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Legal Officer Recruitment 2013


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Hello, all:

Does anyone know how many legal officers the CF intends to hire in 2013? 

I understand that the next selection board is expected to sit in April.  I also understand that applicants who have been merit listed (of which I am one) will be reviewed by recruitment personnel prior to April and a select number invited to challenge the board in person. 

Does anyone know what an appearance before the selection board involves?  Tips on how to prepare (in the event I make it that far)?

Thanks to all who respond.
BE FLEXIBLE.  I'm not saying your not, but the board involves going to Ottawa (I think Ottawa) and as I assume you are most likely currently practising law, your schedule is likely full.  When and if you get asked to attend, it won't be with much notice, so be prepared to clear your schedule for 2-3 days (pending flight arrangements) to go audition for your job.

Lastly, please, don't take this the wrong way, please, I'm sure your a great person.... but.... Don't be an #&%.  No matter how awesome you feel you are as a Legal O applicant, there are tonnes of other people far more qualified than you applying.  It is a highly sought after career.  I say this not to discourage you but to warn you to drop any attitude you might have before you show up at the recruiting centre.  Absolutely everyone you speak to should be spoken to with respect.  (I'm struggling to make my point without coming off as a douche, my apologies)  As the old story goes, you know how you can tell if someone is a Pilot, Doctor or Lawyer within the first 5 seconds of meeting them... because they will tell you.

If it sounds like I am venting rather than making a point, please PM me and Ill get specific.
Thanks for the advice, The Green Basterd. 

I'll be sure to keep my schedule as clear as possible in order to minimize the likelihood of scheduling conflicts. 

And don't worry, I'll also be certain to exercise proper decorum throughout the recruiting process!  No ego here.
Awesome.  If I'm still using this in 2 months ill PM you to ask how things are going and tell you a story I think is hilarious that relates back to my post.  Best of luck and if there is anything I can do don't hesitate to PM me.
JAG2013? said:
Does anyone know what an appearance before the selection board involves?  Tips on how to prepare (in the event I make it that far)?

Tip # 1 - know what you are getting yourself into (kind of old but worth the read)  --->  http://www.canadianlawyermag.com/There-s-no-life-like-it.html