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Looking for Info about Edward Dean & Edward H Dzioba

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My grandfather Edward H Dzioba passed away in the summer of 1999. I find myself wishing that I would have listened closer to his stories when I was younger. If anyone knew him, and has some stories to share I would very much like to hear from you.

Edward Dean is my father. I‘ve never met him and have had a hard time finding information on him although I have been told that my grandfather got him a job in the millitary. So, I thought that I would put it out there and see if anyone knew him.

I drove your grandfather around for a little while in Calgary and Wainwright when he was the base RSM.
We went on exercise in an old 3/4 ton truck and from what I can remember it was in the late 70's.
He was in my eyes a very powerfull man and I had a lot of respect for him. He scared the crap out of me seeing as I was just a young trooper but I guess I grew on him he was very soft spoken and extremely funny. Of the little time I spent with him we had a blast him being the chief dog and all wherever he wen I went and we were treat very well. A funny story for you in our camp it was in the middle of winter and we were cruising around and there was this old corporal Jack Head was his name and his job at the time was to clean out the latrines and for some reason he was on he road and DZ offered him a ride so Jack jumped in the cab and DZ asked him what he had in the bag and Jack without blinking said " crap" it was frozen and DZ just looked at me and said stop this thing and he pitched Jack right out the door and ragged him out for putting a bag of crap in the RSM'S truck.
Well a few minutes later he was busting a gut and we laughed all the way back to our tent line something I will never forget.
He was was a tall man very powerfull but had a soft side and I really admired him. I spoke to him a few more times after that and he would make a b line for me when he was inspecting the regiment and always stopped to chat.
I can remember Chief Dzioba when he was the brigade Sargent Major and General Mitchell was the Brigade Commander of 1 Brigade in Calgary.  When I worked in the command post he used to come in and sit with me while the officers were in their briefing.  He always had some good stories to tell although I can't remember any of them now.  (that was in the late 70's, my memory isnt' that good  lol )  He always had a good word to share with everyone.  I never heard anything bad about him in all the time I knew him.
When I was a young reservist he gave me a call out for the summer...best summer job I had despite the money I lost playing crib against him