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Life as an Infantry Soldier?

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Actually there's a really good link to a video that shows you. Armymedic posted it in the recruiting forum under the title (appropriately enough) "What people in the military really do". Check it out to give yourself a better idea.

How many years is the Reg. INF contract for?
During that time period, will I have any opportunities to advance my civilian education (almost done a 4 year university degree)?
Will I still be able to participate in hobbies like jiu jitsu or other martial arts that are not offered on a base?
Will living quarters and food be provided?

Basic questions...I 'm sure they are on here somewhere - but a response would be much appreciated.

If you're sure that the answers to your questions are on here somewhere then why ask people to go through the motions of answering them again? Do a search.

MSN and ICQ "short hand" -  http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/33247.0.html

Regarding the use of "MSN speak" versus the employment of prose which is correct in grammar, spelling and punctuation, please see: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/34015/post-260446.html#msg260446

Army.ca Conduct Guidelines: MUST READ - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/24937.0.html

FRIENDLY ADVICE TO NEW MEMBERS - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/24937/post-259412.html#msg259412

Recruiting FAQ - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/21101.0.html

Infantry FAQ - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/1897/post-77869.html#msg77869

Canadian Forces Aptitude Test - http://army.ca/forums/threads/21101/post-103977.html#msg103977

Fitness requirements at enrolment, see page 12 of this brochure:

Search page - http://forums.army.ca/forums/index.php?action=search;advanced

To summarize. Welcome to Army.ca, start reading.
And since the previous post to today's was in August of last year I am going to lock this one.

PM one of the DS if you feel it needs to be opened.
I’m looking to join the army as an Infantry soldier and I just wanted to know from someone who has 
already been in the army (preferably as and infantry soldier or something closely related) for several years to tell me what is your basic day to day life like. I went to forces.gc.ca and looked around on the various government Canadian Forces websites but all I can find is just worthless information like “you will be part of a team” and blah blah blah… basically a bunch of propaganda trying to sugar coat and make the Armed Forces look attractive while at the same time not actually being of any use. I haven’t found anything on how many days a week I would have to work (I am talking about the Regular Forces) or what the hours are like. I would also like to know things such is, If you go over seas or on operations away from home do you get time off before you go or maybe when you come back, if you get time off at all. The only useful information I’ve found was the pay scale and quite frankly if I was looking to become a millionaire the army would be the last place I’d go to, so even that is of little interest to me. I will be grateful if you do not mind sharing your experience, or if you have done a better job at searching the internet about this topic then I, please direct me to were I can find this information. Thank you.
Krazy Al said:
I’m looking to join the army as an Infantry soldier and I just wanted to know from someone who has 
already been in the army (preferably as and infantry soldier or something closely related) for several years to tell me what is your basic day to day life like. I went to forces.gc.ca and looked around on the various government Canadian Forces websites but all I can find is just worthless information like “you will be part of a team” and blah blah blah… basically a bunch of propaganda trying to sugar coat and make the Armed Forces look attractive while at the same time not actually being of any use. I haven’t found anything on how many days a week I would have to work (I am talking about the Regular Forces) or what the hours are like. I would also like to know things such is, If you go over seas or on operations away from home do you get time off before you go or maybe when you come back, if you get time off at all. The only useful information I’ve found was the pay scale and quite frankly if I was looking to become a millionaire the army would be the last place I’d go to, so even that is of little interest to me. I will be grateful if you do not mind sharing your experience, or if you have done a better job at searching the internet about this topic then I, please direct me to were I can find this information. Thank you.

I think you need an attitude adjustment if you are going to join......  ::)
Krazy Al said:
I am 16 right now and hope to join this up coming summer, I want to eventually be a sniper or a pathfinder in the army but from what I read that isn't my decision to make. If theres anyone who already is a sniper or a pathfinder I would like to know how you got to be one and I would just like to know plain and simple where I go to join and how the whole waiting thing work because I read after you pass the tests or what not you go on some waiting list, I just want to know how that works and what would be the fastest way to join. I am in grade 11 and I want go all the way through high school and then maybe college as well so until I am fully out of school and have decided what to do with my live I would only like to be the army part time.

-Just please don't tell me to read the site or anything like that because I have, it just has allot of information all spread out, I just want it plain and simple. thank

aesop081 is a good judge of charactor, methinks.....
I am sure that by now you have read a lot of the posts on this site about the day to day life of a Combat Arms Soldier.  If not, then there is a lot you have missed.  As a soldier, you are expected to be a Team Player.  You, as a Canadian Soldier, will be expected to have a great deal of knowledge, initiative, moral fibre, motivation, ethical behavior, strength and endurance.  You will be expected to do a lot with nothing and be cheerful in completing your tasks.  You can be expected to work 24 and 7 for long periods of time.  You will become accustomed to living and working in abysmal conditions at the most unusual locations.  You will become acclimatized to some extreme weather conditions.  You will be treated better when out of country than when at home.  Green will become your favourite colour.  And there is much more.  Kinda late, but welcome to Army.ca; and enjoy reading as it will improve your knowledge base.

Oh! By the way, you will not be spoon fed or led by the hand all the way through your military career........There is nothing plain and simple there.......you will be fed from a fire hydrant.
Hey I am interested in joining the Army as a infantry soldier. I have searched and not found the answers I was looking for. I am curious what life is like for a infantry soldier after your basic training is done. What kind of things do you do during a normal working day. Thanks in advance Jordan.
Have you looked at this?:
("Day in the life of a infantry men (for reservists)")

On the second page someone makes a list of things, and then makes the comment of how it is pretty much the same for the Regular force, just it happens every day.  Whether he was correct or not...is beyond me.
This question has been asked many times before, the answers are out there, it just may take more digging to find it.  It is often not in obvious places.

Is it possible to delete your own posts?  Because after this was thread was moved and merged...my reply is well, useless it seems.
And that's a good example of life in the Infantry: Ask a stupid question... get your face ripped off... develop character and soldier on. I love it when a plan comes together, sigh.
I've heard a few on this forum say this,    'I am thinkin of joining, but i want a career'
Does this mean that you have to stop being in the infantry after a certain age?
or can u continue your career in the army until retiring?
Kerr232 said:
Does this mean that you have to stop being in the infantry after a certain age?

No.  (Well, thats not quite true.  You will be told you have to leave at age 60...but that counts for everyone...at this time.)

or can u continue your career in the army until retiring?

Kerr232 said:
I've heard a few on this forum say this,    'I am thinkin of joining, but i want a career'
Does this mean that you have to stop being in the infantry after a certain age?
or can u continue your career in the army until retiring?

You (a.k.a. 'U') should only stop being 'Infantry' if you get bored by wrecking things for a living and enjoying it... which is not likely to happen if you make it through the training  :)
lol thanks  ;D,    yeah i plan on applying for the infantry next year when im done highschool!
i dont know why you guys all bitch and moan. sure the question is asked a million times "whats an average day like" but some people like the re-assurance from others not just from a page. its probably comforting. we would like to hear from your point of views. there is alot of info on joining and what happens in training but not much after training and what happens. im sure you all went on here and asked the same million questions just like others so why be dicks about it, be kind give a decent answer!

thats my lil rant. im so tired of asswipes and threads being closed for stupid crap
clipz said:
i dont know why you guys all ***** and moan. sure the question is asked a million times "whats an average day like" but some people like the re-assurance from others not just from a page. its probably comforting. we would like to hear from your point of views. there is alot of info on joining and what happens in training but not much after training and what happens. im sure you all went on here and asked the same million questions just like others so why be dicks about it, be kind give a decent answer!

thats my lil rant. im so tired of asswipes and threads being closed for stupid crap

With that you're on the ramp.

The Army.ca Staff
clipz said:
there is alot of info on joining and what happens in training but not much after training and what happens.

Do a little bit of a search on "lessons learnt in Afghanistan".... "Bosnia"... "Medak"... "Rwanda"

There is quite a bit of material in this forum - you just have to "work" at it VS being spoon fed.

Have a nice day
Ray said:
I hope you know what the infantry is all about. not to scare you but get ready for it. I was running 5 km a day for 4 months before I got to basic and I‘m having some trouble

You limited yourself to 5Km a day with no progression in 4 months? ..just saying..
