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Jump Course Training


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To anyone in 32 Brigade

I'd like to take a stab at a 'jump course' in the near future...before I ask higher up in my armoured recce regiment I would very much like to hear from anyone who may have taken the course and find out what it entails (length of time, physical requirements, etc)  or from anyone who is very familiar with the training itself.



welcome to Army.ca. You may want to start with the Para threads in the Infantry FAQ:

Infantry FAQ - http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/21131.0.html

You'll also find the search page to be an effective resource: http://forums.army.ca/forums/index.php?action=search;advanced

I got a few buddys who went rigger,  I popped the question on them and they told me this.  Run and run some more, 8k+ a day at the course officers pace,  work on your pushups,  every mistake  you make with your gear is  25 push up(no longer on your helmet).  And work  on your chin up,  everytime you enter  or leave the CPC  training building it is 8 chin ups.    Oh they also  told me to say    When your  instructor tells  you to Jab    do it till it hurts ( I have no idea what this means)
Daidalous said:
Oh they also   told me to say     When your   instructor tells   you to Jab     do it till it hurts ( I have no idea what this means)

"Jab" means to assume a tight posture for lack of better words, as you exit the plane.   It entails slamming your foot down on the floor of the aircraft, holding the sides of your reserve, and leaning forward at the waist.   (like an "L") Nice and tight as you exit baby!.......................

I did my jump course back in 1987.  Basic Para 8718....................Griesbach Barracks.  Now that was jump school!