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Layton Says It's OK for Candidate to Holler @ CF Members

Don't be surprise if the Green Party overtakes them.
Time to break out the bright orange toga, my harp, grow a pony tail and change my name to Starburst or Meadow-lark or something... ::)
[/quote] :rofl:

Well I didn't see her...and I am glad I may have had a mechanical failure on my PMV ;)

HollywoodHitman said:
The beautiful thing is that this party is really just a distraction for voters rather than a serious political party. Honestly, does ANYONE take them seriously? Are they even a formidable political threat? They rate up there with the Green party...

  Unfortunately people do take them seriously. 
Boxkicker said:
  Unfortunately people do take them seriously. 

Humble friend of army.ca,

Not wishing to offend, but I disagree with your post entirely.

Not very many, and with their (NDP) antics since the last election, I do beleive any Canadian with a gram of common sense will answer loud and clear on 14 Oct.

Only the lunitic left will get their vote, you know the pro decriminalistaion of drugs mob etc.

The NDP federally have as much energy as a 95 yr old impotent male in a coma to boot. To translate that in lay terms, just a weak short fart on a windy Saskatchewan day. Otherwords, effectiveless.

I am way over the NDP, and Taliban Jack.

Have a happy day.

Overwatch Downunder said:
Only the lunitic left will get their vote, you know the pro decriminalistaion of drugs mob etc.


  I have to refute this my sister is a Doctor and in NO way wants decriminalization, I lived in a NDP riding and there were a great many not just lunatic left who followed them. 
The core ideology of the NDP appeals to the emotions of Greed and Envy, which are powerful motivators. Jack Layton can also point to a record in Parliament of acting as a real opposition party to HM Government, which might have some influence on otherwise undecided people.

The NDP has been around for a very long time, and many of their membership are entrenched in the bureaucracy, educational institutions and media (as part of the "long march through the institutions"), which gives them much more leverage than simple numbers might suggest.

Never discount the NDP as a potent political force in Canada.
Boxkicker said:
  I have to refute this my sister is a Doctor and in NO way wants decriminalization, I lived in a NDP riding and there were a great many not just lunatic left who followed them. 

Fair enough, but methinks after TJ's recent fiascos since the last election, hopefully those NDP mainstreamers will change thie minds, as the NDP have long since strayed from their traditional roots, or so I beleive IMHO.

I think that we can agree on.

Have a good one,

Thucydides said:
The NDP has been around for a very long time, and many of their membership are entrenched in the bureaucracy, educational institutions and media (as part of the "long march through the institutions"), which gives them much more leverage than simple numbers might suggest.

You forgot the courts. All of these institutions are supposed to be a-poliitcal. When they are not, they are essential enablers of fascism or communism, take your pick. Radicalized thought, extremism, suppression of freedom of opinion and expression, state enforcement of social dogmatism, parochial status for nonconformists. These are the hall marks on the left in Canada. 

Well, she lost. She didn't get quite the humbling we were hoping for, but either way the people spoke. Less than a third of the people that showed up at the polls could identify with her antics.