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Last Gasp for Forsake the troops

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Army.ca Veteran
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Also... I don't want to comment cause I'll just get myself into trouble


(btw.. don't be stupid and post in his guestbook....)
and this isn't a joke site, he was on the radio on Monday and again tomorrow.
Wow.  :o  That was just insane. Freedom of speech allows him to say that.  He had to know he was only going to get a negative response....in fact, that's probably what he is after
Shocking , Ive always believed in freedom of speech , but this makes you think . Hopefully this doorknob will get tracked down by one of the "leeches" .
I would not shed a tear if someone popped that guy...
This guy is a walking bilboard for retroactive abortion.  Time to thin the herd....

Here's some entertainment: an injured American solider being prepared to be carried away like a total punk! So much for being tough! Well, if you're stupid enough to sign up for the military, you deserve the consequences. The only sad thing here is that we, the innocent American taxpayers, must now foot the bill for this (miserable excuse for a) man's poor choices and stupidity!

He chose his path, and now we as a country have to pay his survivors benefits and pay for his burial, not to mention the fact that a chaplain still has to go out and tell the blubbering widow, which is another waste of resources, and that is just disgusting. He chose to join, and because of that, Forsake The Troops strongly feels that he should just be thrown in a ditch somewhere and left to rot.

That guy is wasting our resources, (by our I mean the world) by posting this stupid insensitive stuff...what a ass
This was my post but for some reason it was deleted from his webpage, consequences be damned i will post it here:

People like you allowed 6 million Jews, gypsies, political prisoners etc. to be murdered. While people like us died to make a difference because we could not sit idly by and allow the atrocities to continue.  People like you burn the flag, spit on soldiers, and fight to take away money from veterans.  The sad part is we are the reason you have the right to do so.  We and when i say we i do not just mean soldiers but everyone who puts their life on the line for others such as the police and firefighters.  When you are in trouble next time, when someone hurts you or your family, when a foreign nation takes over your country and executes you for your beliefs or just for existing, remember its people like you that contribute to your own demise.

These are my opinions and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of  Army.ca,the users or the DND.
Gentlemen,  this individual is a provocateur, who gets his kicks out of getting others riled up.  He has succeeded.  Any attention you pay him or comments you make about him, feeds him.  Ignoring him deprives him of his kicks and is the best way of all to deal with him.
Does anyone else find that site hilarious? The opening paragraph could come straight from the Onion. Is this a real site...

Never mind. Found the link Is FTT Serious? (http://www.forsakethetroops.info/serious.html)

Still, the lunatic fringe can just be awesome for comedic relief. Makes me nostalgic for the Natural Law Party.
Oh boy, he's appearing on a local radio station this Friday  ::) A call in show too  ::) I think I might have to catch it just for some good laughs. Maybe even call in.

Come on, look at this guy - we're getting worked up over a little attention seeking toothpick?  What he says definately angers me, but there are people like this all over the world.  Although I must say I do concur with KevinB's statement, no tears spent or sleep lost on my end either.

You all should check this out too:  http://dreadpundit.blogspot.com/2005/04/forsake-troops-interview-michael-crook.html  - gives an insight to this guy's "extra-curricular" activites which are not in the least surprising.
By clicking that link and visiting this site your giving him hits/traffic which is exactly what he wants.

I have no idea whats on that site but i guarentee it's just another asshole being a dickhead trying to get people all worked up. Why waste the 30 seconds of your life looking at it?  I'll pass.
"Our problem is this: the military is a lifestyle these morons chose. What idiot risks their life for a country? It's what they chose. Forsake our Troops! They must think that if they go to war, they don't need to pay taxes just......just like the rest of us. Let 'em die in combat-- we don't need their ilk!"

This is stupid I'd like to see that dirt bag go into combat and see how long he lasts...  

civvy3840 said:
This is stupid I'd like to see that dirt bag go into combat and see how long he lasts... 

Forget that, give me 5 minutes behind a building with him and i'm fairly sure i could change some of his ideas.

A thought came to mind. Wouldnt it be comical if it turned out he was simply a punk kid who was rejected by the military for 1 reason or another, and this was simply his way of getting back?
Wesley H. Allen said:
Pretty sick. Only in America!



Yes Wes, your right and your wrong, Yes its pretty sick, No, only in America, We've got our share
right here in Canada, sad as it is.

And like you and all the Members, past and present of our Armed Forces, DISGUSTED.


This guy has got to get real. "Who dies for his Country?" lemme think... ANYONE IN A WAR CEMETARY OR WAR ZONE! They volunteered, didn't they! And how are they idiotic? Isn't protecting one's peers from dictators and villains a sensible (and noble) goal? This guy... >:(
Take a look at his picture.  Obviously he doesn't get any attention and is a very sexually frustrated individual who is looking for any attention he can get.
Sh0rtbUs said:
Forget that, give me 5 minutes behind a building with him and i'm fairly sure i could change some of his ideas.

I'll help you change his ideas... lets make it 10 minutes though just for fun. :)
beach_bum said:
Take a look at his picture.   Obviously he doesn't get any attention and is a very sexually frustrated individual who is looking for any attention he can get.

Your probably right on the money!!
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