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Living Quarters in the regs

  • Thread starter Thread starter jmackenzie_15
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lol thanks for all the input guys...

well when you put it that way, shilo doesnt sound so bad i guess. A town of 40,000 isnt bad, the biggest one around where i am now is 9,000 =p I could live with that.Winnipeg nearby would be nice as well.

Id still prefer edmonton,but what the hell =p
I think im going to shoot for ppcli and see where I end up.... at least ill kick and scream my way there as best I can =p
If you got to base like Shilo that is remote or Gagetown you best have a car or a buddy with a car.
If your single you should do ok
If married I hope she can find a similar paying job. ::)
                          " Expensive"

Shortbus that was priceless.

I have had the opportunity to speak with a few people who spent time at Shilo and while not all of them agreed as to how good/bad it was there, they did all agree that it wasn't the worst they had seen.

To me, its more so the people and not the town itself. The town is crap but there are some good people here
It's the opposite where im living.Town of about 5,000. The town itself is nice, nice location, some things to do etc.The people however,
are most of the time, ignorant slobs.
Shilo .  Its like Pictou with all the charm of Springhill.


but, does it have the crime problems of truro? =p
so I could get all the current conveniences of my unit... id feel right at home. lol
well regardless, theres no way it can be worse than pictou.Even then, if I end up edmonton, id be in party mode for at least a month.Id love to live there.I'll just expect to live in shilo and if it works out different... well then... to the liqour store I go
jmackenzie_15 said:
well regardless, theres no way it can be worse than pictou.Even then, if I end up edmonton, id be in party mode for at least a month.Id love to live there.I'll just expect to live in shilo and if it works out different... well then... to the liqour store I go


And immediately down the tubes you'll go.

Find something else (woodworking, automobile restoring, sports teams ... ANYTHING) to do rather than "to the liqour (sic) store I go".

Perhaps a remedial writing course to correct your various spelling and grammatical errors might fill the bill?
You're right, its very uncommon for 20 year old guys to do any drinking.It's unheard of these days.
What's more common, are old cranks with negative attitudes that have nothing to contribute except the need
to make unhelpful comments.
jmackenzie_15 said:
You're right, its very uncommon for 20 year old guys to do any drinking.It's unheard of these days.
What's more common, are old cranks with negative attitudes that have nothing to contribute except the need
to make unhelpful comments.

God is that ever true. Not directed at the good CC but just in general I find it bizzarre how I get lectured about alcohol and its pitfalls by guys that 20 years ago were tying each other to chairs and putting funnels in there mouths at work on friday afternoon. Older military gents are notorious for this- this and makig snide remarks just because they feel its their duty to make the juniors feel worthless. Maybe the guys I work with wouldnt be so useless if they didnt keep getting told they are by the senior NCM's.

Help and motivation is one thing- calling some one a useless tit and letting them spin their wheels on a mediocre career path is another. I will remember this when I get up there I hope so I can do my bit to chang things around a bit. Rant off guys sorry- I just saw some stuff today that I dont approve of. Not because it was "to harsh". Being harsh is fine- as long as it is constructive as well. Instead of "you are an asshat" say "you are an asshat- this is how you do it."
jmackenzie_15 said:
You're right, its very uncommon for 20 year old guys to do any drinking.It's unheard of these days.
What's more common, are old cranks with negative attitudes that have nothing to contribute except the need
to make unhelpful comments.

I think you'll be surprised by how uncommon it is for 20 year old serious soldiers to go drinking.  They do - but not as much as "we" did when I was still a young crank with a negative attitude.

A positive step for the better in my opinion.

Let me know if you need any more unhelpful comments regarding spelling and grammar (I see you found the Spell Check button - it's an improvement.)
I've never used the spellcheck button, I decided it was better to use the effort to type properly to amuse someone so anal about very minor mistakes, such as yourself, rather than have to type another entire paragraph or two explaining why I type so carelessly.

I don't see how drinking in your off time affects your ability to perform as a soldier.As long as you are performing to a high standard, what should it matter what you choose to do on your own time? Some guys like to play sports and woodwork.I like to go out with my friends to a bar.

In no way is that unreasonable.
Drinking each night is totally fine, **** go out, get wasted and don't crawl over the door mat until 3am, so long as you can get up early the next morning, hit PT, perform your duties respectively and efficiently, and do so in a cheery manner until the days run out. THAT is where most soldiers run into problems...

Enough side tracking, back to the women  ;D
What ever you do and wherever you go. get your drivers licence. that way if you do go to  *shudder* Shilo. You have the means to go to Brandon and or Winnipeg to those bars. Just don't drink and drive.

Brandon is exactly like Truro though. I couldn't put my finger on what it reminded me of while I was there. But now I can put two and two together. 
I was just reading the post. You mentioned Truro. Are you from there? I live there now. I'm getting sworn in on the 16 in Halifax.