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Left-hand shooter question

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Should there Be a rifle for Lefty shooters?

  • Yes

    Votes: 8 25.8%
  • No

    Votes: 23 74.2%

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I never will be able to adapt, i'll have to get used to it.

I'm full left oriented, eye sight, hand coordination, reflex are all much more better.

Ill guess it will be a even better challenge for me ;)
Mysterious Mind...................I just have to ask...........Do you use BOTH hands when you type? Just wondering? How about when you swing a baseball bat, or shoot a hockey puck ?  You use Both arms, correct. ? My point is that people can adapt, if they make an effort.

By the way, for all the lefties out there, the old english meaning of the word sinister was " Left handed ".

Jim B Toronto.

Have you ever tried to write with your off hand?
Did you ever tried to do some precision work with your off hand?
Did you ever tried to bat a baseball on the "wrong side"
Did you ever tried to play hockey with a "wrong side" hockey?

You may had no problem since some people are more able to do it.

Perhaps I wont have a problem, but, it is instinct that will push me to be more comfortable with what I hold,

The mice of my MAC is left side, yes I can use it on the right side but it just not comfortable.

I have been shooting in various levels since I was a mere cadet at age 12 (1987), always shooting lefty, I dint think I can change 19 years of learning. And I still do it these day when I teach to my cadet...taking the weapon the Right way and I don't seem com fertable.

I guess it is feasible that you could switch but when it comes right down to it, when theres a firing test or if I deploy I'm going to use my strong side.  I guess I could blame the release not having enough tension.  Guess I'll go with that.  Either way I think theres no excuse for such a needless flaw in design, could they not have a release that is more flush with the rest of the lower receiver?  Maybe I'll have to get into the business...
Used the A2 in basic.
I'm right handed, and I hate the ambi-cocking handle, it gets caught on absolutely everything.

Also if you hold the weapon tight against your body when patroling/crawling.. pretty much anytime the rifle hits something on the left hand side., its pretty easy to hit that mag release and dump the mag. Made me look incredibly stupid more then once.

Not left handed so I can't say how well it works, but every right handed person bitched up and down that left handed people should just deal with it.
???..just a question, what are you doing pressing your weapon against your TV on a RECCE Ex? Your on a Point Recce shouldnt your weapon be pointed out in front off you or to your side when in close country?
    I am left handed and left eye dominant, never had a problem with the C7, good luck.
im right hand dominant, but left eye dominant.  i just did my BMQ/SQ this summer and i went through about 2 days of doing drills with my right hand.  it wasnt too bad until i had to aim.  it'd take me a few seconds to position my eye and the scope properly all because im used to looking at things predominantly with my left eye.  when i switched over to left-hand shooting, it was really comfortable and easy to do.  the only thing that is difficult to do quickly is cock the weapon.  other than that, i was faster than most people on my course at weapon drills, especially stoppage drills.

regarding the mag release, it happened to me about TWICE.  to remedy this, just hold the rifle so that the bottom of the mag points forward and the scope is facing you.  problem solved.
The A2 is notorious for dropping mags with both left and right handed soldiers, as well as the garbage cocking handle, which breaks and catches on everything.

Interestingly, I've heard, but never seen or searched for, the "lefty M16" which is just an upper reciever with an ejection port cover on the other side, and an opposing cocking handle and fire selector lever.

If it does exist, it would have been a great alternative to the crappy A2 mid-life upgrade which we all hate so much.
I damaged my right eye when I was very young. As a result, I learned to shoot right handed, but using my left eye.

Upon arrival at MCRD, they noted this little quirk, and proceeded to laugh like hell....ain't no way puppy...you are now a left handed shooter. To say the transition was interesting was an understatement, but it occurred and I became a better shot because of it. However, I seldom used auto fire on either the M-14 or M-16 as the ejection port was conveniently placed to shoot hot brass down my neck....Now that hurts!!!  ;D
MY First thought on the C7A2 as a lefty shooter was that it was seriously underwhelming... the only advantage is the stock. the cocking handle is junk and the lefty mag release on mine means that  i cant take the mag out via the old means, and the new release gets hit constantly when i strike the bolt release catch... nothing cooler then releasing the bolt to pick up a fresh round when the mag is now on the ground........ i survived the first 8 years of my career without any problems on the A1 as a lefty.... i have no idea why the army thought the A2 was a good idea..... Just get us all C8's and everyone is happy....

but thats just my .02

Never did fire a left-handed rifle...just got used to the right handed ones...
Also...just as an added note you CANNOT fire the C-6 from the hip left handed.  Yet another way we get the short end of the stick.
im not sure about the machine guns, but i can fire an C7A1 just fine, but it takes a little longer time to cock the weapon, thats all
Snowy91 said:
Also...just as an added note you CANNOT fire the C-6 from the hip left handed.  Yet another way we get the short end of the stick.


Why would you fire the C6 from the hip in the first place, and secondly, why would'nt it work southpaw?
Just carry your rifle in a semi "ready to shoot" position and you shouldn't have to worry.  I'm not bragging at all, I'm a new guy and I know my place, but I am one of those fairly good at left or right handed applications.  I am left handed and left eye dominant, but I've always tried to ensure that I can handle my weapon and drills left or right, because you never know when it's going to come in handy.  I've never dropped a mag because I don't rest my weapon on my body when I'm doing shit.  If you got your sling set up properly and you are wearing it correctly, it shouldn't drop a mag if you have to switch to a secondary weapon.

Now, with the C-9, I find the drills are easier left handed, but that friggin box man, as any Light Machine Gunner knows, it's a real PITA, right handed, and especially left handed.  As for shooting C-6 lefty, from the hip... well they mentioned and had us do some handling for C-6 in and Anit aircraft role shooting from the hip at my battleschool... do I trust the C-6 to take down anything in the air from the hip? no, and would I choose to fire it from the hip for any reason?  no, but the gun could definetly be fired from the hip, left handed, just as easily as from the right.
GO!!! said:

Why would you fire the C6 from the hip in the first place, and secondly, why would'nt it work southpaw?

As mentioned anti-aircraft...which is taught during SQ and because the ejection port would be covered by your hip and right arm crossing over...they told us it is ONLY shot right handed for anti-aircraft.  Its one of those common sense things once you try it you'll realize.  Although there is a very slim chance of actually needing to use this method I just added that comment to show how once again leftys werent considered.
Snowy91 said:
As mentioned anti-aircraft...which is taught during SQ and because the ejection port would be covered by your hip and right arm crossing over...
A C6 has a right handed ejection port? (I sense a poser)

they told us it is ONLY shot right handed for anti-aircraft.  Its one of those common sense things once you try it you'll realize. 
Common sense like not shooting your mouth off about something you (painfully obviously) know nothing about?

Although there is a very slim chance of actually needing to use this method I just added that comment to show how once again leftys werent considered.
Well, there are a few problems with your post.

First of all, the C6 is fully ambidextrous - safety, trigger, feed cover release, sights, handle - all of it.

This theme is continued by the ejection port, which is at the bottom of this particular weapon.

If you had ever seen or fired one in real life, this would become apparent, as the link falls out the right hand side, while the brass falls right to the ground out the bottom.

A C9 ejects both brass and link on the right hand side, but once again, I've seen plenty of leftys fire both weapons with great effect, and to the best of my knowledge, there is no AA from the hip drill for a C9.

In conclusion, it could be said that you either;

1) Cannot differentiate between a C9 and C6;

2) Are grievously lacking in your drills for both;

3) Are not in the CF at all, and perhaps saw one of these as a Cadet or at a recruiting display, and are a poser.

Take your pick.

When I did SQ we were taught to use the Bi-pod as a hand grip with the C9 in the AA role and with the C6 (been a while since i used it) doesnt the Cocking handle fly back with every round fired...causing it to rip a hole in a lefty's chest?
