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Liberal Minority Government 2019 - ????

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Liberal MPs filibuster ethics committee meeting, delaying decision on WE Charity probe

Looks like the English version of SNC.

WE organization under scrutiny for not registering as lobbyist before pitching proposals to Trudeau Liberals

Trudeau a no-show in House after saying he would answer questions about WE

I don’t know if anyone is watching the committee testimony from Bill Morneau but how he does not resign from after this is beyond me.

Conflict of interest with his daughter working there.

free 40,000 dollar trip he forgot to pay back and only remembered to do so the day he testifies.

Time to go and possibly time for a criminal investigation.

What a crap show.
If I was a Liberal MP I would be thinking long and hard about replacing Trudeau and Morneau. Who know what other skeletons are in the closet? I know they got elected under the Trudeau banner but you can just as easily get unelected when the personality cult falls.
Remius said:
free 40,000 dollar trip he forgot to pay back and only remembered to do so the day he testifies.

LOL ya. Quite possible he just remembered it differently though.

Time to go and possibly time for a criminal investigation.

What a crap show.

I got a kick how he wouldn't admit what he did was illegal until the ethics act.

What a shit show is right.

Did I hear correctly that the 900 million was going to a shell company that's part of WEs real estate section? That's not shady at all.

When do we hear about Trudeau's mom or Morneaus daughter buying one of WEs Toronto buildings.

Morneau might have to resign. Trudeau isn’t going anywhere. The horror of having Catherine McKenna as a finance minister ought to start a market meltdown...
Jarnhamar said:
LOL ya. Quite possible he just remembered it differently though.

I got a kick how he wouldn't admit what he did was illegal until the ethics act.

What a crap show is right.

Did I hear correctly that the 900 million was going to a shell company that's part of WEs real estate section? That's not shady at all.

When do we hear about Trudeau's mom or Morneaus daughter buying one of WEs Toronto buildings.

You heard correctly.

At least with a minority parliament the Liberals can’t just shut down the committee.
Remius said:
At least with a minority parliament the Liberals can’t just shut down the committee.

They'll just do what they did with the SNC investigation and back door deal with the other parties to scuttle the investigation.

They had a majority back then though didn’t they?  No back door was required.  Latest is that the PM will be testifying now.
Global broke the story this morning: https://globalnews.ca/news/7203337/trudeau-we-charity-foundation-real-estate-holding-company/

Gist is, the "contribution agreement" was made to WE Charity Foundation, which was created in 2018 and got charitable status in 2019 and its sole stated purpose was to manage real estate holdings. Those are the same real estate holdings ($43M) financed under high risk loans that experts have described as "never seeing those sorts of deals before, ever". Conveniently, the contribution agreement was going to pay them upwards of $40M to managed the program.

How many coincidences does it take here? This is Sponsorship 2.0, and if Mike Duffy was charged with Breach of Trust for a bunch of housing claims, I cannot see how this doesn't fall under the exact same provision for at least Morneau if not the Prime Minister. Here's a pretty good outline of that specific criminal charge http://criminalnotebook.ca/index.php/Breach_of_Public_Trust_(Offence)
I was in question period the day before Trudeau's wife was diagnosed with Covid19. March if I'm not mistaken. The Conservatives kept asking what deal Trudeau made with the bloc party leader in a one on one meeting they had that caused the bloc to stop the ethics committee from testifying about SNC and making their findings public.

I'd have to go back through the transcripts for the exact wording.
I hate to say it but even with this latest scandal which I'm not overly excited or even following that close since I don't think it was that big of a deal, but listening to Scheer talk makes me think that I would still vote Liberal if it was Scheer as leader of the CPC.  I can't understand why they don't get someone else to stand in until they vote for a permanent leader.  My BP goes up as soon as I see him on TV and that's before he starts running his mouth.

stellarpanther said:
I hate to say it but even with this latest scandal which I'm not overly excited or even following that close since I don't think it was that big of a deal, but listening to Scheer talk makes me think that I would still vote Liberal if it was Scheer as leader of the CPC.  I can't understand why they don't get someone else to stand in until they vote for a permanent leader.  My BP goes up as soon as I see him on TV and that's before he starts running his mouth.

Attitudes like this is why the Liberal party can basically get away with murder.

A fucked up shady 900 million deal to a shady real estate shell company,  blatent conflict of interest, accepting gifts, and more, and you don't like scheers voice.
Jarnhamar said:
Attitudes like this is why the Liberal party can basically get away with murder.

A ****ed up shady 900 million deal to a shady real estate shell company,  blatent conflict of interet, accepting gifts, and more, and you don't like scheers voice.

It's much much more than his voice that I can't stand but regarding the so called scandal, I guess I think all politicians do thinks that benefit themselves as well as others.  I'm sure there's more to this story and I'm missing part of it but so what if his wife or the Finance Ministers daughter worked for the company, I don't care.  If there's some theft going on or some of the money was being funneled to their private bank accounts then I would have a problem and if that if happening please tell me.  I've never been a fan of not being allowed to do something because of optics. 
stellarpanther said:
It's much much more than his voice that I can't stand

I get that. You keep deflecting this conversation and other conversations about liberals, Trudeau specifically, to talk about scheer.

but regarding the so called scandal

You've already decided it's not a scandal or a big deal. No need for an investigation.

but so what if his wife or the Finance Ministers daughter worked for the company, I don't care. 

Or ministers were accepting gifts and so on.

I was going to explain ethics and conflict of interest to you but it's clear your mind is made up.

It's too bad more Canadians don't care.
stellarpanther said:
It's much much more than his voice that I can't stand but regarding the so called scandal, I guess I think all politicians do thinks that benefit themselves as well as others.  I'm sure there's more to this story and I'm missing part of it but so what if his wife or the Finance Ministers daughter worked for the company, I don't care.  If there's some theft going on or some of the money was being funneled to their private bank accounts then I would have a problem and if that if happening please tell me.  I've never been a fan of not being allowed to do something because of optics.

Let me put it to you this way. I have Sect 32 authority, and do up a sole source contract for a service that plenty of other companies can do but I fudge the document anyway. I fail to disclose one of my kids works at the company and I've personally appeared at events hosted by that company and have had a vacation paid for by said company. Someone finds all this out. I can almost guarantee you that at very least I'm losing my DoA and will never handle government funds again, but more likely I'm being charged with a myriad of things under Code Service Discipline/Criminal Code of Canada. My career in the CAF is probably over.

Now replace me with Morneau and tell me this isn't a big deal? I sincerely hope you never steward government funds, because optics of a fair and open competition/spending is literally the entire reason we have rules. At minimum Morneau has broken the Conflict of Interest Act, and could be criminal conduct. This isn't a $16 orange juice or a forgotten ownership of a villa or even housing expenses. Its a BILLION Canadian taxpayer dollars funneled to "charity" who's made election-styled ads supporting Trudeau.

No big deal though, you hate Scheer's voice.
PuckChaser said:
but more likely I'm being charged with a myriad of things under Code Service Discipline/Criminal Code of Canada. My career in the CAF is probably over.

As a Comptroller, I'd be referring that one to the police pretty quick, and I'd guess you're getting a Criminal charge for breach of trust, and so at that point your career is definitely over, probably even if you're not convicted given that administrative law only requires balance of probabilities.

Which is why I can't figure how the frig the RCMP seems to not have investigated SNC and they better be investigating this one.

While I thinK SNC is far worst and more dangerous, this one is a lot simpler to understand than SNC and so it seems to be getting more airtime / being taken more seriously by your average Joe than I would have anticipated.
stellarpanther said:
I hate to say it but even with this latest scandal which I'm not overly excited or even following that close since I don't think it was that big of a deal, but listening to Scheer talk makes me think that I would still vote Liberal if it was Scheer as leader of the CPC.  I can't understand why they don't get someone else to stand in until they vote for a permanent leader.  My BP goes up as soon as I see him on TV and that's before he starts running his mouth.

You know what?  I don’t disagree.  I’m not a fan of Scheer’s either.  He’s asked Trudeau to resign so many times too early and so often it’s become a refrain of a boy who cries wolf.

But despite that this stinks a lot.  We’ll see what Trudeau has to say today about his involvement but at the very least he needs to ask and insist on Morneau’s resignation over this.

This more than just optics.  And this should transcend any dislike for Scheer.
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