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June 24 DEO Pilot Selection

I also have AEC as my second choice, does anyone know how the AEC selection works? Does it happen at the same time as the pilot selection?  Also, if someone gets offered AEC, does that mean they are no longer considered for pilot, or could you be offered AEC without knowing if you have a shot at pilot or not?  My first choice is pilot, and I wouldn't want to accept AEC if I have a shot at pilot.. but if I don't have a shot I would gladly accept AEC.  Any thoughts / advice on how to proceed would be appreciated!
AFAIK applying for more than one 'trade' is kinda like applying to a few different companies... One really has nothing to do with the other. I don't think the AEC selection people are too interested in your/our application for pilot, shouldn't  affect their selection process...  Unless of course Pilot phones first and you accept?  Then I would guess that your file would show as "unavailable" if the AEC group went to select you. I've never heard of someone getting a job offer for two different trades a couple weeks apart...

My guess is if you get an offer for a trade and decline, other trade applications should be completely unaffected. I was also told when selecting trades to apply for, YOU may look at your choices as #1, #2 and #3, but they see it as you've applied to 3 different jobs, each with completely separate criteria and selection systems...  May as well be different employers! If so fortunate as to be wanted by many, just a matter of who calls first?

Read on other threads that Vocational Transfer from one trade to another isn't easy, or quick. If you got your heart set on Pilot, then by all means let that process play out first, declining others. IF for some reason it don't work out, can always call Recruiter to see if they can re-open your file or just reapply totally for other choice(s).
Hi guys,
I am also checking my phone like a fat girl on prom night. I went to Trenton first week of June and was able to get on the merit list for the June 24th selection. Keep this thread alive and let's hope the calls are made this week. Post when/if you get an offer. Good luck to everyone!
Just curious as to how long it took to get your air factor from DRDC? There are a few of us who went there in May who still haven't got it and when I've asked about it they've said they're backed up which doesn't seem to make sense when people like yourself who went to ACS/DRDC in June already have their air factor. What's your CFRC?
Not sure what the average time is for the air factor but you can still get an offer pending your air factor checks out.
It would be on condition that my air factor/ medical comes back positive.  A conditional offer. Other than that I do not know how it works.  Montreal.
Congrats teach17! Just got the call of my life myself! Got selected - Best news ever!
Recruiter seemed to be unsure about next BMOQ date however. :cdn:
Congrats guys!  Hopefully I can post in the next round's thread.
First post here, so forgive me if I am not doing it correctly. I have also accepted an offer as a result of the June 24th selection. I was informed that my BMOQ date is set for August 26th. Good luck to everyone, and I look forward to meeting some of you there!
Congrats! I'm still waiting for my air factor to be awarded. My file manager said not that many positions were offered on this round of selection and expects another selection at the end of July to fill the remaining spots in the August and Sept BMOQs
I don't know. It sounded like the selections have been made but I don't know if they have contacted everyone at this point. If they are the good news is that another selection is just around the corner and you could be on the same BMOQ as the people who were just selected. The best news for anyone waiting I think is that there are still plenty of positions open for this FY.