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Originally posted by Spr.Earl:
Make sure you put your last 3 of your service # on all your kit plus you Surname!! ;) [/QB]
Yeah, believe it or not, other people will have the same clothes as you.
Danny: Two pairs of gortex? At my unit we are only issued 1 pair. I‘m pretty sure thats the policy in LFAA anyway
Must be your unit Danny cause here in NF I got my 2 pairs of gortex boots.
Enviromental conditions maybe? (For those of you who‘ve never been to Newfoundland, what isn‘t rocky barrens or impenetrable forest is deep and endless bogs)

meni0n: You get a pair of goretex socks and a goretex bivvy bag for basic training. That‘s it though.
I have a question about the CO-OP program

Are you a member of the CF? Or just a civvie taking the BMQ course? Also what other courses do you take in the CO-OP program.

Also, there‘s goretex socks issued out before basic? I was only issued the wool.
Danny your a log wog and you only have a single pair a gortex boots? Your kidding right? I had a buddy that worked at the area support unit, If it was shiny new he took it " what is it , I want it!!" OR your still new? Haven‘t ventured over to the dark side.
Boomer004...take it easy on the guy will ya? Callin‘ people names and making fun of the fact that they‘re just getting in are we? Looking at your info sheet you‘re 30 yrs old, unemployed mao mao living in TO as a wanna be infanteer :D

Don‘t be calling people names or askin‘ if they‘re still new...he posted a legit question, answer the man. If you can‘t, move on!

As for joking around, I‘ll take on all comers :D

Don‘t worry about it. It‘s probably a supply problem. Everyone is entitled to 2 pairs. They‘re probably just limiting it so there‘s more to go around. Probably get your second set when you‘re finished course.

The CO-OP is simply..join the reserves and take your BMQ instead of attend school for a semester (Febuary to june) and gain 4 credits from doing it. Most schools offer it, and after the semester, i can continue to stay with the Reserves if i wish as long as i want. I plan to stick with the reserves umtil i graduate, and then go Regular.

The only catch is, the co-op placement you choose needs to relate to a course your taking now. Any Phys. ED course will do..thats what I used. Plus, u need the reserves minimum requirements met (obviously)
are mukluks and the cold/wet weather gloves standard issue? I own my own pair of decomissioned cold/wet weather gloves , and there in good shape, but ive been using them alot in civy life recently because of our cold temperatures here in south central ontario, but if i dont get issued another pair, i dont want to wear them out even more than i would in the field.
Must have hit a nerve with boomer. He‘s moved on. Oh well...

Leopard11...you should get a pair of each. It‘s normal scale for everyone. I don‘t know how it works for this "co-op" program. Never even knew this thing existed until we got one in the Regiment. A complete bag of hammers. He‘ll be gone soon enough.

hey shortbus, where are you doing the co-op?

i start the army reserve co-op feb 2nd in hamilton with the royal hamilton light infantry. i still dont have my kit either. hopefully this tuesday i‘ll get it
I remember that when I joined I was given 4 points to consider and know for my entire career .. the one you use the most is make your timings. :) But the other one is to keep control of your kit. Don‘t let it out of your site for long. Along the way some pointers I‘ve gotten from the guys in the regiment regarding kit. The most important was to really watch your gerber.. they‘re expensive and their key things that other guys like to swipe if they lose it or want another one for home.

Also, don‘t swipe things from your coursemates .. I guess some people think it‘s ok when you‘re on exercise with other units.. pack rat military people.. lol.
Originally posted by Darkstar:
[qb] hey shortbus, where are you doing the co-op?

i start the army reserve co-op feb 2nd in hamilton with the royal hamilton light infantry. i still dont have my kit either. hopefully this tuesday i‘ll get it [/qb]
I begin training in a few weeks. Im with the Queens York Ranger in Aurora.
Only one bag of hammers in that regiment, Franko?
I think some of his buddies are hiding ;)
Oh there are plenty to go around in the RCD. The point I was making is he‘s the only co-op who went direct entry, made it to my Regiment that I‘ve ever seen. I didn‘t even know this program existed until ‘IT‘ showed up.

"IT" didn‘t know how to do up it‘s combat boots properly, never mind cleaning them. He by-passed basic so he didn‘t even have basic skills. He showed up one day, beaming. He was "ready" to go to the field in the Coyoties. We were going out to do OPs and he brought his cot! He didn‘t even bring out any cold weather gear. Later I had "IT" in my patrol for some heliborne ops. All we were going to do was recce a spot where 1 RCR were. They were told of us going out so they were ready to get us. I got my patrol to the ORV(50m from AOI) and told them the plan. I started my clover leaf and "IT" lit up a smoke(it was below 20 so you could see the smoke rising) and he started to cough...hard! I could here it, the Royals could too! We packed up and got the **** out of there. After we were safe, I asked him what he was thinking doing that. The answer was"what did I do wrong?". AAAARRRRGGGGHHGHHHhh !!!

There are lots of idiots in the Regiment, and they are being weeded out. I just can‘t believe they actually let this one in!

Just as a note, my troop and I tried for 9 months to teach this guy the ropes...no luck at all. He can‘t even go a full week without being late for PT...we are writing "IT" off.

Hey everyone... I just got sworn into the Reserves. Now a private in the British Columbia Dragoons.. I got all my kit this thursday and I am spossed to have all my uniform squared away before next thursday.. I got a quick question since were on the topic of kit.. How do you put your unit pin on your beret.... It has a hard part to put it on but no hole... It looks like it has a place to cut so you can put it on(the unit badge doesnt have a pin to stick it on with just a clip...) I dont wanna go an hack away at my beret if im not spossed to... any answers would be greatly appreciated... Thanks
I certainly hope your unit hasn‘t issued you a unit cap badge yet, as you haven‘t even been trained, Superman... but some units do that (GGFG‘s for example).

You have to cut the beret material, a small incision if you are using the sliding clip type badge (such as the cornflake, or the Infantry badge).

Since my regiment doesn‘t wear berets, I tossed it in to the dresser and forgot about it. Our unit cap badges have a pin back for attachment to our balmorals.
Sig Line kinda off, Should be PTE (R) Basic LOL. Dont have a unit yet :-)You get you R and T removed when your Fully Qual :-) In about a Year. The New System. I hate it takes too long to get Qual, BMQ, SQ BIQ, what happen to 6 Weeks Ql2 and 8 weeks QL3. there PTE, Oh Well have fun.

Just tesing yah :-), We do it all the time, go up to a PTE R what unit are you in BLAB BLAB, you dont wear the cap badge so your not. Just a way of fun, and Thursday night boredom. That or feed the mice, that run around.

They should teach you next training date what to do. How to wear the combats, so you dont look like a Bag of hammers.