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Lexi got promoted!


Good things come to those who wait!

Good on ya with the promotion, and its the first rung on a ladder, on the long way to the top.



gun plumber said:
Don't ever say"only a ...."You worked hard for it,and by saying that you imply weakness.Be proud of your accomplishments,and rememember with rank comes responsibility.

Accually the Essence of that quote comes from basic Training.. You never refer to yourself as Just a ____ (even though we so often do)

im sure the spiderman referance was from the last line there....


and congrats Lexi. keep working towards your goals
Burrows said:
I cant wait until I see General Burrows.....that may be a bit far away for now.... :D

That would be if you ever make it out of the Cadet system >:D ;D :P.
Way to go Lexi!! I was pretty stoked about getting Private too!
cheeky_monkey said:
That would be if you ever make it out of the Cadet system >:D ;D :P.

As much as I love cadets....I love big shiny titles and high pay even more....plus....then I could wear a kilt....and who would argue...I am a General After All ;D

General Burrows
Cadet forum Moderator...
You sound as if you really deserved it. I think it took me 9 months ot get Trooper, 2 weeks to get Corporal and then 7 months to get Sergeant.
I think you will do well Lexi, you have a great spirit!

It took me 3 months to get Pte. and another 3 months to get Cpl. Then we had a break for the Summer and when we got back I had Mcpl. But My corps grew alot the Last year or two so they were handing our promotions like CRAZY!! But My Friend joined last february, and she went to CL and she ended up getting MCpl before the got Pte. So anythiong is Possible. Right now she is in Silver Star.
Congrats Lexi, and Burrows you would have to lose the kilt at the Rank of COL.  From what I hear BGen Young was major POed about that (Him being a former 48th CO, and current DCO of LFCA).
:o ....When Im CDS....Regulations Shall BE CHANGED!  after all whos going to stop me id be CDS :P
Regarding you first post...you werent the only private there...i was there and so was capubianco... :P nice try there!! ps im making you do drill tonight!!!
Pte. Gagnon said:
Regarding you first post...you werent the only private there...i was there and so was capubianco... :P nice try there!! ps im making you do drill tonight!!!
Pfft, I'd love to see you try.  ;D
Congrats on your first promotion ... I still remember the feeling of pride I had when I got my promotion to Trooper (Armoured term for Private).
ya congrats i remember geting promoted to trroper to it was one of the most exiting days in my cadet life. the next rank i need it CWO butthat will never happen before i am 19 it is my last year :(
good job to all,I hate it when cadets dont even appreciate when they are promoted.Eh burrows...Nudge nudge
Mcpl.Serednicki said:
good job to all,I hate it when cadets dont even appreciate when they are promoted.Eh burrows...Nudge nudge

??? *is confuzzled* ???
Just thought I'd bump this thread, (instead of starting a new one,)

And tell you all that I was promoted to Corporal on Tuesday night.  ;D
I have already directly told you this.. but CONGRATS!

I remember the day I got that extra stripe.. man was I ever happy... but then I got a maple leaf.. then I got another strip.. now I just recieved a nice pace stick. Cadets just keeps on givin'  ;D