I am curious as to the reason for your curiosity. This will undoubtedly be a contentious issue for the military and (judging by posts in other threads that touch on the subject) will probably elicit some comments that could be taken and used out of context. There are some on these means (myself included) who are naturally suspicious of individuals who sign on here and, in their first post, pose a question that could (at least to those with the aforementioned suspicious minds) have the ulterior motive of eliciting those comments. I don't think that I would be far of the mark if I say that most of the more senior members of this forum would be more comfortable discussing the subject if they knew a bit more about where you're coming from.
And, just because I'm pedantic and never really stopped using the red pencil even though I'm no longer an adjutant, those with significant military service are often more likely to have a discussion with those who pay attention to proper grammar and spelling.
"How will knew new marijuana laws effect affect the military"
Of course, if you typed that after using a bit of the bud, it's understandable; so, no problem.