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Just got called!!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Johnson
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Let me jump in here.

I did all my testing in October 2002, and Novemeber 15th was told I would be leaving to St. Jean on March 9th.

Was told on Jan 6th that I am now leaving on Feb 9th to St. Jean.

I‘m going infantry.
Yeah there is something wrong about all this. Im not sure what place you go or call. Look, Ill phone the recruiters up tomorrow morning and find out for you whats going on. Ill ask about infantry and stuff and let you know asap.
Hello all.
I‘ll be in that Feb 18 course too Johnson.

I fly out of Calgary on the 16th
Excellent man, Ill see you there!

What trade are you doing?

For Sean85 and Drez,

The guy I talked on the phone with said that the Infantry was not taking anymore people at the moment, but then he said that he talked them into accepting me. So maybe it takes some Persuading to get in, just keep inquiring about it and something good will happen.

Good Luck!
Well Im watching out for him more then me on this one...with everything Ive seen, they are hastily passing me through...he said mid feb. for boot for me....

So erm Im not sure....Ill see I guess but thx.
My trade will be infantry.
I was offered a job with the PPCLI.
Thats weird, I thought PPCLI was full. Oh well, anyway i got into the RCR.
You guys just got to get some patience. They will get to. It takes time. (sure not as much as i‘m sure it used to) I‘m one of those people who waited a year and a half to get in and I finally did. When they call you they call you. If you have to wait to get on a basic. Who knows it might be good because there many be an SQ course starting RIGHT after basic that way and u can get on it rihgt after basic instead of having to wait for 2-3 months in holding troop.

So my advice. Be patient. BUG the recruiting center. And wait some more. They will get you in. And like someone else posted. Infantry is full because they cannot train them as fast as they can go through. But more than likely it will not take a year. Just keep them on there toes

Andrew :bullet: :cdn: :bullet:
According to one of my friends working at the recruiters, make sure that you have sent or bring all the needed files and papers the day you pass the written exam. Things like the last 5 years residence addresses have to look good, concise and in full.

She says that if any files are missing they simply put your name on hold, and really dont bother looking into it and calling up since they have tons of other apps. to process. Make sure you call up and ask if you are missing anything or if anything was wrongly given.


While you are waiting for the written exam, it is good to process the rest of the stuff you need, so that when you go and pass the test, you have EVERYTHING ready to file in, like your physical test report, and the files they require (Social number, 5 years address thing, etc.)

Doing this all ahead of time, will make sure your application is processed very quickly. Expect a call for interview and medicals very soon if you did all the above procedures right down to the letter.

Of course, school opening for the program you choose will determine how quickly you get in, but think of it this way. They will call and sched. a person who has everything 100% exact and complete, before they call the guy with 98%. So make sure everything is PERFECT! :D

And for your information people, I was told that they are recruiting infantry at the moment. The only factor that offsets this is the places within the schools. They have to accomodate both english and french for the RCR, PPCLI and the 22nd(French). So if you have good english and french skills in writing AND reading you can file for any place that becomes available and not have to wait for a place to open in english only for example.

Hope this helps at all.
Courtesy of the Recruiting Center in Montreal,

Thanks! :) :cdn: :)

OH! If anybody needs the list of ALL things needed when you go for your written test, to make sure things go as fast as they can, just ask Ill post em up!....
K thnks for the help Drez.....

I recieved another phone call today and they said that my tests should be done in april because that is when they believe more infantry spot will open up......so hopefully ill be at basic this summer :)

Maybe one reason that it takes longer for me is im in g12 and still finishing up my year... and drez and johnson are out of school and they can leave right away for training where as i will be leaving in late june or early july. SO they probally would get those peoples test done first since they can leave anytime

thnks again for the help :cdn:
Just a note on the comments of patience.
I applied last Feb. so it can take some time
as everyone says just stay in contact with your file manager.
Sean...I have been in process for 9 months with 39 brigade. Most of the delay is clerks at CFRC Vancouver were shipped out to help at other centres. They are rotating them. With PPCLI going to Afghanistan this year, LFWA has had to shelve recruiting to fund training shortfalls. That is why recruiters more eastward are able to process recruits faster. Until some budget issues are addressed, it will probably remain delayed here in the Lower Mainland.
Well I just wanted to share with everyone that I got a call this morning and I‘m in. I was successful at the Military Police Assessment Centre and I am found suitable for the Military Police trade. I will begin my training in late April or early May, provided I get the offer. Still have to wait and see for that. Thanks for the help from everyone on this forum as well as the DND forum.

Congrats Shaun. This have been a long wait but you stuck with it.
Good news to hear! I remember you first talking about this over on the DND forums. Good luck in the training and have a blast!
Thats good to hear Shaun.

Would you mind telling us what the assessment center consisted of? Where was it? How long was it? What did they make you do? Etc.

Any info would be great on such a sketchy and secret trade.
Congrats man. I am stuck waiting for my file to reopen so I my app will be awhile, argh. Good luck though!

We had to sign an oath saying that we wouldn‘t discuss what happens at MPAC so I won‘t get into the details about it. It was held in Halifax and there were two serials. Each serial lasted 3 days. Basically we were watched the whole time we were in Halifax. Everything we did was monitored to be sure that they were getting an accurate assessment of the candidates. Most of the reasoning behind the secrecy in the trade is because the way the exercises are laid out, you can‘t practice for them. It has to be completely you or they‘ll know there‘s something that‘s not right. Sorry I couldn‘t be of much help, but I don‘t want to jeopardize my situtation or ruin it for anyone else. Thanks for the congrats everyone, now I just have to sit and wait for the offer. Should be coming in soon. Take care everyone.