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Kids football team could be stuck in cave for months

Well done to all involved in the rescue. Its nice to see a story with a successful conclusion.
BZ Thai Seals.  But do keep a good thought in your mind for the one who gave his life to make it happen. Raise a glass in  :salute:
"Kids football team could be stuck in cave for months"

The story broke on July 3, the day the team was found having been lost for 9 days.

The rescue was completed on July 10, a week after the team was located and 16 days after getting lost.

So, again, the headline:  Was it Fake News  or Alternative Facts or what we used to call Sensationalism?  Like any other Daily Mail headline?  Or was it just what we occasionally refer to as Opinion?

My money is on Opinion.  Speculation based on available information and personal filters.
So most of the reports were discussing the options at the time.

Take this BBC report at the time.  2 options.  Teaching the kids how to dive or waiting out for four months. 

The BBC quoted the Thai military.

Not fake news nor opinion.  Just the options that were presented.  As things develop option can either become limited or impossible. 

Just like COAs.  You look at them then you pick one.

Remius said:
So most of the reports were discussing the options at the time.

Take this BBC report at the time.  2 options.  Teaching the kids how to dive or waiting out for four months. 

The BBC quoted the Thai military.

Not fake news nor opinion.  Just the options that were presented.  As things develop option can either become limited or impossible. 

Just like COAs.  You look at them then you pick one.
Yup. The story was true at the time. They were debating whether it was too dangerous to teach the kids how to dive, and if that's what they decided, they "could " have been stuck in the cave for months.
On seeing the topic title I was somewhat optimistic that a discussion about the use of "fake news et al" in threads would be forthcoming but then was deflated when I saw the story that was presented as the example.  While some media outlets undoubtedly presented the trapped kids in a cave story with as much hype as possible (after all, their business is to get as many eyeballs on them IOT increase revenue) most reported the facts as known or according to information released by authorities.  Their analyses (including that by "experts") mostly stayed in their lanes.

As to the variance between what was initially reported as the likely time before final rescue and when they actually were brought to the surface, probably the best and most recent similar example would be the Chilean miners.  They were trapped on 5 Aug 2010, contact made on 22 Aug and shortly after drilling of a rescue bore began (30 Aug) the "optimistic" opinion of those advising the government was that it could take up to four months to get them out.  The miners were extracted just shy of a month and a half later (13 Oct).  Was the government (and their experts) being cautious in using such a generous timeline.  Of course, but other than when announcing what something would cost when has a government ever deliberately set itself up to not make a deadline when lives are at stake.

Chris Pook said:
"Kids football team could be stuck in cave for months"

. . . .

So, again, the headline:  Was it Fake News  or Alternative Facts or what we used to call Sensationalism?  Like any other Daily Mail headline?  Or was it just what we occasionally refer to as Opinion?

Headline?  Or the topic title made up by the OP for that particular thread?  If you clicked the link to the BBC article that the poster had in the initial post the headline was "Thailand cave: 'Zero risks' to be taken in rescue of boys" .  So whose sensationalism, opinion or alternative facts are you questioning?  The media, the government (or other group) or forum members who post it here?  In this instance, I see none at fault.  Now. if this thread dealt with subjects much more commonly posted in the political threads and well opined about, then yeah, there is more than enough being spread about and fertilizing unproductive fields (and minds).
Chris Pook said:
"Kids football team could be stuck in cave for months"

The story broke on July 3, the day the team was found having been lost for 9 days.

The rescue was completed on July 10, a week after the team was located and 16 days after getting lost.

So, again, the headline:  Was it Fake News  or Alternative Facts or what we used to call Sensationalism?  Like any other Daily Mail headline?  Or was it just what we occasionally refer to as Opinion?

My money is on Opinion.  Speculation based on available information and personal filters.


The title is paraphrased (pulled really) right in the article I posted.

Earlier, the Thai military said the boys would need to learn to dive - or wait up to four months for flooding to recede before they could get out of the caves,

Multiple news agencies reported the same thing.

To me the the kids possibly being stuck in the cave for four months was the most significant aspect of the story so that's why I used it as a title. If it was speculation or opinion then it's from rescue workers and Thai Navy divers on scene, not me.

They were still talking about the kids staying down there for months 2 days before the first boy was pulled out.

Could be a tactic by the Thai authorities to keep the media occupied and not harassing the team.
4 months in the cave was likely the probable COA, however on completing some version of mission analysis, they realized the habitability of the cave was decreasing faster then allowable in the circumstances.

I'm pretty certain I read somewhere in the myriad of articles published that some unseasonably good weather arose and coupled with concerns about livability in the cave, the command team decided it was worth trying now. The other COA may have burned itself out once more information came to light about conditions in the cave.

"Gain and maintain the initiative" is a *principle of battle is it not? It looks like they were able to make the call and the worlds collective hindsight will likely prove it to be the correct call at the time.

*Note: I'm probably calling it the wrong thing. Please correct me if my terminology is wrong or out of date.

Tango2Bravo said:
Maybe we just recognize the skill, heroism and sacrifice of the rescue team?

I agree.The Honors List will include some Australians that helped including a doctor who stayed with the boys and was among the last extracted.Thailand will probably present awards to the Thai SEALs and international participants.

Loachman said:

Since Saman was is a Buddhist, being comforted by a paternalistic old white guy is a little unrealistic.  But being a Buddhist and with his last thoughts and deeds to determine his next existence, he is well settled.

Buddhists believe that after death rebirth can take place in any one of a number of possible existences. This future existence is conditioned by the last thought-moment a person experiences at the point of death. This last thought which determines the next existence results from the past actions of a man either in this life or before that. Hence, if the predominant thought reflects meritorious action, then he will find his future existence in a happy state.
tomahawk6 said:

Amazing rescue effort!  The details and scale of team in place to extract the boys is abosultey staggering.

Hats off to all who participated, including the USAF PJs!


Blackadder1916 said:
Since Saman was is a Buddhist, being comforted by a paternalistic old white guy is a little unrealistic.  But being a Buddhist and with his last thoughts and deeds to determine his next existence, he is well settled.

True, but the cartoon's intended audience is western Christians, some of whom take that paternalistic old white guy pretty seriously.
The international workers are being given 5 year visa's and Thai airways is giving them a round trip ticket as a way to thank them.
and a week's all expense paid trip.


Thai Airways is providing round-trip tickets and an all-expenses-paid weeklong trip for all of the international volunteers who worked on the rescue. The tourism authority is also giving them all a five-year visa.
A Canadian diver was part of the rescue effort Erik Brown.

Ozzy Man & Mozza On Thailand Cave Rescue https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9JP-hhtb2UY