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Living Quarters and Free Time


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I would like to know what are the possibilities for living quarters on a base. I've graduated from high school and plan on entering the forces as a electrical distribution tech and I basically want to know what living will cost. Also I have a girlfriend of 4 years that I will be leaving behind in Waterloo and I want to know what kind of free time I will have to talk to her through various methods. I have heard its like a regular 9 to 5 jobs and weekends off but I very much doubt that. I have tried to ask my cousin who is a Major but the response time is too long to get answers. And lastly what kind of space do you have and what can you bring with you. Specifically electronics (Laptop/xbox which I use to talk to my girlfriend) both myself and her understand the space and strain on the relationship but I just want to know I will be able to regularly talk to her.

Thanks in advance.
I assume you haven't done BMQ yet.

I would suggest first take a look at all the threads about BMQ and you will see what life will be like on that course. While on BMQ as far as I know no access to internet for the first 4 weeks but there are pay phones that you can use.

After that you will go and do your trades courses. 8-4 days just like if you were at a trades school. Normally you will be in double rooms on course (2 to a room).

After you get your posting after your courses, they will pay for your move and you live on the economy (Apartment or House). If your girlfriend was to become your wife or common-law they will move her too. They pay for the movers to pack and move your stuff, real estate fees, hotels and plane tickets or km rate for your car and other things too. Everything is covered.

When you get to your location yes it's a 8-4 job. With plenty of afternoons and time to do personal admin and stuff.

However if you are getting ready to deploy or are deployed those hours can go up. Yes some days you feel like you aren't working that much, and some days you are working alot but it all balances out in the end really. The Canadian Forces have about 75 000 people, many with families, kids, friends and most cope with it quite well and live great lives.
Ah thank you my girlfriend is in university and will be for years. OK so I follow everything so far and once I'm done the BMQ and the trade school (I assume you meant weeks not days in your answer) I get a place to live where I can have my own stuff right? And whats an average cost. I know each base would be different but I want to have a basic idea. I want to have a sort of budget for this going into it. I know I wont be making alot of money so I just want to know the basic costs. If Im posted far from my girlfriend it will obviously be expensive to go there and back so I want to have an idea. I know I have alot of questions but I want to put my girl at ease before I get into this. I tend to jump into things without thinking but I want to be sure I can tell her as much as I possibly can
Same as anywhere else as you would be living on the economy (ie/ your own place) unless your married and request a PMQ on base. The pay isn't that bad really, but save when you're on course. Don't spend every weekend out drinking til you can't see and put some cash aside every pay. Pay off your bills and you'll be fine, by the time your out of trades school you'll be in pretty good shape :)
Pay is pretty good, your first 4 years will be about 35 to 40k a year, once you hit Leading Seaman/Corporal level, you will be getting about 50k or more depending on your trade (ie if you get spec pay, sea duty allowance, aircrew allowance ect)

Also right now alot of bases fall under a program called the Post Living Differential, where certain bases that are situated in economies that have a higher cost of living get an addition allowance on top of there pay to help with the cost difference. For example people posted to Victoria, BC get about 800 dollars more a month to help with the cost of rent here (800+ for one bedroom place).

I'm not sure, but it seams that you have us compared to the Americans a little. We get paid a fair bit more then them, however we are not provided living accommodations like the americans unless we are on a course or on what we call Temporary Duty (short term employement out of our local area).
Hoxtongue said:
Ah thank you my girlfriend is in university and will be for years. OK so I follow everything so far and once I'm done the BMQ and the trade school (I assume you meant weeks not days in your answer) I get a place to live where I can have my own stuff right? And whats an average cost. I know each base would be different but I want to have a basic idea. I want to have a sort of budget for this going into it. I know I wont be making alot of money so I just want to know the basic costs. If Im posted far from my girlfriend it will obviously be expensive to go there and back so I want to have an idea. I know I have alot of questions but I want to put my girl at ease before I get into this. I tend to jump into things without thinking but I want to be sure I can tell her as much as I possibly can

Trying to put the girl at ease. This will be tougher than anything. Obviously I havent had to deal with balancing military life and a girl, but my current job takes me away alot, unexpectedly, and sometimes for weeks or months at a time.

My advice here, plan ahead, expect the worse case scenarios, and absolutely make arrangements to cover your bum  for birthdays, valentines, and or any other BS day or occasion that seems or was considered nothing before.

Because there will be a guy getting her flowers or a card whose just a friend, who helped her a world issues and awareness class  .... but then you get her thinking how come a friend did and not my boyfriend.

Compounded by distance, bing bang boom you're history by the weekend.

Also you can look up pay scales on www.forces.ca and find approximate living costs from searchiing here.
Considering shes reading this thread too I can't really say that last comment helped at all. I trust her more than anything else in my life so really I have no worries when it comes to her. Other then that thanks for the good info guys. Every bit helps
Hoxtongue said:
Ah thank you my girlfriend is in university and will be for years. OK so I follow everything so far and once I'm done the BMQ and the trade school (I assume you meant weeks not days in your answer)

I think he meant 8am-4pm days.
I also recommend stocking up on phone cards for BMQ, you can buy them at the Canex, but access to that is very very limited, especially the first 4 weeks. nothing sucks more then being halfway through a conversation and running out of time not knowing when you'll get another phone card.

Calling regularily will help things alot, especially if you're far enough that weekend visits are out(once you have you weekends).

For the Girlfriend : Send mail, everyone loves to get mail and it gives you a chance to write out things that you may not want to say over the phone.

Cat said:
For the Girlfriend : Send mail, everyone loves to get mail and it gives you a chance to write out things that you may not want to say over the phone.
Like "Dear John, the guy who delivers the flowers and chocolates you send is really cute. I think I have feelings for him. Please don't hate me but its over. Good luck on the rest of your course. Jane"  ;D
captloadie said:
Like "Dear John, the guy who delivers the flowers and chocolates you send is really cute. I think I have feelings for him. Please don't hate me but its over. Good luck on the rest of your course. Jane"  ;D

I meant details about her day that she didn't have time to say or she was trying to cheer him up after a rough day and didn't want to tell him that she flipped her english lit prof off or something....

Hoxtongue said:
I would like to know what are the possibilities for living quarters on a base. I've graduated from high school and plan on entering the forces as a electrical distribution tech and I basically want to know what living will cost. Also I have a girlfriend of 4 years that I will be leaving behind in Waterloo and I want to know what kind of free time I will have to talk to her through various methods. I have heard its like a regular 9 to 5 jobs and weekends off but I very much doubt that. I have tried to ask my cousin who is a Major but the response time is too long to get answers. And lastly what kind of space do you have and what can you bring with you. Specifically electronics (Laptop/xbox which I use to talk to my girlfriend) both myself and her understand the space and strain on the relationship but I just want to know I will be able to regularly talk to her.

Thanks in advance.

There is also the possibility of living in Single Quarters depending on what base you are posted to after your trades training is completed. It's similar to the type of accommodations you see on a course: two to a room with a shared bathroom, laundry facilities on each floor, sometimes a common room where you can set up a t.v or hang out. Often there is a storage area in the basement for your extra kit, bicycles etc.
Single rooms can be harder to come by, and of course cost extra but often you can get on a waiting list to go solo (some places base priority for single rooms on rank and reserve the rooms for Corporals and above). You'd have to check with the base Rations and Quarters where you get posted for current rates as the costs I am familiar with are probably out of date  (used to be about $100.00 a month but that is one base 5-6 years ago).
Also good to know that single quarters do not have kitchen facilities as a general rule. Members who are living in can choose to pay for a ration card to use at the mess hall and there are various meal plans available. I think they run between 300.00-400.00 but again, you would want to check for current rate info with the base. I have a few friends that managed with microwaves and such to save the cost of a ration card and avoid the set meal times of the mess hall, but technically you are not supposed to cook in quarters and the barracks warden does do the occasional inspection to check for cleanliness and damage to the rooms.
I also wanted to mention that I recall a program where once a year (at Christmas) members are entitled to assistance in returning to their next of kin for a visit via service flights. These are free flights to various points across Canada. They are not exactly a piece of cake to get a seat on, but worth sending up an application if there is a fight that fits your needs. Message usually comes out in the fall and applications are first come first serve so you have to keep your eyes open for when the dates/locations are released in routine orders (your orderly room will know about this stuff when you need help).
Good luck getting started! It's good to see you are planning ahead, I have seen more than a few guys mismanage their pay to the point that they had to go the bankruptcy route.
I spent a good amount of time reading through this enormous thread about the CFHA (I believe that was the acronym) The general consensus was to buy housing off base (actually buy) and rent other parts of the house to other guys. Any opinions on that?
I think buying really depends on location and your personal situation.  You'd have to take a lot into consideration:
- If you are buying in an area with lots of inventory and low demand, and all of a sudden had to sell due to being posted elsewhere or anything like that, how likely are you to be able to sell the house quickly?
- Also, if you are the landlord will you have someone to look after any issues if you are away on tour or on course?

I know there are million other things to consider as well, those are just 2 that popped into my head right away.

I know it's common in places like Victoria to build and rent out a separate apartment suite in your house because the cost of living is so high, it takes the edge of a huge mortgage payment.
Yes but I would be learning construction trades. I possibly would know some people back at the base who I could pay to take care of something like that. I just thought that getting some rent from some other people would help alot with the mortgage
Oh definitely extra income is extra income ... I've never rented to people, those suggestions were just things that popped into my head when i thought about it.  Hey if you're up for it, then go for it!!
Rations are 493$ a month for Full Rations and Partial Rations (10 meals a week) are 280$ a month, this is a nationwide cost set out by the Director of Food Services.

For rooms they range from 70$ for a 3 person shared room to 175$ for a single room with shared bathroom no sink in room.

There is a program now called LTA (Leave Travel Assistance) where once per fiscal year they will send you home to your next of kin and help (not always but many times will pay for all) with your plane ticket on commercial air. My first one that I took paid for the entire ticket, the one I took last year I had to pay 20$ out of pocket because I was just a tiny bit over the limit. The limit is based on the Kilometers from your next of kin.