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LCdr. Wafa Dabbagh (first woman to wear hijab in CF) Dies of Cancer

Navalsnipr said:
At least the article actually mentioned what she was being 'awarded' the medal for.

Curious though, if she has 15 years in the service, why is she not at least wearing her Canadian Forces Decoration (CD) Ribbon.

Perhaps because it's an old picture?  She was wearing it at the ceremony.
Let's have posts remain on-topic, please; without semantical/grammatical diversions.  Off-topics posts removed.

Milnet.ca Staff
If it was a recent picture (after the ceremony), she may not have wanted just the CD ribbon on as she didn't get a chance to get the OSM ribbon attached yet.
acooper said:
I never meant to imply that she got the medal because of the hijab - that's not my point. My point in posting was to bring up a story of how a "not-typical" sailor can have a successful CF career. It would have been far easier for her to quit at the first bit of adversity in her training, but she didn't. And especially in the US, where I grew up, a hijab wearing sailor would be FAR from the norm (I've never heard of it happening there, but I could easily be wrong). Hearing about stories like hers makes me far prouder of my adopted country than I am my birth country.  :cdn:

Fixed for you.

I have to say I definitely applaud her, in that things are already chaotic enough at basic, but to go that extra for her faith, is truly awesome. although I must say i'm slightly annoyed at the whole white, blonde haired, blue eyed comment...being that 1. thats typically a description used for Nazi-Germans....not Canadians, and 2. we're also divided by more then just skin colour here in Canada, there are all the various cultures/language barriers.  There are muslims of all kinds of backgrouns/colours/races etc, and likewise for most religions.

In this dark hour the CF is having what with all the criminal charges CF mbrs have been charged with lately I would say its definitely great to see the media looking at some of the positive aspects of the CF for a change.
MPwannabe said:
Great read. It's good to see more and more diversity in the CF.

Where does it stop, though?  My ancestors painted themselves blue and went into battle buck naked, with gigantic dogs as shock troops.  where's my right to a little diversity?  All of that notwithstanding, congrats to all for the recognition of their service.
Kat Stevens said:
Where does it stop, though?  My ancestors painted themselves blue and went into battle buck naked, with gigantic dogs as shock troops.  where's my right to a little diversity?  All of that notwithstanding, congrats to all for the recognition of their service.

You mean thumperheads don't do that now? 8)

I see it for what it is a nice feel good PR piece.
Kat Stevens said:
My ancestors painted themselves blue and went into battle buck naked, with gigantic dogs as shock troops. 

Easter Island? uh....you left something behind..... :)
It was the ancient Britons who painted themselves with a blue dye called "woad" and fought naked.  In fact, the first Romans who came across the channel were set upon and run down by screaming blue harpies in chariots.  Yes, they were Britain's first victims of woad rage. ;D
Pusser said:
It was the ancient Britons who painted themselves with a blue dye called "woad" and fought naked.  In fact, the first Romans who came across the channel were set upon and run down by screaming blue harpies in chariots.  Yes, they were Britain's first victims of woad rage. ;D


Well played.  ;D

RIP LCdr Dabbagh. 
RIP LCdr Dabbagh.

Regarding the OSM it was created in Sept 2010, so yes, if she was awarded it in 2010 it probably was one of the first.
Damn. Bye, Wafa.  :(

Sorry if I don't jump in on the pedantic medal-awarding aspect just now.  ::)

Edit: if the comments by AmmoTech90 and myself seem puzzling, it's because a post questioning the LCdr's OSM has since been removed 

Didn't know the LCdr personally, but know a few who did have the pleasure. She was, by all accounts, awesome people and a proud sailor. I'm sure they, her family and the CF will miss her.

Condolences on the loss. 
RIP LCdr Dabbagh.

I met her once, and I'm sure that others who have also, would note that her being the first CF member to wear a hijab was the last thing you would remember after meeting her.  She had an infectious energy and motivation that influenced all those around her.
