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Liberals go ahead of tories in the polls.

I admit I don't know much about the election, however I find it somewhat difficult to believe that a party can jump that much in one day.
It is also to be expected after what, in reality, was a 5 day informmercial for the Liberals.  I would put more weight in a poll a month from now than the day after.
Chawki Bensalem said:
Apparently since Dion's election the liberals have went ahead of the tories in the polls.

Very common for a party or leader to enjoy a "honeymoon" period after a convention like the one they just went through. However, once some of his detractors in his own party start in on him, the media start examining the nuance of every word her mutters, and the Tories start pounding on him, things will come back to earth.

Taliban Jack may even take a crack at him.

spud said:
Taliban Jack may even take a crack at him.
He already is.  Apparently all the nice things Jack had to say about Dion when he thought Ignatief or Rae would win have gone out the window.  Interesting to watch how Jack can pedal backwards without his bike
Please tell me we're not going to start having daily "propaganda poll" updates?  :crybaby:
We should now put out Liberal Toys away until they grow up. Check back in 2016 and see how they are fairing......com' on now...pick up all the toys, into the box....that's it....now close the lid....there, see...nice and clean....  :)
Chawki Bensalem said:
What do you mean ???

It means that the poll surveyed 1,000 Canadians yesterday, and is accurate within 3.1 percentage points, 19 times in 20. The polling in Quebec used a sample of 247 and is considered accurate within 6.3 percentage points, 19 times out of 20. So, if the poll uses 1000 as a maximum and only polls 247 from Quebec, it stopped when it achieved the numbers it wanted and cannot be taken seriously as a cross section of society. It is a typical scam poll, with no real substance, designed to create news...........not report it truthfully.

Piper said:
I dunno. Dion may have a chance at winning because Martin is gone (why the Libs lost the recent election) and we all know how well the 'Mini-American Tories with the evil hidden agenda' line works on the baaaaaaaaaa....sorry, Canadian public.

Dion was a minister in both the Chreitien and Martin governments. His positive accomplishment was acting as Minister of Intergovernmental affairs against the Separatists (the clairity act). His negative accomplishment was to be minister of the Environment, selling Canada's participation in the Kyoto accord while our carbon emissions increased 30%. He was silent on every other issue, including Afghanistan and Liberal corruption while sitting in cabinet.

How he represents Liberal "renewal" is beyond my limited intellect, but since I judge people by what they have accomplished, then the current PM stands far beyond any current opposition politician based on the last 10 months work, especially compared to Dion's accomplishments in the last ten years.

my .02 (but only .0146 if you are a Liberal woman  ;))
As stated here, and in the MSM, it is usual for parties to increase in popularity following a leadership convention.  The party in question is all over the media, and most of it is positive.  The only polls that count are the ones in which all eligible Canadians participate during general elections.
Interesting comments this morning on CFRA.

1. Dion is a dual citizen (France & Canada)

2. The coverage given the Liberal convention and commentary by the media was approx 4 X the coverage given the Conservatives and Steven Harper, and was far more generous to the Liberals than it was to the Conservatives
It did seem to be a bit of a love-in.  I think it was Global or CTV that actually had a "panel" representing all political parties (well, major parties.  The Greens weren't there, and neither was the Heritage Front).

GAP said:
Interesting comments this morning on CFRA.

1. Dion is a dual citizen (France & Canada)

I'm not sure i understand why him having a double nationality is a problem ???
GAP said:
Interesting comments this morning on CFRA.

2. The coverage given the Liberal convention and commentary by the media was approx 4 X the coverage given the Conservatives and Steven Harper, and was far more generous to the Liberals than it was to the Conservatives

I don't necessarily agree with that. I watched a great deal of the coverage (god, I have no life). Anyway, I thought it was reasonably fair, few reporters or commentators ask much other then big, fat lob ball questions anyway. 

Although I couldn't watch Belinda for too long. All I could think about was her and Tie Domi grappling like sweaty midget rasslers and I lost my appetite.  :'(

spud said:
Although I couldn't watch Belinda for too long. All I could think about was her and Tie Domi grappling like sweaty midget rasslers and I lost my appetite.   :'(

But, did you like her hair? ;)
I'm not sure i understand why him having a double nationality is a problem

- from a political point of view I would suspect that it won't do him any good in the West
- from a personal perspective there is nothing wrong with having dual citizenship unless you want to be leader of a country...

Also note that in his youth Dion campaigned for the separatist PQ...

mjohnston39 said:
...there is nothing wrong with having dual citizenship unless you want to be leader of a country...
...or leader of both countries - - maybe we could share him  ;D