And it's a minister's regulation too. You know that there is entirely too much bureaucracy in the military when people spend time coming up with something like this, which undoubtedly engaged a number of other people in debating the issue of "what is the appropriate period of service before a person can call him/herself 'x rank (ret'd)' rather than merely 'honourably released'?" Is there anything useful to be obtained in denying an 8-year captain or master corporal that privilege?
I know that I'm probably more cynical about the lengths that the military will go to in the field of regulating absolutely useless bullshit, but this one takes the cake, IMHO. It's just so petty and arbitrary. I'm sure that somewhere there are folks who consider this to be an absolutely vital limitation to impose on folks who have served their country (but apparently not long enough to suit them). But, honestly, WTF?
(And, no! After 44 years in the CAF with 25 in the legal branch, I never knew about this piece of
