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Last Gasp for Forsake the troops

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the tail wagging the dog? Naaah... spin NEVER happens......

Britney Spears said:
I watched the clip of him talking on that FOX show. I didn't want to comment on it anymore since the topic was locked, but I've been very suspicious since the beginning.

Let's think about this from Karl Rove's perspective.

OK, so support for the Iraq fiasco is slackening, more and more Americans are becoming disillusioned with the Bush regime and the on going war, we need something to give national morale a jolt, and to inject some more sympathy for the US military.

Stage one: So we invent "Micheal Crook", a guy with no background, no history, and website filled with irrational hatred, undefendable viewpoints, and an outlook that puts together all the worst stereotypes of how "liberals hate America". Spread the word around and make sure lots of people visit the site. Ensure everyone sees what a complete bufoon the guy is.
Stage two: "Invite" Micheal Crook to appear on FOX, a TV network that everyone knows is strongly neo-conservative and pro-Bush/pro-Iraq war. Have Micheal Crook appear on national TV as the most clched stereotype of the pasty faced, long haired, effeminate liberal, find an agressive host who will pepper him with insults("questions") while at the same time cutting in happy tearjerker pictures of troops reuniting with their families, being happy, smiling kids, etc. Reinforce the contrast between the brave troops risking life and limb for home and country, while our wimpy little liberal sits there weakly putting up petty little attacks. WOW liberals are such ingrates huh?

Stage three: On the reorg, throw out some internet rumors that Micheal Crook "Fakes own death! tries to blame disgruntled soldiers! How low can liberals get!". Start up a few more sites bashing the police, firemen, grandma......

Result: People who followed the entire saga are appalled that the liberal leftwingers can be so evil, get a great mental blowjob watching the purpotrator being torn apart on FOX,   feel a newfound appreciation for their armed forces and what a great job they are doing. Hmmm, better scratch my name of the list for the next anti-war rally, Wouldn't want to be associated with *gasp* Micheal Crook now would I? Better just let the army boys do their job, get myself some yellow car magnets   and stop questioning the war, god knows the kind of liberal crap they have to put up with, like *gasp* forsakethetroops.com.....

Honestly, I didn't realize it until late in the game when I saw the FOX clip (not my fault, since I don't generally watch that kind of drivel), but once I did it all made so much sense. If "Micheal Crook" was such a die hard anti-war hippie, why the heck would he agree to go on the FOX network, a news channel that is essentially a mouthpiece for Bush/Neo-cons? Did he expect some kind of reasonable, intelligent debate? Why not any of the liberal shows? Hmm.........




AHHH, very, very clever indeed.   >:D

OK, I know this is all tinfoil hattery, and I got nothing to prove any of this, but *if* Karl Rove were pulling the strings behind this whole dog and pony show, then he is truly a fsucking political genius, and this little stunt will be held up as an example   in the Marketing and PR textbooks for years to come.

Yeah, you're on to something there!  It's the evil CIA again - they used a similar tactic whe they created Michael Moore!  It's perfect, take an unknown, fat, idiotic, hypocritical, anti-war, "for the little guy" slob of a leftie, and then make him so famous that his arguments and moronic drivel eclipse the arguments of intelligent liberals!  I mean, why else is it impossible for the average person to think of an intelligent liberal/democrat?  It can't be because they don't exist, must be 'cos of these CIA plots to hide them.  It's a good thing we have people like you to help us uncover the truth!  Power to the people!  Make love not war!  Live long ad prosper!

Let's think about this from Karl Rove's perspective.

Well if they did do that then more power to them! The libs always fight dirty anyway, so why not the other team too?

Oh come on, the Conservatives are by their very nature more machiavellian in their methods.....
Britney Spears said:
Oh come on, the Conservatives are by their very nature more machiavellian in their methods.....

Thanks but I'd rather the Conservatives hold power, there or here, anyday.


Slim, he's talking about this...

Well, if you needed proof that Canadians are slow, and stupid, here you go.

It seems that a Canadian family was traveling home from Central Square, back home across the border..........eh?

Well, the dumbass driver fell asleep, and as a result, three Canadians died, including an 11 year old girl. The driver was 22 years old..certainly old enough to know better. My guess is he did this on purpose.

The injustice, though, is that he lived, while others died as a result of his actions. The newspaper article says nothing of him feeling any form of remorse, so I have judged him guilty of doing this on purpose. I guess that's one way to get life insurance.


Edit: aesop081 beat me to it.

Infanteer said:

I pulled one of those at Canadas Wonderland last Friday. Suffice to say, the girl at the top of the slide at Spash Works wasnt as impressed nor amused with my eagerness to go down the slide as my friends were.  ;D

Matter of fact, nor were the folks in line as i sprinted past everyone yelling "Right chums, lez dooo this! LEEEEEROOOOOOY JEEEEEEEEEEEEEENKINS!" and did a complete air assault dive with inflatable tube in hand past the attendant landing in the mouth of the water slide.

Oh well, I never liked that one anyways  ::)
  I'll be the first to admit that I'm in left field when it comes to this whole Leroy Jenkins thing.  Don't get it and don't want it, sorta like herpes.  I'm a man that knows my limitations and can admit them.

  Anyway, BS's theory about Michael Crook is hardly insane.

  Ok, well maybe a little insane. 

  Alright, are YOU OUT OF YOUR FREAKIN' MIND?!?!?

  Ask yourself:  Is it more likely that the Karl Rove and the government apparatchiks have conducted a black psy-op in which they overtly attempt to undermine the war effort in order to covertly bolster support for it, or is it slightly more plausible that in a country of almost 300 million people there are some seriously disturbed folks with an axe to grind and too much time on their hands?

  I apologize for coming across as rude, but this is nonsense of the highest order.  This ranks up there with the drivel about the planes that crashed into the WTC being controlled remotely by Israeli agents and that all Jewish employees at the WTC had been "warned" the evening before and therefore didn't show up to work. 

  It may not be "Canadian", but I choose to call a spade a spade and I call bullsh*t on your "theory". 

  Rant over, end transmission, replace tinfoil hat.
Ask yourself:  Is it more likely that the Karl Rove and the government apparatchiks have conducted a black psy-op in which they overtly attempt to undermine the war effort in order to covertly bolster support for it, or is it slightly more plausible that in a country of almost 300 million people there are some seriously disturbed folks with an axe to grind and too much time on their hands?

So why can't it be both?

I apologize for coming across as rude, but this is nonsense of the highest order.

It may not be "Canadian" but I choose to call a spade a spade and I call bullsh*t on your "theory". 

I forgive you for being rude, but if you want to change my mind you'll have to come up with some contrary evidence, even circumstancial. You're free to be as skeptical as you want, since  like I said in my original post, I have no proof either, and that's why it's an unsubstantiated theory that seems to make a lot of sense, just like evolution was until we observed it under lab conditions;  but suppose if it WERE true, you  have to admit that it has worked out to be a pretty good go for Fox and co., hasn't it?

And yes, you're right, racial epithets are rather un-Canadian.  ;)
  Ok goofball, where the H*ll is the racial epithet in my post?  A spade is a shovel, like what you have been hit over the head with, you dozy b*stard.  What I referred to being "un-Canadian" in my post is calling it like it is as opposed to beating around the bush and being nice to the mildly stunned in the neighbourhood - you are a nutter and that is what I am calling you. 

  Loonie.  Stark raving.  Mad as a hatter.  Bonkers.  Two tins short of a six-pack.

  And, pardon the effrontery, how does one prove a negative?  I might go around believing cows speak, how do you prove they don't?  Maybe they choose to only speak to me, but no one else?  Maybe they choose not even to speak to me, they just remain silent around all humans.  So, beyond common sense and all visible evidence to the contrary, how do I prove that Karl Rove is not really Darth Vader and is controlling the actions of nutjobs in the US (and Canada, I might add)?

I might go around believing cows speak, how do you prove they don't?

Do you *really* want to know how you can prove this? Because believe me, it's been proven. You're kind of new to this "scientific method" thing arn't you?

So, beyond common sense and all visible evidence to the contrary,

So point out the visible evidence that disproves my theory then, or maybe the evidence is only visible to you?

You know what I think is funny? How some women preface their obviously rude and offensive comments with "I aplologize for being  rude/offensive...". Like saying "Hey look, I'm not just a prick, but i'am also a liar!". How charming.

Thank you for your valuable contribution and have fun with the rest of the boards. 
  Yes, it is time I took instruction from someone that thinks "Bravo Two Zero" is a documentary. 

  You are a sad poseur, walt.  Am I a scientist?  Nope.  Am I familiar with the scientific method?  Yep, learned it 20 years ago.  And by observing the nonsense you have posted here, I have learned that you are either:

  a.  a nutter; or

  b.  a wind-up artist.

  If you are a nutter, no amount of proof will satisfy you except seeing George W. Bush eating kittens on TV, Donald Rumsfeld transforming into Satan or Karl Rove revealing that he was not only behind the Kennedy assassination, but also the assassination of Arch-Duke Franz-Ferdinand, Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix and the Olsen Twins - come on, you didn't really think they were alive, did you?

  If you are a wind-up artist, BZ to you, ya got me.  But I still say you are a nutter.  And you haven't answered my question you offensive snot, where is the racial epithet in my post?  Before you sling that term about, get your ducks in a row.

  Further, you sexist dipsh*t, what says I am male or female?  Explain yourself you blonde, dozy bint.
I suspect this thread is going to be very short lived.

From Wikipedia:

Leeroy Jenkins in Popular Culture

In the summer of 2005, the name Leeroy Jenkins surfaced in a wildly popular video (http://www.leeroyjenkins.net/) from the online roleplaying game World of Warcraft, which in the tradition of internet humor soon garnered a large following. It portrays a well organized group of players, getting ready to enter a dungeon. Suddenly one of the players, previously inactive and quiet, breaks away from the group, screaming into his headset "Leeeeeeeeeeeroy nnnJenkins!" and storming into the dungeon. The other players, caught up in planning the raid without any idea that Leroy would do what he did, don't know how to react, and soon after the entire group is destroyed as their plan utterly falls apart. When the rest of the party insult him and yell at him, he adds, "At least I have chicken."
Wow, that did get popular fast. Summer of 2005 you say. June 28 - June 22 = 6 days of summer. This is bigger than All Your Base. I don't mean to sound like a sarcastic a**, I just can't believe that either Wikipedia (my favourite site), was wrong, or that it has become so big already 3 people have mentioned it on this thread. Wow.

Kudos to the USAF for buying the domain and ending that source of e-bile. However, I find BS' theory delightfully intriguing. You just never know with Mr. Rove. If it is true though, could you imagine the actor's life now? If he's not careful, somebody might feed him to one of the dragons at Mann's Chinese Theatre (he is from LA right?). Then again, he would have to be a major turd to do such a thing, or more likely, extremely desperate.
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