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Just got called!!

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I'm still in the process and hoping to get into BMQ by summer, all I have to do is my physical and interview and then thats it.

PS: Not going royal, hopefully Patricia's here in Edmonton :warstory:

Good luck, and have fun on basic :salute:
Hey Skinny, looks like well be doing basic together.  I got the call today, I get sworn in on 4 August, leave for basic 13 August and basic starts on 16 August.  I'm infantry too except I was told I'd be going to the PPCLI.  I guess I'll see ya there Skinny.
spenco said:
Hey Skinny, looks like well be doing basic together.   I got the call today, I get sworn in on 4 August, leave for basic 13 August and basic starts on 16 August.   I'm infantry too except I was told I'd be going to the PPCLI.   I guess I'll see ya there Skinny.

Hey spenco I will be seeing you at the swearing in same as mine, same plane trip and basic date too. I'm going FCS tech but don't hold that against me ;).
Hey man thats great to hear, I guess I'll know two people who are going...

Don't worry I won't hold that against you  ;)  ;D
anyone else in edmonton, im moving from cold lake to edmonton in 2 weeks, cant wait. joinin the loyal edmonton regiment.
spenco said:
Hey Skinny, looks like well be doing basic together.  I got the call today, I get sworn in on 4 August, leave for basic 13 August and basic starts on 16 August.  I'm infantry too except I was told I'd be going to the PPCLI.  I guess I'll see ya there Skinny.

Where are you from? i wanted ppcli, but i guess since im from the east thats where i get to go.

Skinny said:
Where are you from? i wanted ppcli, but i guess since im from the east thats where i get to go.

I'm from Vancouver.  

Anyone else starting BMQ on 16 August? so far myself, Skinny and Copper_ and Nitz (but hes a frenchie ;D ) are all going on the same date, forgive me if I've missed anyone.

Edited because I can't speel.
Count me in boys, just got the call today; same basic recruit training date. Also, big thanks to Kincanucks for helping me through this long process of mine, I really appreciate for all you've done. ;D
Congratulations Skinny and good luck. Im currently in the application process. Cheers!!! Head up bro. :cdn:
Congrats to all that got the call. I can't wait till I can go, assuming nothing goes wrong with my tests.

Cheers :cdn: :salute:
Hey Guys! Female here.. and ready to go on July 5th ;D  Its going to be awesome! Congratulations to everyone and the best of luck on your courses :warstory:
lol I'm stoked for you guys =)  I got the call a couple of weeks ago, I head out august 14th to st. jean quebec for BMQ, I was told I got a job with PPCLI, but wether its in shailo or edmonton I wasn't told yet.

did you guys opt to take the bible oath? or the affermation?

congrats to all of us!!! we should get some names and contacts so we have some people to talk to on our first day, since we have a few days until basic starts maybe we could go grab some beers or something lol.
heres my email and msn contact for anyone going to st. jean for bmq on august 16th

I'm gonna be stopping by the CFRC this week and find out whats happening with my application. Hopefully I'll be able to see you there, I'm trying to go PPCLI as well.

Have fun and good luck :salute: :cdn:
I finally got the call this afternoon. I got a job offer for reg. force infantry and I start my bmq on October 3rd. It was a great feeling to get a call from the recruiting office telling me they had a job offer for me. For anyone starting bmq on October 3rd, I hope to see you there.