guy, thanks for the detailed and informative post. I'll take the time to pass on my experience with the online system.
I applied and finished the process on 11th of July.  To ensure you get the trade you want make sure you study for the CFAT.  All I did to prepare was review math questions and IQ tests online.  I qualified for all NCM and junior officer.  Good luck and be prepared! :)
Canadian Mind,

Do not make your decision lightly. Visit the CF Recruiting Web-site as well.

Regarding this:

(something about tracked vehicles... )

I've got track on my 416s/404s ... and I'm a Supply Tech!! I highly recommend it as one of your choices!! JUST KIDDING!! (Not about the track part though ...).  ;D

Welcome to Milnet.ca


ArmyVern said:
Canadian Mind,

Do not make your decision lightly. Visit the CF Recruiting Web-site as well.

Regarding this:

I've got track on my 416s/404s ... and I'm a Supply Tech!! I highly recommend it as one of your choices!! JUST KIDDING!! (Not about the track part though ...).  ;D

Welcome to Milnet.ca


What she said.  I drove track too - and I was RMS!!!  (A friggin' clerk, if you don't understand "RMS" - neither do I).
Roy Harding said:
What she said.  I drove track too - and I was RMS!!!  (A friggin' clerk, if you don't understand "RMS" - neither do I).

WOW  :warstory:
ok, how's about a tracked vehicle with a 1500 horsepower engine and a 120mm gun that is often described as "63 tonnes of rolling death?" :P

Oh for BC Old Guy, the email system sucks ass. They told me, after not answering any of my questions, that I should call or email them. The email address they gave me was the one I had just sent a message too. The way the email was formatted made it seem like a personal letter, but all the same i felt like I was being fed information spewed out from a machine.

fucking lame.

It's lame, but not that bad... shouldn't treat a road bump like a 20 foot wide crater one of the gremlins (engineers) blasted into the road.
If it was an electronic means I would understand, but the thing was signed, which frustrates me to know end.

I know a signature is not full proof that it wasn't electronic, but it is (I assume) there to indicate my email was handled personally.

Anyways, I'm going to send another one tonight, see if I get another response tommorow. If it doesn't work I'll just get the cadet unit to hunt the recruiter's contact info for me.

As for keeping the comment to myself... perhaps I should have, but there aren't to many folks on here for me to vent to yet. If I get a newer, better response I'll change my post to reflect that. If I get the same thing over and over again, I'll leave it as is.

I've reviewed my post and decided it was indeed to crass, even for the situation... I will re-evaluate it and post accordingly.

Hope I can treat this as a lesson learned in patience, and everyone else will view it as the same.

Sorry to hear about the bad e-mail experience.  We are in the process of setting up a chat capability - it'll be at least a month or two away.  If you decide to do a follow-up e-mail let me know how it turned out. 

edit spelling/correct typos
yea, no... same automated message, or same person... it is a Master Corporal Cozac both times with the same message. :P