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July 2009 BMQ

i got the call as well. i am starting on the 13th of July. i cant wait, it will be such a great challenge. I'm going in for combat engineer. see everyone there  ;D
mack333 said:
Congrats Scottm.  What trade are you going into?

thanks mack333 i am going into naval electronic sensor operator (Nes op) very very excited

-"lucasbutts" i am from white rock so well prob see each other at the airport !

CDN Aviator said:
Sure, take rock climbing gear with you. But consider this :

1- You have nowhere to store it;
2- You are not going to a 9-5, Monday to Friday gig;
3- At the very least, you are stuck on base for the first 4 weekends....at least ;
4- If you do get a weekend off, you might not feel like doing something like that; and
5- You are just starting out your career. Do you realy want to increase the potential of getting hurt on your time off ? Have you considered the consequences should something happen to you ?

Just food for thought.

I have considered all of those...... except number five, that is a very good point. I would say that the obstacle course is more dangerous but at least you are "on" if anything were to happen.
scottM said:
thanks mack333 i am going into naval electronic sensor operator (Nes op) very very excited

-"lucasbutts" i am from white rock so well prob see each other at the airport !

nice, do you have to go to the recruitment centre in new west on the 15th?
lucasbutts said:
nice, do you have to go to the recruitment centre in new west on the 15th?

not to sure? but i am swearing in on the 9th. when do you swear in ? 15th i am guessing?
I could not believe it when i went for my CFAT and medical to see that i was the youngest person there (being 19) ??? I thought i would be seeing alot more people fresh out of high school like myself. I guess with this economy things are changing... Good luck to all the older guys and gals!  ;)
Geez, why don't you hand me my walker and bifocals now ;)

Good luck to all the young'uns too ;D
Ok, so this is heading our way fast....and i am going to be honest in saying that i'm a little nervous now haha

Just recently quit smoking and having a bugger of a time with running and i don't want to let anyone down...but i'm going to keep on givn'er and see...

Can't wait, kind of excited TBH
scottM said:
not to sure? but i am swearing in on the 9th. when do you swear in ? 15th i am guessing?

Woah Scott I am from White Rock and swear in on the 9th at the New West RC too! Haha I will be damned. Probably the only woman, if you see me say hi!
Tulach Ard said:
Woah Scott I am from White Rock and swear in on the 9th at the New West RC too! Haha I will be damned. Probably the only woman, if you see me say hi!

im supposed to be there for 9 am on the 9th, pretty stoked.

"Aredpath" ive heard its not even worth quitting smoking before because you will end up starting again within a week aha. Just keep on the running.
I just wish I could get more support from my family, friends and entourage at work right now.  I can't believe all of the negative comments I'm getting from people because of my age.  I'm in the best shape of my life and I know keeping up won't be a problem.
suitorj said:
i got the call as well. i am starting on the 13th of July. i cant wait, it will be such a great challenge. I'm going in for combat engineer. see everyone there  ;D

See you there Suitorj, where you from. Im from Victoria, living in Qc for the last 4 years so ill be driving down to Saint-Jean.
ahaha yeah I wasnt thinking about making a creative screenname lucas butts is my real name.... really looking forward to being ripped on about my last name...
lucasbutts said:
really looking forward to being ripped on about my last name...

My last name is Hunt, Chris Hunt. That's right C. Hunt, I'll trade ya any day :)