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Just Completed My Appication Process...

Big T

Jr. Member
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  Hallo everyone! I'm just here to post that I have just completed my physical test today (19.06.2006) and am anxiously awaiting the call.  I assure you, I do realize it wont be for at least a week, haha! It has been a very long process for myself, but deffinitly worth the wait.  Good luck to the rest of you concidering and or in the process currently!

-Cheers  ;D

If I didn't have a debt that I was unaware of show up on my credit check it would have only been a month or so. With the bill and having to pay it off and bring in a receipt it has been about 2 months (If you were asking me  :P).
Yeah same almost 6 months here the last time I applied, and 2 years later im in the wait again...Just out of curiosity what are you applying too PRes?

hey i didn't want to start another thread so i'll post in here.

I too Just finished my application process. I'm going in for Reg. Infantry
I'm hoping mid July'ish i get sworn in, then beginning Aug off to BMQ ;D

Put in my application on April 13th
Wrote CFAT - May 10th
Interview - June 13th
PT - June 21st
Medical - June 22nd

now i guess it's time for me to hurry up and wait ;)

Usman_Syed said:
Yeah same almost 6 months here the last time I applied, and 2 years later im in the wait again...Just out of curiosity what are you applying too PRes?



P.s.  Today is the 19th of July and I am still waiting for the call (although I did have to return a couple of weeks ago to complete some of the paperwork that was found without signatures (DOH!)... I will take a look myself, but what is an average wait time from completion of the application process to the phone call? (if you get one). (I would assume it's different for everyone though... much like the application itself).
Mine was approximately 3 months from handing in my application to getting my call, and that is with a delay during my credit check.
Jake said:
Mine was approximately 3 months from handing in my application to getting my call, and that is with a delay during my credit check.

Not too long a wait for you hey! haha Although I was meaning from when you finnish the entire application process, and have nothing left but the phone call.
Received my information and application papers in the mail today...

Hehehe finally got myself ready to start this new chapter of my life. :)