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Q.What extra kit should I bring for basic training?

A. For those about to embark on basic training: here are some items that may be useful to take along, regardless of trade or NCM/Officer designation:

  • black boot polish (kiwi)
  • applicator brush (kiwi)
  • boot brush (kiwi)
  • Kiwi cloth (kiwi makes the best polishing stuff)
  • spending money in cash
  • calling card
  • liquid laundry soap
  • a black permanent marker
  • brasso
  • alarm clock (preferably small and battery operated)
  • comfortable running shoes
  • sewing kit (lots of needles)
  • good insoles
  • cards (just in case he gets free time)
  • swiffer pads
  • iron/spray starch
  • void cheque
<u>Initial Kit List</u>

<font color="red" size="1.5">The following is a list of kit which you will recieve during your initial draw/‘kit up‘. The amount of certain items and what items you recieve, will vary from place to place and from time to time. </font>
<font color="yellow" size="2">
3x Shirt, Combat
3x Trousers, Combat
5x T-Shirt, Combat
1x Coat, Combat
1x Liner, Combat Coat
1x Cap, Knit (touque)
1x Shelter Half (groundsheet)
2x Boots, Combat
1x Canteen, Water (1L)
1x Webbing (but pack, mag pouches, utility pouch/C9, canteen carrier, KFS carrier, web belt, yolk, etc)
1x Belt, Trousers
1x Sweat Shirt (hoodie)
1x Sweat Pants
1x Sewing Kit
5x Socks
1x Coveralls
1x Case, Sleeping Bag (valise)
1x Cup, Water Canteen
1x Liner, Wet Weather Poncho (ranger blanket)
1x Hat, Camouflage Pattern (US Woodland Bushcap)
1x Knife, Pocket (Gerber Multi-tool)
1x Shoes, Gymnasium (running shoes)
4x T-Shirt, Athlete‘s (PT Shirt)
4x Shorts, Athlete‘s (PT Shorts)
1x Scarf
1x Beret
1x Bivvy Bag
5x Drawers (boxers/passionkillers)
1x Sleeping Bag
1x Sleeping Bag
1x Liner, Sleeping Bag
1x Overshoes (for combat boots)
1x Glove Shells (black leather gloves)
1x Glove Inserts (green knit)
1x Insignia, Head-Dress (CF capbadge/cornflake)
2x Drawers, Extreme Cold Weather (longjohns)
2x Undershirt, Extreme Cold Weather
1x Respirator (gas mask)
1x Respirator Carrier
2x Bag, Duffel
1x Helmet, Combat
1x Cover, Helmet (CADPAT)
1x KFS (knife, Fork, Spoon)
1x Melmac Cup
1x Melmac Plate
1x Canteen, Thermal
1x Ruck Sack (may or may not come in pieces)
1x Coat, Rain
1x Trousers, Rain
<font color="yellow" size="1.5">
Apparently you may also be issued with Barrack Boxes and Winter Kit.
<font color="red" size="1.5">
Miscellaneous items such as Cam Pain, Matches, Foot Powder, Lip Balm, Flashlights, Earplugs, ect are generally provided at the unit level.</font>

<font color="green">Any additions, corrections or comments are welcomed. Just PM me. </font>
From what I've heard, you only carry all of it during basic.  After basic, you carry what you need.  But not everything you do at basic is for its stated purpose...some of the things you do you are told one thing, but its so you learn another...But if they told you the other, you wouldn't do it, and you wouldn't learn.  There are no lessons like the ones you learn on your own.

At least, so it appears to me.  Maybe I'm just talking out of my ass.
I found that floor wax/polish and steel wool (if not provided) were great when doing a course where you are going to be living rooms with several other people. We hand polished the floor of our room and it turned out WAY more shiny than any of the other rooms. Plus it made the whole room look a lot more cleaner in general.

I don't quite remember how we did it, but I think we went over the floor with soap, water, and steel wool to take any dirt/smudges off, and then polished it with a rag and the wax.
At CFLRS, Leadership school, we were told to only use the products we had (ie no wax!) OF course we all purchased little overpriced/marked up extras frm the Canex (those Grab-it like things are good for last minute dust runs).

Endust is an awesome product that the Canex did not have :(
the kit I was issued last week isn't at all like that list:

3 T-shirts
no sweatshirt or pants,
only 3 pair of wool socks,
no coveralls, no dress socks either,
no ranger blanket, or PT gear(shoes,shorts,T's),
didn't get the boxers or 'passionkillers',
or the cold weather undies,
no gas mask, cup or plate,
though I did get the issue knit sweater
and to top it off only 1 duffel to carry it all in.

lucky I talked the supply guy into letting me take a big cardboard box, I still looked funny as heck walking through  the ASU with the duffel on my back a huge box with the sleeping bag on top of the box trying to see where I'm going, and get through all the sets of doors  ;D

The supply guy also told me that some of the kit isn't issued till after BMQ because of the drop out rate, they don't want to give out the  good kit if your not going to get to using it anyway. perhaps its a reserve thing as to why i didn't get all the kit?


also, maybe someone out there could shed a bit of light as to how some of this stuff works, simple things, like how to properly blouse  trousers, and what a properly formed beret looks like, if anyone has pics, or a good discription i'm sure that would help. the reason I ask of this is a new recruit like me that i met resently, didn't know what 'kit' was or what BMQ or SQ stood for, and I can't wait to see what his uniform looks like on the first day, and I wonder how many more are like him out there,
