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Leopard 2 Pictures

If I'm not mistaken that's Masu'm Ghar.


Correct spelling provided by Fraz
Sapper your right it is MSG. As for your spelling, I don't know, I have allways used MSG.
Yes, the flag is lovely.

Anyone know what it is made of ?

Civy question : what is the "big bullet" in the arms of the soldier in the last pic of ironduke57 ?
Yrys said:
Civy question : what is the "big bullet" in the arms of the soldier in the last pic of ironduke57 ?

Ammunition for the main gun
Thanks for your answers, CDN Aviator and 421 EME .  :)

I'm surprised at the official name of the Silver Bullet (just google it) .
For me 120 mm is 12 centimeters, and it's bigger then that. But I know that I don't know nothing about weapon, so I must be missing something here...
Yrys said:
so I must be missing something here...

Dont look at the cassing size but at the size of the sabot that shoots down the barel.
APFSDS="Armour Piercing, Fin Stabilised, Discarding Sabot" in English.

The 120mm (correct, 12 cm) is the calibre, or the width, of the projectile.  In this case, however, since it has a sabot that discards, (the sabot is 12cm), the actual "bullet" (or projectile) is much less in diameter. 
Yrys said:
Thanks for your answers, CDN Aviator and 421 EME .   :)

I'm surprised at the official name of the Silver Bullet (just google it) .
For me 120 mm is 12 centimeters, and it's bigger then that. But I know that I don't know nothing about weapon, so I must be missing something here...

Here you can see how such an APFSDS round looks from the inside.

Thank you for the pic, ironduke57 .

The one I found on the internet is bigger, which is better for a civil like me :) .

Yrys said:
Thank you for the pic, ironduke57 .

The one I found on the internet is bigger, which is better for a civil like me :) .


Glad you learned something new Yrys, thats what we are here for.
And your patience to explained things to me often amazed me.
Thanks :).

Well, speaking of learning, learn something about Glock in another thread...
I knew Glock were higly popular, consider easy to use, light (saw a fiction show that refer to them as lady's guns),
but didn't knew they were plastics (polymer-framed pistols is wikipedia can be believed on that) .

Personal Question regarding pistols

TCBF said:
- No thank-you. I keep my Tupperware in my fridge, not my gun safe.


Just to add to the fun that Mortarman gave, calibre (said in my best Dr Evil voice) can be in an imperial measuresment (inches) or metric (usually millimeters).  British and US weapons tended to use imperial measurements expressed in inches (.303 rifle for instance) until after WW2.  Larger guns might have been 3" or 5.5" for instance while naval guns got really big (5 inch, 6 inch, 8 inch, 12 inch etc up to 18 inches for the Japanese).  The British made it more fun for a while by using weight to describe the bore (2 pounder, 6 pounder, 18 pounder, 20 pounder, 25 pounder etc).  I think that it refered to weight of the projectile but it might be something more exotic.  British measuresments tend to escape me (what is a stone anyway and what the heck is a fortnight).  The ever-practical Germans seemed to stick to metric (7.92mm etc) and used mm even with their naval guns.  The Bismark, for instance had 320mm main guns, while the British would have called them 15" guns.  

Calibres, however, can also refer to the length of the barrel.  If you see a split number (75 mm L24 for instance), the first is usually the diameter and second refers to the length of the barrel.  The length of a gun like this is found by multiplying the first number (diameter) times the second (the calibres).  The big 16 inch guns on the Iowas are 50 calibres in length (they are 16 inch /50 calibre guns).

Following this, not all guns with the same diameter have the same performance.  The mainstay of the German army tank force in WWII started with a 75mm that was 24 calibres in length (75mm L24).  This was low-velocity gun.  It ended the war with a 75mm L48 gun with much better performance against armour.  Generally, a longer barrel will give you a higher muzzle velocity and greater range/accuracy/kinetic energy since the gasses from the propellent have more time to "push" on the projectile.  

Bottom line for today is that most tanks have a gun between 100mm and 125mm in diameter, but that you have to go beyond bore diameter to measure performance.

For those of you who want to know about the Canadian flag on the MSG hillside....
It wass assembled by some South Affrican & American dog handlers attached to the CF last spring...

Canadian troops get a salute made of stone

Civilian dog handlers at a Canadian base in Afghanistan got the idea to lay out a giant maple leaf flag with red and white painted boulders on a hillside

Murray Brewster, Canadian Press

Published: Saturday, February 10, 2007

MA’SUM GHAR, Afghanistan—Taking and holding the area around Ma’sum Ghar last fall cost Canadians the lives of five soldiers and that sacrifice is now etched into this dusty, ragged hillside by—of all people—American and South African dog handlers.

A huge red and white rock mural of the Canadian flag has been carefully laid out on slope leading to a hilltop observation post at this bustling forward base. Running along the bottom of the flag are a series of whitewashed boulders, representing the soldiers who died here.

For Van Thames of AM-K9 Protection, erecting the symbol and the memorial was a way to say thank you to Canadians who have kept him and his team safe and comfortable.

Working on the project in his spare time, Thames had no idea how much the gesture would mean to members of Alpha and Charlie Companies of the 1st Battalion Royal Canadian Regiment, who have endured months of bitter, desperate fighting with Taliban militants.

“I had one guy that come up and first of all I thought he was mad with me,” Thames said, his long South Carolina drawl, stretching out every syllable.

“He said, ‘I’m pissed. I’m pissed.’ I said, ‘What’s wrong? What I do wrong?’ He said: ‘I’m mad ‘cause it took an American to think about it and do it instead of one of us doing it.”

It was, Thames chuckled, a backhanded way of saying, “thank you.”

The project was started one day about two weeks ago as Alpha Company headed off for a patrol into the grim winter desert moonscape that is Panjwaii and Zhari districts, west of Kandahar, he said.

Thames and his fellow dog handlers, Hollis Crawford and Rogelio Meza, set out to lay down the outline, collect the rocks and paint them. They were soon joined by their two South African colleagues.

The flag was almost complete, with the two red bars on either side of the maple leaf to be painted, when the patrol arrived back early a few days later.

“It’s left people speechless and without words to describe their appreciation,” said Master Warrant Officer Joe Pynn.

“Being away on a mission, coming back off patrol and seeing that, you have no idea what it meant to the boys when they saw that [while] rolling in the gate.”

Although Canadians are not huge flag-wavers, he said, the site of the red maple leaf on hill that has cost so much sweat and precious blood brought tears to the eyes of some of the bone-tired troops.
Pictures do not do it justice, seeing it in person it something else.
dangerboy said:
Pictures do not do it justice, seeing it in person it something else.
All the more impressive in that it was assembled with the blood, sweat and tears of US and RZA citzens in recognition of our own blood, sweat and tears.
I'm just getting the time to look at these pictures, they're lovely, what sexy beasts! :tank:  Just the thing to get my day started, some good German/Canadian tank porn ;D.  That picture with the maple leaf in the background is nice, very inspiring, and a fitting tribute to Canada's fallen heroes in Afghanistan. :cdnsalute: