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Liberal Minority Government 2019 - ????

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You realize you can quote multiple users in a single post right?


Don't make me have to clean up your mess.
Humphrey Bogart said:

You realize you can quote multiple users in a single post right?


Don't make me have to clean up your mess.

Sorry, I'll find out how to do that.
stellarpanther said:
I also don't think I've ever made up my own facts

I've been reading a lot about it and seeing a lot of posts on Facebook by a lot of my friends. I even had CWO come up and talk to me about it. It seems like a lot of Canadians are thinking otherwise. It's not necessarily my opinion I'm just sharing what I've been reading and hearing.
stellarpanther said:
Sorry, I'll find out how to do that.

You can open a new window that you use to make your post, then copy and paste the quoted text from other usersyou want to reply to individually in to that window you opened.

It cuts down on forum clutter.
stellarpanther said:
Maybe I have a bad memory but I don't recall criticizing you or anyone else for being a Conservative supporter, it's your right and you don't need to defend that choice to me or anyone else.  I find that for some reason I need to consistently defend the fact that I am a Liberal supporter, at least in the last couple of elections.

I don’t think people are objecting to your support of Liberal policies and positions. I think they are objecting to you appearing to excuse rank corruption and grift.

If the Tories were behaving half as dirty as these guys, they would lose my vote and deserve to go to the penalty box for a time.
ballz said:
I've been reading a lot about it and seeing a lot of posts on Facebook by a lot of my friends. I even had CWO come up and talk to me about it. It seems like a lot of Canadians are thinking otherwise. It's not necessarily my opinion I'm just sharing what I've been reading and hearing.

Sorry, I'm not following your post. 
[quote author=stellarpanther] If this were the CAF and a mbr kept getting grilled it would be clearly harassment. 

That's about as accurate a statement as your statement about Trudeau being guilty of one ethical violation.

[quote author=stellarpanther] I find that for some reason I need to consistently defend the fact that I am a Liberal supporter,

You should stop playing that victim card. No one cares who you voted for (or me or anyone else for that matter). No one is making you defend who you voted for. No one is forcing you to defend the Liberals and no one is forcing you to respond. You're choosing to.  You seem to enjoy dismissing the Liberals behavior and complaining about the conservitives, which is fine but you're not a victim.

Your "I was just kidding" defense isn't very believable either.

Trudeau skipping out on one of the four times parliament sits in a month is weak and pathetic. It's cowardly.
Jarnhamar said:
Your "I was just kidding" defense isn't very believable either.

Are you referring to my comment about it being a nice day and him maybe having a BBQ and then later saying I was joking?
Jarnhamar said:

Surprisingly I've always received praise for my clear and concise writing ability and always have that area scored will on my PER's.  For some reason I struggle with it on this site.  Do you really think I would be serious about thinking the Prime Minister took the day off because it was a hot sunny day to go swimming and have a barbeque?  I thought it was hilarious and thought the mil points would roll in like I hit 3 diamonds on a slot machine.  Since my sarcastic sense of humor went over like a lead balloon on this site I will clear it up and say I don't think the reasons I provided were accurate.  My guess is he just didn't feel like getting grilled over WE and whatever else is going on because he's been answering the same questions for days.  As far as I'm concerned, he's given his answers and that's it.  Trudeau is not going to resign but I won't be surprised to see the Finance Minister leave whether he resigns the position or is shuffled out.  The voters will decide during the next election whether this and the other stuff was serious enough or even if it's an issue in their mind.  This repeated questioning is getting annoying, at least to me.  He's answered the questions. I think of it like a courtroom where you ask the question, get the answer and move on.  Does the opposition think after weeks of giving the same answers that he will suddenly change his mind and give a different answer?  It's not going to happen.  Eventually even people who are on the fence with the WE issue will say enough is enough move on to other stuff.

Jarnhamar said:
Tiny side bar, what kind of bike are you thinking of picking up?
I'd love to pick up a motorhome, something about them is really fascinating. Never afford it though.
Either a BMW touring bike or a soft-tail type. I'm not fat enough for the Honda Gold Wing! ;D
stellarpanther said:
Surprisingly I've always received praise for my clear and concise writing ability and always have that area scored will on my PER's.  For some reason I struggle with it on this site.  Do you really think I would be serious about thinking the Prime Minister took the day off because it was a hot sunny day to go swimming and have a barbeque?  I thought it was hilarious and thought the mil points would roll in like I hit 3 diamonds on a slot machine.  Since my sarcastic sense of humor went over like a lead balloon on this site I will clear it up and say I don't think the reasons I provided were accurate.  My guess is he just didn't feel like getting grilled over WE and whatever else is going on because he's been answering the same questions for days.  As far as I'm concerned, he's given his answers and that's it.  Trudeau is not going to resign but I won't be surprised to see the Finance Minister leave whether he resigns the position or is shuffled out.  The voters will decide during the next election whether this and the other stuff was serious enough or even if it's an issue in their mind.  This repeated questioning is getting annoying, at least to me.  He's answered the questions. I think of it like a courtroom where you ask the question, get the answer and move on.  Does the opposition think after weeks of giving the same answers that he will suddenly change his mind and give a different answer?  It's not going to happen.  Eventually even people who are on the fence with the WE issue will say enough is enough move on to other stuff.

Dude nobody is begrudging him a day off. It seems when there are scandals and hard questions to answer he takes the day off or goes on vacation. Four parliment sittings a month and he picks that day off come on. A real leader is one that has the courage to stand up and answer all the questions critical or not. It's the oppositions job to question the government. If the PM can't care enough about his job to show up and lead he shouldn't be the PM 
Then there's rising above partisanship and attending when your colleague has their final day in the house.
Humphrey Bogart said:
You can open a new window that you use to make your post, then copy and paste the quoted text from other usersyou want to reply to individually in to that window you opened.

It cuts down on forum clutter.

I didn't know that. Thanks HB.
ModlrMike said:
Then there's rising above partisanship and attending when your colleague has their final day in the house.

I'll be honest, he should have went and it doesn't look good that he stayed home.  Saying that, I don't see the point in asking these same questions over and over again and I would say it regardless of who it was.
stellarpanther said:
I'll be honest, he should have went and it doesn't look good that he stayed home.  Saying that, I don't see the point in asking these same questions over and over again and I would say it regardless of who it was.

Can you post an example of him being asked the same question over and over with the caveat that he provided an actual relevant straight forward answer the first time and not a typical Questions Period answer?

Jarnhamar said:
Can you post an example of him being asked the same question over and over with the caveat that he provided an actual relevant straight forward answer the first time and not a typical Questions Period answer?

Say what you will about Pierre Poilievre, but I think he's one of the few politicians these days that Canadians are actually getting their money's worth from.
reverse_engineer said:
Say what you will about Pierre Poilievre, but I think he's one of the few politicians these days that Canadians are actually getting their money's worth from.

I've only ever seen him questioning the Liberals on their conduct and behavior and he seems to do a pretty good job trying to get the truth out of the LPC.

Jarnhamar said:
Can you post an example of him being asked the same question over and over with the caveat that he provided an actual relevant straight forward answer the first time and not a typical Questions Period answer?

You know I can't but the Cons also know they won't get the kind of answer they're looking for so move on and talk about something else.  I'm not saying to drop it, the ethics commission should still continue it's investigation but we don't need the opposition to continue going on and on about it.  You know as well as I do that the only reason they are doing it is so it stays in the minds of the voters.
stellarpanther said:
You know I can't but the Cons also know they won't get the kind of answer they're looking for so move on and talk about something else.  I'm not saying to drop it, the ethics commission should still continue it's investigation but we don't need the opposition to continue going on and on about it.  You know as well as I do that the only reason they are doing it is so it stays in the minds of the voters.

It's called politics but perhaps just maybe it would go away if they were upfront and honest about it in the first place. The PM was everything but honest about the whole thing. Sorry are not going to cut it this time.
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