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Liberal Minority Government 2019 - ????

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I'm not sure extracting coal from national parks is really the direction we should be going, even if it means diversification... ;)
Bitch, bitch, bitch. You just can't please some people. And I play baritone ukulele, not a banjo.
Given Blair's rant of lies the other day, this government doesn't know what truth is and will look the camera in the eye and say whatever they think will further their socialist agenda. Trudeau's daily Messages from the My Porch are no different. Any government as dishonest and demeaning to the population as this one, belongs nowhere on the world stage or in power. I am totally flummoxed how some Canadians continue to support liars and thieves, even while their pockets, jobs and stability are being seized by the same.
Given Blair's rant of lies the other day, this government doesn't know what truth is and will look the camera in the eye and say whatever they think will further their socialist agenda. Trudeau's daily Messages from the My Porch are no different. Any government as dishonest and demeaning to the population as this one, belongs nowhere on the world stage or in power. I am totally flummoxed how some Canadians continue to support liars and thieves, even while their pockets, jobs and stability are being seized by the same.
Just goes to show how out of touch with too many Canadians the CPC have managed to get then, if they can’t even win against the spectre of that, doesn’t it? Maybe they have to do further soul searching on how to appeal to centrist voters if against even this backdrop, they’re still staring down the barrel of a potential Liberal majority.

I think at this point it’s clear that, absent some really solid underlying policy, simply running on ‘gotcha!’ and controversy won’t cut it.

If the LPC can be on side with this kind of crap and still be lining up wins, that says more about the alternatives than anything.
So what you are saying is that the LPC can repeatedly act entirely without morals or ethics; virtue signal while incompetently delivering services to Canadians; lie about just about everything; play region off against region (national unity be damned) but as long as they clear the low bar of continuing to bribe Canadians with borrowed money, they are good to go, until the money runs out?

Why even bother giving a shit anymore?
. . . repeatedly act entirely without morals or ethics; . . . incompetently delivering services . . . ; lie about just about everything; play region off against region (national unity be damned) but as long as they clear the low bar of continuing to bribe . . . with borrowed money, they are good to go, until the money runs out?

Why even bother giving a shit anymore?

You could be describing just about any politician, political party or government (local, regional or national) anywhere in the world, not just in Canada, not just in the present but just about any time in the recorded history of representative or responsible government. The only thing that marks a difference in the players is the perception of their credibility for that "brief, brief moment" when the electorate tires of one group and accepts the bullshit of another.
So what you are saying is that the LPC can repeatedly act entirely without morals or ethics; virtue signal while incompetently delivering services to Canadians; lie about just about everything; play region off against region (national unity be damned) but as long as they clear the low bar of continuing to bribe Canadians with borrowed money, they are good to go, until the money runs out?

Why even bother giving a shit anymore?
I’m saying it would be nice to see the opposition get their poop in a group and start campaigning like they intend to govern the county, not double down on prairie grievances that boost their popular vote but do nothing for their seat count. If they want to be in perpetual opposition, they’ve figured that formula out.

For my own reasons I choose to be very careful about what I say about he antics of the government of the day. Suffice to say I’m not impressed, but am also unimpressed at an opposition who somehow still fail to make themselves more palatable.
I’m saying it would be nice to see the opposition get their poop in a group and start campaigning like they intend to govern the county, not double down on prairie grievances that boost their popular vote but do nothing for their seat count. If they want to be in perpetual opposition, they’ve figured that formula out.

For my own reasons I choose to be very careful about what I say about he antics of the government of the day. Suffice to say I’m not impressed, but am also unimpressed at an opposition who somehow still fail to make themselves more palatable.

I wholeheartedly agree. I would like nothing more than to see a Con gov following the next election but only if they can actually provide a positive alternative and well laid out plan. I am tired of this "gotcha" stuff. My party cannot get over its own internal problems it seems.

At the same time, I am not sure I want to see us win. Let the Libs sit in the bed they made for a while. The citizenry will come around and maybe in 4-6 years so will Rona Ambrose :)
Yeah, because threads never go off topic. ;)

And, back to your regularly scheduled topic.
I mean you can be part of the problem or part of the solution, thats the beauty of free will.
So what you are saying is that the LPC can repeatedly act entirely without morals or ethics; virtue signal while incompetently delivering services to Canadians; lie about just about everything; play region off against region (national unity be damned) but as long as they clear the low bar of continuing to bribe Canadians with borrowed money, they are good to go, until the money runs out?

Why even bother giving a shit anymore?
And Canadians - the majority - will shrug their shoulders and accept it. Sadly this is now the norm.
Yeah, because threads never go off topic. ;)

And, back to your regularly scheduled topic.
The Government of the day and alternates and how they do business are not irrelevant to this thread, I would posit.

I wholeheartedly agree. I would like nothing more than to see a Con gov following the next election but only if they can actually provide a positive alternative and well laid out plan. I am tired of this "gotcha" stuff. My party cannot get over its own internal problems it seems.

At the same time, I am not sure I want to see us win. Let the Libs sit in the bed they made for a while. The citizenry will come around and maybe in 4-6 years so will Rona Ambrose :)
Hopefully she is back in politics when the 2024/2025 election comes around.
Just goes to show how out of touch with too many Canadians the CPC have managed to get then, if they can’t even win against the spectre of that, doesn’t it? Maybe they have to do further soul searching on how to appeal to centrist voters if against even this backdrop, they’re still staring down the barrel of a potential Liberal majority.

I think at this point it’s clear that, absent some really solid underlying policy, simply running on ‘gotcha!’ and controversy won’t cut it.

If the LPC can be on side with this kind of crap and still be lining up wins, that says more about the alternatives than anything.
Or perhaps it's a desperate attempt by the grits to pull the Tories into a drawn out, no resolution, stick in the eye back and forth to dominate the message. Just like they did with Scheer. Perhaps O'Toole isn't going to play their game.

It could also be an attempt, by Trudeau, to find something to take the attention off the newly refreshed WE debacle and the vaccine fiasco. Maybe O'Toole recognises that and isn't taking the bait. I know, as many others do, when something like this happens today, I immediately start looking for what other controversy he's trying to hide.
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I wholeheartedly agree. I would like nothing more than to see a Con gov following the next election but only if they can actually provide a positive alternative and well laid out plan. I am tired of this "gotcha" stuff. My party cannot get over its own internal problems it seems.

At the same time, I am not sure I want to see us win. Let the Libs sit in the bed they made for a while. The citizenry will come around and maybe in 4-6 years so will Rona Ambrose :)
My concern is if the libs get another majority, there won't be any more elections. Or, if there is, they'll be run just like Maduro's are. Trudeau is already pushing new voting rules. Crazy how they are so similar to the bill the democrats are railroading through the Senate right now. The one that totally infringes on individual state constitutions.

I'd rather see Leslyn Lewis than Ambrose. I want new blood in the hierarchy.
Or perhaps it's a desperate attempt by the grits to pull the Tories into a drawn out, no resolution, stick in the eye back and forth to dominate the message. Just like they did with Scheer. Perhaps O'Toole isn't going to play their game.
A lot of it is self inflicted. Even now with the CPC convention coming, the anti abortionists in the party are trying to dominate the convention. If they keep trying to make that an agenda item then it won’t matter what game Otoole plays or not. I don’t envy O’toole’s position right now. Scheer was outclassed, outmanoeuvred and let himself get beat up with his own hands last election. Hopefully O’toole can handle it better.
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