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Kicking the habit


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Ok, I decided to quit smoking. It's been hell so far. My poor cat must think I am possessed. I know that most of my military friends and family smoke or are former smokers. Perhaps we could all pass on some advice for those , like me, who are trying or who want to quit but don't quite know if they can do it yet. It's a tough habit, somedays I almost wish i took up heroin cause they say that its easier to quit than smoking.  >:D
I quit smoking 2 years ago..  Best decision I ever took!!!

When you have a craving, go out for a run, you'll remember what it can get to you when you stop running after 45 sec.. (Well, it was my case, but I wasn't in shape AT ALL!!!)

Also, they say to stop doing what you can associate with cigarette..  Like bars, drinking, coffee...  Anything..

And also, hang in there!!  The worse is the first few days..  after that, it just gets easier!!

Good luck!

I quite every once in a while.
I'll be taking the big plunge (no really this time I mean it) this coming week, the best way to quit is to go for a run, boom that's it.
One run and you realise how bloody awful your lungs are after having a cigarette, keep up the running, within a week after realising how far you've come in so little time you'll not want to go back.

That's how I've done it before. Normally I've slipped back after a night down at the pubs/bars but I'll be having a dry few months for now, so that'll help.
I have never been this cranky in my life. Running, hehe its a great idea but i think I would do more sliding right now since it's as my mom would say "like a bottle out there" in good old edmonton.
   I once heard someone say that the first three days are the worse and that after that it will get easier. I dunno if anyone will know but can the withdrawl be what is causing my insomnia.  >:D
I smoked for about 10 years, was a steady pack a day near the end of it. I quit using a drug called Zyban. I have not touched a cig in 2.5 years, and have no cravings at all. Even if I am standing next to someone smoking offering me one.

The drug itself is unpleasant as it caused some major sleeping problems (could not sleep, and when I did I had really bad nightmares) and I was on edge a lot. But I did not have any major cravings while on the drug. In fact, I was supposed to use it for 2 months, but I stopped the medication after one month. It was a difficult month, but it was worth it.

If you can quite using the natural way, go for it. But if you really want to quit and have problems, perhaps you should look into this medication.

I did get sleep problems, headaches, for about 3-4 days..  just the time for you body to adjust...  Try not to hit anyone, that helps too.  ;)

I quit using the patches and it was not too bad..  But I think it's just mental..  If you think it helps you, even if it does nothing, it's just the mental side of it..  Be tough, hang on, and you'll get thru..

That's awesome, good for you ;) , i quit in Bosnia (yea i know everyone thought i was nuts) 4 years ago, best move i ever made, not only is it disgusting and smelly think of all the cash you'll be saving! Besides i really wanted to get pregnant when i got back (yea more like 2 years later) and it was just easier than "oh I'm pregnant better quit" I went on the patch, not sure if helped but man talk about some phsyco dreams!..lol.Try not to hang around where there is cigarette smoke (i know easier said than done) and get something to occupy your hands  ;D also chewing gum or toothpicks or stir sticks whatever, and find someone for support, remember we are here for ya! Good luck.

I also quit in Bosnia, and I became so cranky (and to be honest, I was pretty cranky to start with) that the MO wrote me a sick chit ordering me to smoke for the sake of the rest of the Camp (I was 89er and Camp Commandant...).  The wife quit at the same time (it is safest to do when 3500 miles apart), and we went 18 mths smoke free.  Fast forward to the Liquor Dome in Halifax, after a rugby gane, and voila, I am a smoker again.  Ath the same time, back in Toronto, my wife was organising a move at our own expense, and she started smoking too.  Oh well - we will keep trying.  Our latest technique is to roll our own, on the theory that smoking will become so onerous that we will quit.  Turns out that we just have a new hobby - rolling our own smokes!

Dave (stubbing out another smoke)
Not that it will work for everyone but just before retiring for the evening the night before I quit (for the 2nd time) I still had 4 or 5 cigarettes in my deck which I forced myself to chain smoke until all were gone.   Needless to say that had me wretching and gagging and choking etc.    So my last memories of a cigarette are unpleasant ones and that memory has helped so far.

Hope that hint helps & good luck !
I've never been a smoker but I've been a quitting helper many times.  Try to enlist a friend or two with permission to knock you in the head if they see you smoking.  Many times I've seen smokers try to tempt potential quitters just to be jerks.  Don't let this happen to you, get your friend to haul you away.  They've all said this was a big help to them. 

Good luck.
Many times I've seen smokers try to tempt potential quitters just to be jerks.

Suprising isn't it?. I have witnessed that also, is it hey if I have to put up with smelly breath and damaged lungs,...so do you?   

Good luck.
My old man has been quit for 28 years.   He says that the cravings are just as strong, but less often.   Every couple of years he STILL talks about rolling up a smoke etc.   I dunno what to say, it's impossible to quit, but you can STOP for a while.... maybe a "while" is 30 years.   Whoosh, I wish cigarettes were as good for you as riboflavin and exercise!
ok, well I fell off the damn wagon but I am getting back on. I went a few days with no smokes at all and then I had like two a day the past couple days. It's so hard. I have constant headaches and I cant sleep and when i do sleep i have freaky dreams and I'm not even on the patch(I used the patch before and it was a trip). Why can't smoking just be good for us. I love it so much. Oh well here i go, my goal is to go all weekend without a smoke.  >:D
I quit smoking almost 3 months ago now. I know it will help me in the long run when I am in the infantry. The best way to quit is to go cold turkey. I favoured chewing gum as a more healthy alternative. Try chewing on some mint gum because it really is a disgusting taste if you smoke after one of those. Otherwise, it's all in your mind. You don't NEED one, just want one. We don't always get what we want.


Also, if you see one of those "Anti-Smoking Commercials" Shut it off.
Damn those things are bad for cravings.
Chugging a lot of water is helping me, I'll get a slight craving and pound a botle of water back, and lets face it no one wants to smoke on a stomach full of water (..well I don't anyway)

The running, like I said, was the biggest factor though.
To punish myself a bit, I had my last cigarette, went right upstairs put on my PT gear and ran 5 miles (Sprinted the last K home) came home sprawled out on the porch for a while contemplating whether or not I should just give in and die or quit smoking.
I haven't touched one since because I think of how shitty I felt after that.
Drink loads of water.  It's important to keep hydrated, that's the most likely cause of the headaches.  It also helps to flush the system of the nicotine.  Quitting is easy, my Dad did it dozens of times before it killed him

I am trying to quit right now and have taken a new approach (New to me)

I stopped for two days and lit up a bit on the third but nowhere near the amount that is normal for me. I have been repeating this cycle for about two weeks now and have only smoked 4 packs in those two weeks (I am usually a pack a day man) I have cravings on the second day but they haven't been too bad yet. I am hoping to have this thing kicked by spring.

I also find that staying away from the bar is a good strategy when quitting smoking. As soon as you have a couple of drinks you want to smoke, right?
Yeah i have been trying not to buy a pack when i am having a craving, i just bum them off people. I hat being a bum so it is detering me from smoking. This is the hardest thing I think I have ever done. I wish i had never started, but when you are 14 and think you are cool you dont think about the future.  >:D
camochick said:
Yeah i have been trying not to buy a pack when i am having a craving, i just bum them off people. I hat being a bum so it is detering me from smoking. This is the hardest thing I think I have ever done. I wish i had never started, but when you are 14 and think you are cool you dont think about the future.   >:D

Hey you didn't quit smoking ..you just quit buying LOL ;) I'm have the same problem.  I'm down to a pack ever week naturally weekend roll around and crave a smoke over a beer or two.  Although sucking back alot of water does help, a bit. Cigars now there's a bit of a switch...I smoked them for a bit and when I changed back to cigarettes I notice a difference...smell and also how much it effected me to have that one smoke.  Swicsher Sweets mmmmmmm.  alright that doesn't help any! LOL

camochick said:
I wish i had never started, but when you are 14 and think you are cool you dont think about the future.   >:D

You mean you didn't start smoking for all the vitamins in them there things?  ;D