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knives and the temptation of the edged weapon....

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Ok, lets see how many of you folks out there have a good "knife stroy".....

Being one of the afflected who has a overwhelming temptation to edged weapons.... here's a cry in your beer story....

I'm sure some of you know of a gentleman named Wayne Goddard, if not and you like knives do a little internet googling on him, he does some real nice custom work.

"custom work" aka expensive....

Wayne is a local and world renowned custome knive designer / maker, an artist in the field.  a Buddy of mine is an RN (registered nurse), always nice to have someone able to patch up a hole or two around... well being around sharp objects and unrulely patients all day he has a serious "knife itch"  Always being one to like the finest his paycheck can handle one day at what is billed here as "the largest knife show in the US", not sure if that's the case but its a huge show once a year and custome knife makers abound from all over the world, oh man some great japanese steel..... drool... but I degress....

Well my buddy is a friend of Wayne, and decided to get a knife made a few years back.  My friend Dave, well is a bit ecentric... We where sitting around with Wayne one day and Dave says he wants Wayne to make him a blade, simple, nothing fancy, with a little weight but not too much....  I guess the best way to describe it is the way Dave put it...
"Wayne, I want a simple wroking knife that will slice though the forarm of a man with one hafty slash"  :o

Wayne was quiet for a little while, then said "sure I can do that...."  Money matters took place and Knife and sleath was settled on....

A few weeks and $700 USD later Wayne delievered to Dave the discussed knife.  Wow It was sweet, simple and not real heavy and long, maybe 12" tip to pommel give or take a little.  The balance was perfect, it felt like an extension of your arm, a true work of art.  Not any os this "Ninja-assasson-hevay-metal" crap you see as "martial arts stores".  This was truly a work of art... nothing fancy, no engraving, etc

But oh what an edge....  Dave was thrilled and I was jealous.  Wayne said he didn't test it on a man's forearm, he'd leave that test to Dave.  But Wayne did his homework

Well this was the type of knife one would drive out of ones way over to Daves house to drink whiskey, swap tall tales and of course fondle that knife...

One day a year of so after the birth of this knife I visited Dave to find him tossing the contants of his apartment out into the courtyard....

Pissed off I could tell from the street.... "what you looking for Dave?" 

"I can't find my Goddard" 

"Oh s$%^!, I'll help"

We trashed his place for two days looking over and over, not willing to give up, ok so there was a little whiskey during breaks...

We finialy gave up.... 

We sat back uterly shattered....  the only thing we could find was the sheath... but no knife....
Well I must explain when one visits Dave apartment, you need to watch where you sit, there being knives, handguns, etc, on, under and in between the furniture, NFA shotguns here and there,  Dave never liked to be far out of reach of something...  I think it lead back to his days as a gun runner for the Black Panthers in the 60's....  Being the only white guy in the room leaves a lasting impression....

Well Dave last remembered placing the Wayne Goddard on top of the wicker basket that served as the trash bin next to the couch....

seems Dave had dumped the trash out and the Goddard knife with it..........  :o

We assumed some transiant / Bum / Canner had rifled though the trash dumpster looking for cans and came across the knife....
At least that was the hope feeling at least someone would be using it rather then it end up in the landfill.....

Oh the horror of it all, the horror.....
I would like to get a really good utility knife.  I would prefer one that will attach at the waist and thigh.  that has both serrated and not.

I will probably use it more for hiking etc then field work.  Does anyone have a suggestions?

Samurai Sword all the way. Ive heard of good Martial Arts swords that have been able to go half way through a big tree in one slash.
Armywoman.... it all depends on how much you wanna spend...  Serrations make it harder to reshapen, something to consider.

For a field knife one of many options would to get online to Cold Steel, look into thier "seconds / sell" items, you can pick up a nice knife that might have a lil imperfection for a great price.  Cold Steel's SRK in a "2nd" w/kydex sheath would be a good start, for a lil cash.
Note for anyone, If you cant juggle balls, dont try it with knifes. I saw this one kid trying to juggle these 3 orange balls a few yards over, interested I watched for a while. This kid just couldnt get it, he tried and tried and tried. Then he put the balls down. (Now this is where all hell breaks loose) one would think that he had given up, right? Negative, this kid then picks up THREE KNIFES! and begins to jugle, needless to say there was blood as one of the knifes embedded itself in his foot.

I shook my head in disbeleif. How can such stupidity exist?
The Crowe said:
Note for anyone, If you cant juggle balls, dont try it with knifes. I saw this one kid trying to juggle these 3 orange balls a few yards over, interested I watched for a while. This kid just couldnt get it, he tried and tried and tried. Then he put the balls down. (Now this is where all heck breaks loose) one would think that he had given up, right? Negative, this kid then picks up THREE KNIFES! and begins to jugle, needless to say there was blood as one of the knifes embedded itself in his foot.

I shook my head in disbeleif. How can such stupidity exist?

What does this have to do with the discussion on hand?
Man, it sucks losing a precious knife, I can relate. Though mine was only worth around $80, it'd been with me for years. A nice Spyderco Delica, half serrated with a plastic handle (kryton maybe? it was durrable as hell, not one scratch in the 3 pr 4 years i had it). It must have fallen out of my pocket, and I haven't seen it since  :'(

Had a sweet Emerson CQC 7 (I had always wanted one...) that needed a little touch up tp the blade.  Problem was it was a single grinded edge, and I was always used to sharpening my blades with a Lansky.  I gave it to a friend that said he could do it no problem.  Well damned if he didn't take it to a GRINDING WHEEL, and then touch it up with a Lansky.  It was ruined beyond all hopes of repair.  :rage:
Benchmade - nothing fancy but a great factory knife.  Only problem is I've lost three of them in the last year  :-[
At $130 USD a knife...

Man, I will never understand how you guys could afford to pay more than $20 for a knife. i mean, is your name Saddam Hussein? Do you actually plan on using it for any rough field work? Seems to me that all your crazy alloy knives are just 1% performance increase for 500% increase in cost. What on earth does your fancy knife do that a $10 kitchen knife doesn't? If I had a $100 knife it would never leave the display case.
pappy said:
Ok, lets see how many of you folks out there have a good "knife stroy".....

Ex-Dragoon said:
What does this have to do with the discussion on hand?

  I think that was his knife story.  X2 for the Cold Steel, although the Harsey Tactical Folder is nice, a little too high speed for most uses.  I think I would cry if I bought it and lost it, too. 
Well I have a little knife story to tell you guys. You would think that every human being over the age of 2 would know which way to hold a knife, well a friend of mine proved that wrong. Picked up one of those small little knives that are used to cut thin vinyl and the like. Well he picks it up the wrong way, then in his infinite intelligence, puts his finger on the blade of it, you know because you can put more force on it that way ::) , then he tries to slice an insulated wire coming out of a PS2 controller he wanted to fix with the dull side (remember his index finger is on the sharp end ::) ). And instead of cutting through the wire he ends up slicing his finger nearly to the bone. I wont be forgetting that story anytime soon, not to mention how a few drops of blood turned into "pretty near a sink full of blood". ;)
Hey Pappy,

Because of your thread I just ordered this book online written by Wayne Goddard

Wayne Goddard's $50 Knife Shop

I have always been a knife admirer ,love to carve wood, and have a keen interest in learning to to make my own knives.

Who knows, maybe with Wayne's advice, I can start to make the Sgian Dhubs for army.ca.....



I don't want something too extravagant.  I am cheap, but if it will serve me well while hiking, and would be functional to wear while on kayaking trips, then I won't mind paying a little more.  I just don't want to spend so much that should I find myself bailing from my kayak in English Bay and the sheath comes undone,  I don't drown myself in a desperate attempt to get it back as it sinks.
I also don't think the coast guard would appreciate a search and rescue call on a knife!!  ;)
"What's gone, ma'am? Are you in danger?"

It depends on what you're looking for in a knife. Folders are great for carrying, but the lack the strength of a good full tang fixed blade (full tang means the blad metal extends through the whole handle). If it's for general purpose use in the wilderness and while kayaking I'd suggest a diver's knife. Built to go in the water and to stay in its sheath, and not too big, but will perform most cutting tasks nicely.

During training yeah, but i lost mine at school. Doesn't help that I couldn't report it cause the college has a no-knife policy...